diff --git a/contrib/python/src/python/pants/contrib/python/checks/tasks/python_eval.py b/contrib/python/src/python/pants/contrib/python/checks/tasks/python_eval.py
index 68de0738e8c..5fcf7ddf020 100644
--- a/contrib/python/src/python/pants/contrib/python/checks/tasks/python_eval.py
+++ b/contrib/python/src/python/pants/contrib/python/checks/tasks/python_eval.py
@@ -6,10 +6,6 @@
 import pkgutil
 from pants.backend.python.interpreter_cache import PythonInterpreterCache
-from pants.backend.python.subsystems.pex_build_util import (
-    has_python_requirements,
-    has_python_sources,
 from pants.backend.python.targets.python_binary import PythonBinary
 from pants.backend.python.targets.python_library import PythonLibrary
 from pants.backend.python.targets.python_target import PythonTarget
@@ -18,7 +14,11 @@
 from pants.base.exceptions import TaskError
 from pants.base.generator import Generator, TemplateData
 from pants.base.workunit import WorkUnit, WorkUnitLabel
-from pants.python.pex_build_util import PexBuilderWrapper
+from pants.python.pex_build_util import (
+    PexBuilderWrapper,
+    has_python_requirements,
+    has_python_sources,
 from pants.task.lint_task_mixin import LintTaskMixin
 from pants.util.dirutil import safe_concurrent_creation, safe_mkdir
 from pants.util.memo import memoized_property
diff --git a/examples/3rdparty/python/BUILD b/examples/3rdparty/python/BUILD
index bc32f95ffda..22b76c24b5e 100644
--- a/examples/3rdparty/python/BUILD
+++ b/examples/3rdparty/python/BUILD
@@ -33,3 +33,8 @@ unpacked_whls(
+  name='examples_python_3rdparty',
+  sources=['**/*'],
diff --git a/examples/src/python/example/tensorflow_custom_op/BUILD b/examples/src/python/example/tensorflow_custom_op/BUILD
index 185ed20e2ac..fd26226af0f 100644
--- a/examples/src/python/example/tensorflow_custom_op/BUILD
+++ b/examples/src/python/example/tensorflow_custom_op/BUILD
@@ -37,3 +37,21 @@ ctypes_compatible_cpp_library(
+  name='show-tf-version',
+  source='show_tf_version.py',
+  dependencies=[
+    'examples/3rdparty/python:tensorflow',
+  ],
+  compatibility=['CPython>=3.6,<4'],
+  name='show-tf-version-files',
+  sources=['**/*'],
+  dependencies=[
+    'examples/3rdparty/python:examples_python_3rdparty',
+  ],
diff --git a/examples/src/python/example/tensorflow_custom_op/show_tf_version.py b/examples/src/python/example/tensorflow_custom_op/show_tf_version.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9f4e64e8a84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/src/python/example/tensorflow_custom_op/show_tf_version.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Copyright 2020 Pants project contributors (see CONTRIBUTORS.md).
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE).
+import tensorflow as tf
+print(f"tf version: {tf.__version__}")
diff --git a/src/python/pants/backend/project_info/tasks/export.py b/src/python/pants/backend/project_info/tasks/export.py
index dd9c7652c0a..a2f0367cf49 100644
--- a/src/python/pants/backend/project_info/tasks/export.py
+++ b/src/python/pants/backend/project_info/tasks/export.py
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 from pants.backend.jvm.tasks.ivy_task_mixin import IvyTaskMixin
 from pants.backend.project_info.tasks.export_version import DEFAULT_EXPORT_VERSION
 from pants.backend.python.interpreter_cache import PythonInterpreterCache
-from pants.backend.python.subsystems.pex_build_util import has_python_requirements
 from pants.backend.python.targets.python_requirement_library import PythonRequirementLibrary
 from pants.backend.python.targets.python_target import PythonTarget
 from pants.backend.python.targets.python_tests import PythonTests
@@ -32,6 +31,7 @@
 from pants.java.distribution.distribution import DistributionLocator
 from pants.java.executor import SubprocessExecutor
 from pants.java.jar.jar_dependency_utils import M2Coordinate
+from pants.python.pex_build_util import has_python_requirements
 from pants.task.console_task import ConsoleTask
 from pants.util.memo import memoized_property
 from pants.util.ordered_set import OrderedSet
diff --git a/src/python/pants/backend/python/register.py b/src/python/pants/backend/python/register.py
index b7e45d23b5c..19cbe2fce48 100644
--- a/src/python/pants/backend/python/register.py
+++ b/src/python/pants/backend/python/register.py
