ggplot2 provides a built in diamonds
data set. We'll use this data set to explore a diamond's price versus its features.
Ever wonder what affects diamond price? Ever wonder if you're getting a good deal on the diamond you're about to buy? In this project, we will use ggplot2 to explore how a diamond's price is correlated with its features:
- Carat
- Cut
- Color
- Clarity
- Depth
- Table
- x, y, z (Volume)
You'll need to install:
- RStudio
- ggplot2
- GGally
- dplyr
- knitr
- gridExtra
- RColorBrewer
- reshape2
- scales
- bitops
- RCurl
- lattice
- car
- memisc
- Provided by ggplot2
- Main project file, an Rmd file that contains the exploration for the project.diamond_price-explore.html
- HTML output for easy viewability in browser.
Also the exploration is published directly on RPubs for easy viewing.