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But somewhere down the line, abstraction runs out and a machine has to execute an instruction.

And so this is null country. ... Down here you are behind the scenes, and there are no special effects.

—Sam Hughes, Ra

Unseemly is not ergonomic; it's a "core" language in which a usable langage can be implemented as a library of macros.

This is a reference guide. It might be easier to get started by looking at the "tutorial" in examples/worked_example.unseemly.

For example, the fold and unfold operations are, in a normal language, implicit in data constructors and match respectively. The assumption is that any language based on Unseemly would define all of its surface syntax as macros, and would insert them where appropriate.

The file extension for Unseemly source code is .unseemly; derived languages will have their own file extensions.

Low-level structure

The default Unseemly tokenizer is very simple. Names start with a letter, and contain letters, numbers, ? and _. Non-name tokens are typically separated by whitespace and the inside edges of ([{}]). You'll tend to see constructs like .[ ]., '[ ]', and hi[ ]hi.

Sequences tend not to be comma-separated. This is 50% because of Scheme, and 50% because the feature to make it easy hasn't been added to the parser yet.


  • (expr expr ⋯) is function application.

    (plus one eight)   # 9
  • .[ x: Type ⋯ . expr ]. is lambda.

    .[lhs: Int  rhs: Int . (equal? (plus lhs one) rhs)].
    # function that determines if `lhs` is one less than `rhs`
  • match expr { pat => expr ⋯ } is a pattern match.

    match (lookup x some_table) {
        +[Some result]+ => result
        +[None]+ => zero          # default value
  • +[Choice expr ⋯]+ : Type constructs an enumerated value. The type annotation is weird, but it helps keep the typechecker simple.

    +[Some eight]+ : { +[Some Int]+  +[None]+ }
    # Equivalent to `Some(8)` in a normal language
  • *[component: expr ⋯]* constructs a structure value.

    *[x: two  y: seven]*  # coordinates
  • forall X ⋯ . expr abstracts over a type. It is typically used around lambdas.

    forall T . .[ opt: Option<T> .
        match opt {
            +[Some thing]+ => true
            +[Nil]+ => false
    ].  # Does this option contain a value?
  • unfold expr pulls one layer of mu off a recursively-typed value. It is almost exclusively used for the scrutinee in match.

    # Is `list` nonempty?
    # Assume `List` is defined as `forall T . mu_type List . { +[Nil]+ +[Cons T List<T> ]+ }`
    # `List` is recursive, so we need to peel off the `mu` to examine it:
    forall T . .[ list: List<T> .
        match unfold list {
            +[Cons car cdr]+ => true
            +[Nil]+ => false
  • fold expr: Type adds one layer of mu to recursively-typed value. It is almost exclusively used right after constructing an enum or struct. Type is the type you want after adding the mu.

    fold +[Cons eight my_list]+ : List<Int>
    # (where `List` is defined to be `forall T . mu_type List . { +[Nil]+ +[Cons T List<T> ]+ }`)
  • [Nonterminal<Type> | whatever_that_nonterminal_represents ] is syntax quotation.

    `[Expr | (plus one one) ]`  # syntax for adding 1 to 1

    (The <Type> annotation is usually optional†).

    • Inside a quotation, ,[Nonterminal<Type> | expr ], is an unquotation.
      `[Expr | (plus ,[syn_for_number], one)]`
      # Syntax for adding 1 to whatever `syn_for_number` represents.
      (The whole Nt<Type> | annotation is usually optional†).
    • Inside a quotation ...[,x, ⋯ >> whatever_that_nonterminal_represents ]... is an abstract repetition; it's only valid at parts of the grammar that accept an arbitrary number of something. x must have been parsed under some kind of repetition; this expands x to its components, duplicating everything else. It will often contain an unquotation immediately inside it.
      `[Expr | (my_fn ...[,arg_syn, >> ,[arg_syn],]...)]`
      # Syntax for invoking `my_fn` on an arbitrary number of arguments

    † The rule for when you need a type annotation is a little weird. Honestly, it's probably best to leave off type annotations unless the typechecker complains. But the rule is this: you only need an annotation if the outside of the quotation/unquotation is an expression, and the inside is a pattern. The confusing part is that whether it's a quotation or unquotation is irrelevant! (Except that when an unquotation doesn't need an annotation, it needs no Nonterminal at all.)

  • extend_syntax nt_ext ⋯ in extended_expr is syntax extension. nt_ext is Nt ::= grammar ; or Nt ::=also grammar ; (::= replaces the current definition of that Nt, ::=also extends it). grammar is defined in the section "Syntax" below. extended_expr is an expression in the new language.

      Expr ::=also forall T . '{
              lit ,{ DefaultToken }, = 'if'
              cond := ( ,{ Expr< Bool > }, )
              lit ,{ DefaultToken }, = 'then'
              then_e := ( ,{ Expr< T > }, )
              lit ,{ DefaultToken }, = 'else'
              else_e := ( ,{ Expr< T > }, )
      }' conditional -> .{
          '[Expr | match ,[cond], {
                      +[True]+ => ,[then_e],
                      +[False]+ => ,[else_e], } ]' }. ;
          if (zero? five) then eight else two

Pre-defined values

  • zero through ten are integers. (What are these "literals" you speak of?)
  • plus, minus, times, and equal? are binary functions.
  • zero? is a unary function.
  • true and false are boolean values.
  • fix is the fixpoint function. A simple way to run forever, calculating the largest number: (fix .[again: [ -> [Int -> Int]] . .[ n: Int . ((again) (plus n one))]. ].)
  • There are a bunch more functions defined in ([]


  • +[Choice pat ⋯]+ deconstructs an enumerated value.