@@ -44,11 +44,16 @@
 from pants.build_graph.build_file_aliases import BuildFileAliases
 from pants.build_graph.resources import Resources
 from pants.goal.task_registrar import TaskRegistrar as task
+from pants.python.pex_build_util import PexBuilderWrapper
 from pants.python.python_requirement import PythonRequirement
 def global_subsystems():
-    return python_native_code.PythonNativeCode, subprocess_environment.SubprocessEnvironment
+    return {
+        python_native_code.PythonNativeCode,
+        subprocess_environment.SubprocessEnvironment,
+        PexBuilderWrapper.Factory,
+    }
 def build_file_aliases():
diff --git a/src/python/pants/backend/python/rules/BUILD b/src/python/pants/backend/python/rules/BUILD
index 1a9b8c39cf4..8a3c9ec6782 100644
--- a/src/python/pants/backend/python/rules/BUILD
+++ b/src/python/pants/backend/python/rules/BUILD
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ python_library(
+    'src/python/pants/backend/python/subsystems/ipex',
diff --git a/src/python/pants/backend/python/subsystems/ipex/BUILD b/src/python/pants/backend/python/subsystems/ipex/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cebac0e31a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/pants/backend/python/subsystems/ipex/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Pants project contributors (see CONTRIBUTORS.md).
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE).
+# NB: This target is written into an .ipex file as the main script, and should not have any
+# dependencies on another python code! .ipex files should always contain pex and setuptools
+# requirements in order to run the main script!
diff --git a/src/python/pants/backend/python/subsystems/ipex/ipex_launcher.py b/src/python/pants/backend/python/subsystems/ipex/ipex_launcher.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c2b84872df7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/pants/backend/python/subsystems/ipex/ipex_launcher.py
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Copyright 2020 Pants project contributors (see CONTRIBUTORS.md).
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE).
+"""Entrypoint script for a "dehydrated" .ipex file generated with --generate-ipex.
+This script will "hydrate" a normal .pex file in the same directory, then execute it.
+import json
+import os
+import sys
+import tempfile
+from pex import resolver
+from pex.common import open_zip
+from pex.interpreter import PythonInterpreter
+from pex.pex_builder import PEXBuilder
+from pex.pex_info import PexInfo
+from pkg_resources import Requirement
+APP_CODE_PREFIX = "user_files/"
+def _strip_app_code_prefix(path):
+    if not path.startswith(APP_CODE_PREFIX):
+        raise ValueError(
+            "Path {path} in IPEX-INFO did not begin with '{APP_CODE_PREFIX}'.".format(
+                path=path, APP_CODE_PREFIX=APP_CODE_PREFIX
+            )
+        )
+    return path[len(APP_CODE_PREFIX) :]
+def _log(message):
+    sys.stderr.write(message + "\n")
+def _sanitize_requirements(requirements):
+    """Remove duplicate keys such as setuptools or pex which may be injected multiple times into the
+    resulting ipex when first executed."""
+    project_names = []
+    new_requirements = {}
+    for r in requirements:
+        r = Requirement(r)
+        if r.marker and not r.marker.evaluate():
+            continue
+        if r.name not in new_requirements:
+            project_names.append(r.name)
+            new_requirements[r.name] = str(r)
+    sanitized_requirements = [new_requirements[n] for n in project_names]
+    return sanitized_requirements
+def modify_pex_info(pex_info, **kwargs):
+    new_info = json.loads(pex_info.dump())
+    new_info.update(kwargs)
+    return PexInfo.from_json(json.dumps(new_info))
+def _hydrate_pex_file(self, hydrated_pex_file):
+    # We extract source files into a temporary directory before creating the pex.
+    td = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+    with open_zip(self) as zf:
+        # Populate the pex with the pinned requirements and distribution names & hashes.
+        bootstrap_info = PexInfo.from_json(zf.read("BOOTSTRAP-PEX-INFO"))
+        bootstrap_builder = PEXBuilder(pex_info=bootstrap_info, interpreter=PythonInterpreter.get())
+        # Populate the pex with the needed code.
