This is a general-purpose, statically typed programming language with the following features:
- Structures (plain data stuctures without methods, implicitly defined assignment operator)
- Interfaces
- Classes (custom defined constructors, destructors, operators, methods, inheritance of classes and interfaces)
- Free procedures and functions
- Polymorphism through interface inheritance
- Generic programming (generic classes and functions)
- Lambdas as instantiation arguments of generic classes or functions
- Exception handling with a fixed exception structure (an error code and an optional string)
- Backend is LLVM IR
The project specific files of the test language language1 are located in examples/language1
- grammar.g Grammar description in a kind of BNF with Lua function calls to the typesystem module writen in Lua as attributes.
- llvmir.lua Format templates organized in structures for producing LLVM output.
- llvmir_scalar.lua GENERATED FILE. Format templates organized in structures for the built-in basic first class scalar types.
- scalar_types.txt Descriptions of the built-in basic first class scalar types.
- typesystem.lua Implements the Lua function calls referenced in the grammar.
- fibo.prg using functions, procedures, constant string literal, and output via a C Library
call. - tree.prg implementing a tree, demonstrating a recursively defined data structure.
- pointer.prg using pointers to data and pointers to functions.
- array.prg demonstrating the use of arrays.
- class.prg demonstrating class and interface inheritance.
- generic.prg using some generic programming stuff.
- complex.prg implementing some calculations with complex numbers.
- matrix.prg implementing a matrix class using generics and lambdas.
- exception.prg testing exception handling, verified with Valgrind.