Create RESTful for deploy on Google App Engine (Standard Environment) with Yii2
- reponse both xml and json format
- make versioning
- using .env file between server and local
- using memcache via appengine
$ git clone
$ cd yii2-gae-api
$ composer install
Update environment variable for your local
$ cp .env.dist .env
Update environment variable for your GAE
$ cp app.yaml.dist app.yaml
$ cp cron.yaml.dist cron.yaml
Update configure on your local
$ cp config/main-local.php.dist config/main-local.php
$ php -S localhost:8080 -t web
localhost with google app engine
$ app.yaml
# local
GET localhost:8080/site
GET localhost:8080/v1/users
# gae
GET https://<project-id>
GET https://<project-id>