+        try:
+            ipex_info = json.loads(zf.read("IPEX-INFO").decode("utf-8"))
+            for path in ipex_info["code"]:
+                unzipped_source = zf.extract(path, td)
+                bootstrap_builder.add_source(
+                    unzipped_source, env_filename=_strip_app_code_prefix(path)
+                )
+        except Exception as e:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Error: {e}. The IPEX-INFO for this .ipex file was:\n{info}".format(
+                    e=e, info=json.dumps(ipex_info, indent=4)
+                )
+            )
+    # Perform a fully pinned intransitive resolve to hydrate the install cache.
+    resolver_settings = ipex_info["resolver_settings"]
+    sanitized_requirements = _sanitize_requirements(bootstrap_info.requirements)
+    bootstrap_info = modify_pex_info(bootstrap_info, requirements=sanitized_requirements)
+    bootstrap_builder.info = bootstrap_info
+    resolved_distributions = resolver.resolve(
+        requirements=bootstrap_info.requirements,
+        cache=bootstrap_info.pex_root,
+        platform="current",
+        transitive=False,
+        interpreter=bootstrap_builder.interpreter,
+        **resolver_settings
+    )
+    # TODO: this shouldn't be necessary, as we should be able to use the same 'distributions' from
+    # BOOTSTRAP-PEX-INFO. When the .ipex is executed, the normal pex bootstrap fails to see these
+    # requirements or recognize that they should be pulled from the cache for some reason.
+    for resolved_dist in resolved_distributions:
+        bootstrap_builder.add_distribution(resolved_dist.distribution)
+    bootstrap_builder.build(hydrated_pex_file, bytecode_compile=False)
+def main(self):
+    filename_base, ext = os.path.splitext(self)
+    # If the ipex (this pex) is already named '.pex', ensure the output filename doesn't collide by
+    # inserting an intermediate '.ipex'!
+    if ext == ".pex":
+        hydrated_pex_file = "{filename_base}.ipex.pex".format(filename_base=filename_base)
+    else:
+        hydrated_pex_file = "{filename_base}.pex".format(filename_base=filename_base)
+    if not os.path.exists(hydrated_pex_file):
+        _log("Hydrating {} to {}...".format(self, hydrated_pex_file))
+        _hydrate_pex_file(self, hydrated_pex_file)
+    os.execv(sys.executable, [sys.executable, hydrated_pex_file] + sys.argv[1:])
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    self = sys.argv[0]
+    main(self)
diff --git a/src/python/pants/backend/python/subsystems/pex_build_util.py b/src/python/pants/backend/python/subsystems/pex_build_util.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a7dab3a7d6e..00000000000
--- a/src/python/pants/backend/python/subsystems/pex_build_util.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2017 Pants project contributors (see CONTRIBUTORS.md).
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE).
-from collections import defaultdict
-from pants.backend.python.targets.python_binary import PythonBinary
-from pants.backend.python.targets.python_distribution import PythonDistribution
-from pants.backend.python.targets.python_library import PythonLibrary
-from pants.backend.python.targets.python_requirement_library import PythonRequirementLibrary
-from pants.backend.python.targets.python_tests import PythonTests
-from pants.build_graph.files import Files
-from pants.build_graph.target import Target
-from pants.util.ordered_set import OrderedSet
-def is_python_target(tgt: Target) -> bool:
-    # We'd like to take all PythonTarget subclasses, but currently PythonThriftLibrary and
-    # PythonAntlrLibrary extend PythonTarget, and until we fix that (which we can't do until
-    # we remove the old python pipeline entirely) we want to ignore those target types here.
