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File metadata and controls

127 lines (67 loc) · 3.61 KB


An auto-initialised dockerised starter stack containing the following components (all on latest versions):

  • FastAPI backend with single & bulk CRUD endpoints
  • Postgres 16 database
  • SQLAlchemy 2.0+ ORM (Async)
  • Alembic Migrations (with auto-migrate on db create)
  • Pydantic Validations
  • Pytests with new DB created for each run

Project homepage:


  • Docker
  • Git (optional but recommended)

Getting Started

  1. Clone repo:

    git clone

  2. Enter directory:

    cd fastapi_pg_sqlalchemy_async_starter

  3. (Optional) Create & activate virtual environment for local development:

    python -m venv services/backend/app/.ignore/venv && source services/backend/app/.ignore/venv/bin/activate

  4. (Optional) Install dependencies for local development/intellisense:

    pip install -r services/backend/app/requirements/base.txt

  5. Run stack (we attach only to the backend as we don't want to listen to PGAdmin4 spam):

    docker compose up --build --attach backend

  6. Everything's running:

  7. Run migrations with Alembic (if you want the Books model for testing/demo purposes):

    docker compose exec backend alembic upgrade head


Set up Alembic from scratch:

  1. Init

    docker compose exec backend alembic init -t async src/migrations

  2. Setup DB config

See changes to services/backend/app/src/migrations/

  1. Create first migration

    docker compose exec backend alembic revision -m "Init" --autogenerate

  2. Run first migration

    docker compose exec backend alembic upgrade head


You can access PGAdmin4 at

See the pgadmin service in the docker-componse.yml file for credentials.

Once you've logged into PGAdmin add the db server using the details as per db service in the docker-componse.yml. Tip: Host name/address is db (name of the service) by default.

Adding a New Model

A note on conventions:

  1. Add folder to services/backend/app/src/modules

    .../models/my_model/ for the endpoints

    .../models/my_model/ for the SQLAlchemy model

    .../models/my_model/ for the Pydantic validators

  2. Import models to services/backend/app/src/migrations/

  3. Create migration:

    docker exec -it fastapi_pg_sqlalchemy-backend-1 alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Add MyModel"

  4. Run migration:

    docker exec -it fastapi_pg_sqlalchemy-backend-1 alembic upgrade head"

Useful Commands

docker compose scale worker=10

Further Considerations

Logging solution


Task Queues & Workers

Most likely Redis/RabbitMQ/Celery


There is currently no concept of multi-tenancy. Will likely implement multi-tenancy at schema (most likely the best middle-ground between separation and amount of admin) or database level. Row-level separation makes me uncomfortable for a number of reasons.





Append-Only vs. Standard CRUD

Currently uses all operations, create, read, update and delete. Might consider create only, but that brings with it its own slew of complications. Does simplify write-scalability and auditing.