  • *[component: pat ⋯]* deconstructs a structure value.

  • Quotation (with unquotation) is a valid pattern. The type annotation is always optional starting from a pattern.


  • [Type ⋯ -> Type] is the function type.

  • {+[Choice Type ⋯]+ ⋯} is the enumeration type.

  • *[component: Type ⋯]* is the structure type.

  • **[Type ⋯]** is a tuple type.

  • forall X ⋯ . Type is the abstracted type.

  • mu_type X ⋯ . Type protects a recursive type from being infinitely large. It is typically used inside the definition of X.

  • Type<Type ⋯> applies an abstracted type. For example, List<Int> is a list of integers. Currently, you'll want to leave a space between the angle brackets and any punctuation (the definition of DefaultToken needs revision to handle this).

  • :::[,T, >> Type]::: is a type-level "splicing map". It requires T to refer to a tuple type. Suppose T is **[A B Int]**. Then [:::[,T, >> [T -> X]]::: -> Bool] is [ [A -> X] [B -> X] [Int -> X] -> Bool].

Pre-defined types

  • Int and String are built-in types.
  • Bool is defined as { +[True]+ +[False]+ }.
  • Sequence<T> is an ordered list of Ts.
  • Option<T> is defined as { +[Some T]+ +[None]+ }.


  • lit ,{ Nt }, = 'arbitrary string' is syntax for the exact text arbitrary string, where Nt is a lexer (usually useful so that surrounding whitespace gets discarded properly).
  • /regex/ is a lexer, which matches a regex. Be sure to have a capturing group around everything except for (e.g.) the whitespace to discard!
  • my_named_subterm := ( ,{Nt<Type>}, ) binds my_named_subterm to an Nt with the type Type.
    scrutinee := ( ,{Expr<T>}, )
  • [Syntax …] is a sequence.
    [/abc/  skip_a_few := ( ,{ Expr<T>}, )  /xyz/]
  • Syntax * is a zero-or-more repetition; Syntax + is a one-or-more repetition
    argument := ( ,{Expr<T>}, ) *
    # You'll want to use `...[,argument, >>    ]...` to handle the repetition correctly
  • forall T ⋯ . '{ Syntax }' macro_name -> .{ Expr }. defines a macro. macro_name must be unique, but is otherwise ignored (this problem should be fixed)
    forall T S . '{ [
        lit ,{ DefaultToken }, = 'let'
            pat := ( ,{ Pat<S> }, )
            lit ,{ DefaultToken }, = '='
            value := ( ,{ Expr<S> }, )
            lit ,{ DefaultToken }, = ';'
        ] *
        lit ,{ DefaultToken }, = 'in'
        body := ( ,{ Expr<T> }, <-- ...[pat = value]... )
    ] }' let_macro -> .{
        '[Expr |
            match **[...[,value, >> ,[value], ]... ]**
                { **[...[,pat, >> ,[pat],]... ]** => ,[body], } ]'
    # introduces a `let` macro
  • Syntax <-- Beta binds according to Beta's specification.
    body := ( ,{Expr<T>}, ) <-- pat = value
  • common ( Syntax ) indicates that Syntax should be treated as atomic for the purpose of reporting parse errors.
  • Syntax reserving = 'arbitrary_string' … matches Syntax if it's not equal to any of the 'arbitrary_string's.

TODO: there's more syntax than this

Pre-defined nonterminals

These are defined in, and their definitions are relatively short.

  • DefaultSeparator matches whitespace. Redefine it to allow comments!
    DefaultSeparator ::= /((?s:\s|#[^\n]*)*)/ ;
    # Adds Python-style comments to the language
  • DefaultToken is a DefaultSeparator followed by a token.
  • DefaultWord is a DefaultSeparator followed by an identifier.
  • DefaultAtom is a DefaultWord, except it doesn't match reserved words.
  • DefaultReference is a DefaultAtom, except that it produces variable references, rather than atoms (which are binding-introducers).
  • Expr, Pat, and Type are expressions, patterns, and types.


  • term_name = term_name binds the names in the left term_name to be equal to the contents of the right term_name.
  • term_name : term_name binds the names in the left term_name to have the type from right term_name (which must be a Type term).
  • prot term_name "protects" the names in term_name. This is what mu_type does.
  • forall term_name abstracts over the names in term_name. This is what the type also named forall does.
  • ...[Beta]..., assuming all of the term names inside Beta are repeated, binds Beta for each repetition, shadowing left-to-right.
  • [Beta o> Beta] does left-to-right shadowing between two Betas

Example unseemly programs

(in examples/)

  • fact.unseemly takes 5 factorial. Demonstrates recursion with fix.

  • sum_list.unseemly sums the list "1, 2, 3". Demonstrates let_type, match, fold, unfold, and the need for a macro system.

  • if_macro.unseemly introduces if expr then expr else expr to the language.

  • build_a_language.unseemly add comments, let, numeric literals, and function definitions to a language.

  • worked_example.unseemly bootstraps a basic language, and has a lot of comments explaining what's going on.

  • sdl/sdl.unseemly creates a very small and totally distinct domain language for representing 3D scenes.

  • .unseemly_prelude is intended to be copied to your home directory. It's automatically loaded by the REPL. You can add to it with :s commands from the REPL. It has comments, too! You have to add those manually.

There are also some examples in the unit tests in src/