-    return isinstance(tgt, (PythonLibrary, PythonTests, PythonBinary))
-def has_python_sources(tgt: Target) -> bool:
-    return is_python_target(tgt) and tgt.has_sources()
-def has_resources(tgt: Target) -> bool:
-    return isinstance(tgt, Files) and tgt.has_sources()
-def is_local_python_dist(tgt: Target) -> bool:
-    return isinstance(tgt, PythonDistribution)
-def has_python_requirements(tgt: Target) -> bool:
-    return isinstance(tgt, PythonRequirementLibrary)
-def always_uses_default_python_platform(tgt: Target) -> bool:
-    return isinstance(tgt, PythonTests)
-def may_have_explicit_python_platform(tgt: Target) -> bool:
-    return isinstance(tgt, PythonBinary)
-def targets_by_platform(targets, python_setup):
-    targets_requiring_default_platforms = []
-    explicit_platform_settings = defaultdict(OrderedSet)
-    for target in targets:
-        if always_uses_default_python_platform(target):
-            targets_requiring_default_platforms.append(target)
-        elif may_have_explicit_python_platform(target):
-            for platform in target.platforms if target.platforms else python_setup.platforms:
-                explicit_platform_settings[platform].add(target)
-    # There are currently no tests for this because they're super platform specific and it's hard for
-    # us to express that on CI, but https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/7616 has an excellent
-    # repro case for why this is necessary.
-    for target in targets_requiring_default_platforms:
-        for platform in python_setup.platforms:
-            explicit_platform_settings[platform].add(target)
-    return dict(explicit_platform_settings)
diff --git a/src/python/pants/backend/python/subsystems/python_native_code.py b/src/python/pants/backend/python/subsystems/python_native_code.py
index bd5c011a955..ff993a9e620 100644
--- a/src/python/pants/backend/python/subsystems/python_native_code.py
+++ b/src/python/pants/backend/python/subsystems/python_native_code.py
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@
 from pants.backend.native.subsystems.native_toolchain import NativeToolchain
 from pants.backend.native.targets.native_library import NativeLibrary
-from pants.backend.python.subsystems import pex_build_util
 from pants.backend.python.targets.python_distribution import PythonDistribution
 from pants.base.exceptions import IncompatiblePlatformsError
 from pants.engine.rules import rule, subsystem_rule
+from pants.python import pex_build_util
 from pants.python.python_setup import PythonSetup
 from pants.subsystem.subsystem import Subsystem
 from pants.util.memo import memoized_property
diff --git a/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/build_local_python_distributions.py b/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/build_local_python_distributions.py
index 22c53577853..451545c6d1f 100644
--- a/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/build_local_python_distributions.py
+++ b/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/build_local_python_distributions.py
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@
 from pants.backend.native.targets.native_library import NativeLibrary
 from pants.backend.native.tasks.link_shared_libraries import SharedLibrary
-from pants.backend.python.subsystems.pex_build_util import is_local_python_dist
 from pants.backend.python.subsystems.python_native_code import PythonNativeCode
 from pants.backend.python.targets.python_requirement_library import PythonRequirementLibrary
 from pants.base.build_environment import get_buildroot
 from pants.base.exceptions import TargetDefinitionException, TaskError
 from pants.base.workunit import WorkUnitLabel
 from pants.build_graph.address import Address
+from pants.python.pex_build_util import is_local_python_dist
 from pants.python.python_requirement import PythonRequirement
 from pants.python.setup_py_runner import SetupPyRunner
 from pants.task.task import Task
diff --git a/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/gather_sources.py b/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/gather_sources.py
index f27a2bf5438..c417ef27025 100644
--- a/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/gather_sources.py
+++ b/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/gather_sources.py
@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@
 from pex.pex import PEX
 from pex.pex_builder import PEXBuilder
-from pants.backend.python.subsystems.pex_build_util import (
+from pants.base.exceptions import TaskError
+from pants.invalidation.cache_manager import VersionedTargetSet
+from pants.python.pex_build_util import (
+    PexBuilderWrapper,
-from pants.base.exceptions import TaskError
-from pants.invalidation.cache_manager import VersionedTargetSet
-from pants.python.pex_build_util import PexBuilderWrapper
 from pants.task.task import Task
 from pants.util.dirutil import safe_concurrent_creation
 from pants.util.ordered_set import OrderedSet
diff --git a/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/local_python_distribution_artifact.py b/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/local_python_distribution_artifact.py
index e8f0e045642..c7b5c72d153 100644
--- a/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/local_python_distribution_artifact.py
+++ b/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/local_python_distribution_artifact.py
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 import os
-from pants.backend.python.subsystems.pex_build_util import is_local_python_dist
 from pants.base.build_environment import get_buildroot
+from pants.python.pex_build_util import is_local_python_dist
 from pants.task.task import Task
 from pants.util.dirutil import safe_mkdir
 from pants.util.fileutil import atomic_copy
diff --git a/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/python_binary_create.py b/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/python_binary_create.py
index ea638659b21..312959f1511 100644
--- a/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/python_binary_create.py
+++ b/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/python_binary_create.py
@@ -2,24 +2,25 @@
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE).
