Currently supported for brokers, not zookeeper.
outside-0.yml - outside2.yml creates sample services for NodePort access, i.e. inside any firewalls that protect your cluster. Can be switched to LoadBalancer, but then the init script for brokers must be updated to retrieve external names. See discussions around Yolean#78 for examples.
When using this approach a service must be created for each kafka broker.
An alternative is to use the hostport for the outside access. When using this only one kafka broker can run on each host, which is a good idea anyway.
In order to switch to hostport the kafka advertise address needs to be switched to the ExternalIP or ExternalDNS name of the node running the broker. in kafka/10broker-config.yml switch to
OUTSIDE_HOST=$(kubectl get node "$NODE_NAME" -o jsonpath='{.status.addresses[?(@.type=="ExternalIP")].address}')
and in kafka/50kafka.yml add the hostport:
- name: outside
containerPort: 9094
hostPort: 9094