{% hint style="info" %} This is a loose adaptation from DAOstack code of conduct and should be improved ASAP {% endhint %}
- Be respectful of other members and treat each other kindly. Profane language and harassing behavior will be moderated at the admin’ circle discretion and may result in the loss of privileges.
- We do not allow links with referral/affiliate codes or self-promotions to be posted in this server. Such messages will be deleted.
- Please take the time to learn more about the categories and channels before you start posting messages. We try to keep our server as clean as possible. If you have any questions about a particular topic or channel please DM [someone].
- Market-related discussion, such as trading and price, is welcome at its own channel.
- BEWARE OF SCAMS. There may be staff impersonators and other such scammers that will DM you. Always make sure to verify identity and report these scammers to an admin.
- Moderators and server admins are all members with the “DAOincubator” role. You can find them in the server’s members list.
{% embed url="https://john.do/org-trust/" %}
{% embed url="https://wiki.aragon.org/documentation/Code\_of\_Conduct/" %}
{% embed url="https://medium.com/s/story/its-not-enough-to-be-right-you-also-have-to-be-kind-b8814111fe1" %}
{% embed url="https://www.elastic.co/community/codeofconduct" %}