 import os
+from typing import cast
 from pex.interpreter import PythonInterpreter
 from pex.pex_builder import PEXBuilder
 from pex.pex_info import PexInfo
-from pants.backend.python.subsystems.pex_build_util import (
-    has_python_requirements,
-    has_python_sources,
-    has_resources,
-    is_python_target,
 from pants.backend.python.subsystems.python_native_code import PythonNativeCode
 from pants.backend.python.targets.python_binary import PythonBinary
 from pants.backend.python.targets.python_requirement_library import PythonRequirementLibrary
 from pants.base.build_environment import get_buildroot
 from pants.base.exceptions import TaskError
 from pants.build_graph.target_scopes import Scopes
-from pants.python.pex_build_util import PexBuilderWrapper
+from pants.python.pex_build_util import (
+    PexBuilderWrapper,
+    has_python_requirements,
+    has_python_sources,
+    has_resources,
+    is_python_target,
 from pants.task.task import Task
 from pants.util.contextutil import temporary_dir
 from pants.util.dirutil import safe_mkdir_for
@@ -42,6 +43,25 @@ def register_options(cls, register):
             "that the generated PEX will not be reproducible; that is, future runs of `./pants binary` will not "
             "create the same byte-for-byte identical .pex files.",
+        register(
+            "--generate-ipex",
+            type=bool,
+            default=False,
+            fingerprint=True,
+            help='Whether to generate a .ipex file, which will "hydrate" its dependencies when '
+            "it is first executed, rather than at build time (the normal pex behavior). "
+            "This option can reduce the size of a shipped pex file by over 100x for common"
+            "deps such as tensorflow, but it does require access to the network when "
+            "first executed.",
+        )
+        register(
+            "--output-file-extension",
+            type=str,
+            default=None,
+            fingerprint=True,
+            help="What extension to output the file with. This can be used to differentiate "
+            "ipex files from others.",
+        )
     def subsystem_dependencies(cls):
@@ -81,6 +101,17 @@ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
         self._distdir = self.get_options().pants_distdir
+    @property
+    def _generate_ipex(self) -> bool:
+        return cast(bool, self.get_options().generate_ipex)
+    def _get_output_pex_filename(self, target_name):
+        file_ext = self.get_options().output_file_extension
+        if file_ext is None:
+            file_ext = ".ipex" if self._generate_ipex else ".pex"
+        return f"{target_name}{file_ext}"
     def execute(self):
         binaries = self.context.targets(self.is_binary)
@@ -99,7 +130,9 @@ def execute(self):
             python_deployable_archive = self.context.products.get("deployable_archives")
             python_pex_product = self.context.products.get("pex_archives")
             for vt in invalidation_check.all_vts:
-                pex_path = os.path.join(vt.results_dir, f"{vt.target.name}.pex")
+                pex_path = os.path.join(
+                    vt.results_dir, self._get_output_pex_filename(vt.target.name)
+                )
                 if not vt.valid:
                     self.context.log.debug(f"cache for {vt.target} is invalid, rebuilding")
                     self._create_binary(vt.target, vt.results_dir)
@@ -142,6 +175,7 @@ def _create_binary(self, binary_tgt, results_dir):
                     path=tmpdir, interpreter=interpreter, pex_info=pex_info, copy=True
+                generate_ipex=self._generate_ipex,
             if binary_tgt.shebang:
@@ -184,6 +218,7 @@ def _create_binary(self, binary_tgt, results_dir):
             pex_builder.add_requirement_libs_from(req_tgts, platforms=binary_tgt.platforms)
