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Universal sourcecode transpiler for commutative diagrams


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Victorian illustration of a boy drawing a bow.

This project is a sourcecode transpiler for commutative diagrams.

The aim is being able to translate from and to any format, most of which are LaTeX DSLs.

Here is the progress on the planned ones:

Target Import Export
amscd ██████████ ██████████
amscdx ██████░░░░ ███████░░░
CoDi ░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░
quiver ████████░░ ███████░░░
tikz-cd ░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░
xymatrix ██░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░

Abstract nonsense

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Practical considerations

A transpiler like this could be realized with many technologies. I have a few end goals:

  • integrating this in quiver;
  • creating a conversion service with no backend infrastructure;
  • using a pleasant language, with good libraries;
  • learning something new.

TypeScript therefore looks like the best choice. On top of it, two outstanding libraries that trivialize a lot of groundwork are nearley.js for grammar-based parsing and Superstruct for data validation and coercion.

Architectural guidelines

Freely transpiling among many DSLs requires a transpilation procedure for each ordered source/target language pair we want to connect.

How many transpilers do we need in total?

  • If we connect n DSLs directly, then we need two times n(n-1)/2 (i.e. twice the number of edges of a Kₙ graph).
  • If we connect n DSLs through an artificial Universal Language, then we need two times n (i.e. twice the number of edges of the Sₙ graph).

Implementing an Universal Language (UL for short) clearly is the winning strategy.

Each DSL will have a dedicated folder It will contain a some components allowing it to be transpiled back and forth from the UL.

  • schema describes the AST with superstruct structures.

    • Optional fragments of the DSL are accounted for by using optional. Anything which is valid for the original processor must validate.
    • Implicit defaults of the DSL are accounted for by using defaulted. The schema must be the single source of truth for about the DSL defaults: consumers of the AST must simply trust coercion (e.g. via create) to make them defaults explicit.
    • In nested objects defaulteds must be on children Structs, while optionals should be on the parent Structs. This allows asserts to be a simple way (after coercion) to get rid of the ... | undefined from the signatures of optional parts when processing the AST.
  • grammar describes the DSL with a nearley grammar.

    • It is an optional component which might be used by the parser.
    • It must not be ambiguous.
  • parser implements a parse function to transform sourcecode into an AST.

    • parse is responsible to perform any extra necessary decoding/deserialization on the input.
    • parse outputs a bona fide object respecting schema, meaning that the signatures are correct but no explicit validation (and especially no coercion) is done at this time.
    • parse may output an array to account for ambiguity and simplify testing, but it should only contain a single object as we ban ambiguous grammars.
  • injector implements an inject function mapping the DSL AST into the UL AST.

    • inject must assume scheme coercion has been done, so it can have no knowledge of the DSL defaults and can simply perform a few asserts to check for presence and cirvumvent the inconvenient * | undefined signatures.
    • inject must create its output, so it can avoid reasoning only about the features being actively used. This allows targeted testing with toMatchObject and avoids the need for backtracking when adding new features to the UL, all while keeping the UL fully explicit.
  • projector implements a project function mapping the UL AST onto the DSL AST.

    • project maps only features available in the target DSL.
    • TODO: a policy for approximating missing features and collecting waringns for unsupported ones must be estabilished.
  • renderer implements a render function to transform an AST to sourcecode.

    • TODO: perhaps render should include a minification process to produce the minimal code leveraging implicit defaults of the DSL. Maybe avoiding coercion is enough, but I haven't made up my mind yet.
  • index ties together all components into a simple API.

    • It implements read = inject ∘ coerce ∘ parse, which translates DSL source into its representation in universal language.
    • It implements write = render ∘ project ∘ coerce, which translates a univesal language representation into DSL source. (NOTE: coercion here can be omitted as long as we keep the UL completely explicit.)

The UL will also have its own folder. It will contain much less than other DSLs, since it's used only for internal representation.

  • schema describes the AST with superstruct structures.

    • This is the only component of the UL and is used only for internal representation.

A few more words should be spent about the design of the UL, as two very different approaches can be followed for the usage of optional structures.

  1. Everything is optional (except topology).

    • PRO: injectors output can be limited to the used attributes
    • CON: projectors input needs to be asserted to circumvent partial signatures (after the input has been coerced externally, of course)
  2. Everything is mandatory (and has reasonable defaults).

    • CON: injectors output must be created as the injector must not know about defaults and all properties are mandatory; this also avoids breakage on UL extensions
    • PRO: projectors input has simple signatures (no * | undefined) and can be destructured right away while simply ignoring unsupported features of the target DSL

It's a matter of balance, but ultimately the latter alternative has slightly better ergonomics, and a fully explicit UL schema should be simpler to reason about.


Universal sourcecode transpiler for commutative diagrams



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