             # Build the .pex file.
-            pex_path = os.path.join(results_dir, f"{binary_tgt.name}.pex")
+            pex_filename = self._get_output_pex_filename(binary_tgt.name)
+            pex_path = os.path.join(results_dir, pex_filename)
             return pex_path
diff --git a/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/resolve_requirements.py b/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/resolve_requirements.py
index a2f7c57fcf1..e0ab6dcae34 100644
--- a/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/resolve_requirements.py
+++ b/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/resolve_requirements.py
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 from pex.interpreter import PythonInterpreter
-from pants.backend.python.subsystems.pex_build_util import has_python_requirements, is_python_target
 from pants.backend.python.tasks.resolve_requirements_task_base import ResolveRequirementsTaskBase
+from pants.python.pex_build_util import has_python_requirements, is_python_target
 class ResolveRequirements(ResolveRequirementsTaskBase):
diff --git a/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/setup_py.py b/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/setup_py.py
index 9d8cd96dfab..a83cbe22e8a 100644
--- a/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/setup_py.py
+++ b/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/setup_py.py
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 from twitter.common.dirutil.chroot import Chroot
 from pants.backend.python.rules.setup_py_util import distutils_repr
-from pants.backend.python.subsystems.pex_build_util import is_local_python_dist
 from pants.backend.python.targets.python_binary import PythonBinary
 from pants.backend.python.targets.python_requirement_library import PythonRequirementLibrary
 from pants.backend.python.targets.python_target import PythonTarget
@@ -30,6 +29,7 @@
 from pants.build_graph.address_lookup_error import AddressLookupError
 from pants.build_graph.build_graph import sort_targets
 from pants.build_graph.resources import Resources
+from pants.python.pex_build_util import is_local_python_dist
 from pants.python.setup_py_runner import SetupPyRunner
 from pants.task.task import Task
 from pants.util.contextutil import temporary_file
diff --git a/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/unpack_wheels.py b/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/unpack_wheels.py
index b32b47953fc..ae8230822e4 100644
--- a/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/unpack_wheels.py
+++ b/src/python/pants/backend/python/tasks/unpack_wheels.py
@@ -48,9 +48,6 @@ def subsystem_dependencies(cls):
-    class SingleDistExtractionError(Exception):
-        pass
     def _get_matching_wheel(self, pex_path, interpreter, requirements, module_name):
         """Use PexBuilderWrapper to resolve a single wheel from the requirement specs using pex.
@@ -63,22 +60,10 @@ def _get_matching_wheel(self, pex_path, interpreter, requirements, module_name):
                     builder=PEXBuilder(path=chroot, interpreter=interpreter), log=self.context.log
-                resolved_dists = pex_builder.resolve_distributions(
-                    requirements, platforms=["current"]
+                return pex_builder.extract_single_dist_for_current_platform(
+                    requirements, dist_key=module_name
-                matched_dists = [
-                    resolved_dist.distribution
-                    for resolved_dist in resolved_dists
-                    if resolved_dist.distribution.key == module_name
-                ]
-                if len(matched_dists) != 1:
-                    raise self.SingleDistExtractionError(
-                        f"Exactly one dist was expected to match name {module_name} in requirements "
-                        f"{requirements}, found {matched_dists}"
-                    )
-                return matched_dists[0]
     def _compatible_interpreter(self, unpacked_whls):
         constraints = PythonSetup.global_instance().compatibility_or_constraints(
diff --git a/src/python/pants/option/custom_types.py b/src/python/pants/option/custom_types.py
index 29720ef457b..01c4631fc59 100644
--- a/src/python/pants/option/custom_types.py
+++ b/src/python/pants/option/custom_types.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 import os
 import re
 from enum import Enum
-from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Pattern, Sequence
+from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Pattern, Sequence, Type, Union
 from pants.base.deprecated import warn_or_error
 from pants.option.errors import ParseError
@@ -26,6 +26,15 @@ def __init__(self) -> None:
             "UnsetBool cannot be instantiated. It should only be used as a " "sentinel type."
+    @classmethod
+    def coerce_bool(cls, value: Optional[Union[Type["UnsetBool"], bool]], default: bool) -> bool:
+        if value is None:
+            return default
+        if value is cls:
+            return default
+        assert isinstance(value, bool)
+        return value
 def dict_option(s: str) -> "DictValueComponent":
     """An option of type 'dict'.
diff --git a/src/python/pants/python/BUILD b/src/python/pants/python/BUILD
index f6448361851..9f55712b207 100644
--- a/src/python/pants/python/BUILD
+++ b/src/python/pants/python/BUILD
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ python_library(
+    'src/python/pants/backend/python/subsystems/ipex',
diff --git a/src/python/pants/python/pex_build_util.py b/src/python/pants/python/pex_build_util.py
index 00c4d9f41d3..b6d2bc546f4 100644
--- a/src/python/pants/python/pex_build_util.py
+++ b/src/python/pants/python/pex_build_util.py
@@ -1,31 +1,92 @@
 # Copyright 2017 Pants project contributors (see CONTRIBUTORS.md).
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE).
+import json
 import logging
 import os
+from collections import defaultdict
 from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Callable, Sequence, Set
+from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple
+from pex.interpreter import PythonInterpreter
 from pex.pex_builder import PEXBuilder
-from pex.resolver import resolve_multi
+from pex.pex_info import PexInfo
+from pex.platforms import Platform
+from pex.resolver import resolve
 from pex.util import DistributionHelper
+from pex.version import __version__ as pex_version
+from pkg_resources import Distribution, get_provider
+from pants.backend.python.subsystems.ipex import ipex_launcher
+from pants.backend.python.targets.python_binary import PythonBinary
+from pants.backend.python.targets.python_distribution import PythonDistribution
+from pants.backend.python.targets.python_library import PythonLibrary
+from pants.backend.python.targets.python_requirement_library import PythonRequirementLibrary
+from pants.backend.python.targets.python_tests import PythonTests
 from pants.base.build_environment import get_buildroot
 from pants.base.exceptions import TaskError
 from pants.build_graph.files import Files
 from pants.build_graph.target import Target
+from pants.option.custom_types import UnsetBool
 from pants.python.python_repos import PythonRepos
 from pants.python.python_requirement import PythonRequirement
 from pants.python.python_setup import PythonSetup
 from pants.subsystem.subsystem import Subsystem
+from pants.util.collections import assert_single_element
 from pants.util.contextutil import temporary_file
 from pants.util.ordered_set import OrderedSet
+from pants.util.strutil import module_dirname
+def is_python_target(tgt: Target) -> bool:
+    # We'd like to take all PythonTarget subclasses, but currently PythonThriftLibrary and
+    # PythonAntlrLibrary extend PythonTarget, and until we fix that (which we can't do until
+    # we remove the old python pipeline entirely) we want to ignore those target types here.
+    return isinstance(tgt, (PythonLibrary, PythonTests, PythonBinary))
+def has_python_sources(tgt: Target) -> bool:
+    return is_python_target(tgt) and tgt.has_sources()
+def is_local_python_dist(tgt: Target) -> bool:
+    return isinstance(tgt, PythonDistribution)
 def has_resources(tgt: Target) -> bool:
     return isinstance(tgt, Files) and tgt.has_sources()
+def has_python_requirements(tgt: Target) -> bool:
+    return isinstance(tgt, PythonRequirementLibrary)
+def always_uses_default_python_platform(tgt: Target) -> bool:
+    return isinstance(tgt, PythonTests)
+def may_have_explicit_python_platform(tgt: Target) -> bool:
+    return isinstance(tgt, PythonBinary)
+def targets_by_platform(targets, python_setup):
+    targets_requiring_default_platforms = []
+    explicit_platform_settings = defaultdict(OrderedSet)
+    for target in targets:
+        if always_uses_default_python_platform(target):
+            targets_requiring_default_platforms.append(target)
+        elif may_have_explicit_python_platform(target):
+            for platform in target.platforms if target.platforms else python_setup.platforms:
+                explicit_platform_settings[platform].add(target)
+    # There are currently no tests for this because they're super platform specific and it's hard for
+    # us to express that on CI, but https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/7616 has an excellent
+    # repro case for why this is necessary.
+    for target in targets_requiring_default_platforms:
+        for platform in python_setup.platforms:
+            explicit_platform_settings[platform].add(target)
+    return dict(explicit_platform_settings)
 def identify_missing_init_files(sources: Sequence[str]) -> Set[str]:
     """Return the list of paths that would need to be added to ensure that every package has an
@@ -42,31 +103,6 @@ def identify_missing_init_files(sources: Sequence[str]) -> Set[str]:
     return {os.path.join(package, "__init__.py") for package in packages} - set(sources)
-def _create_source_dumper(builder: PEXBuilder, tgt: Target) -> Callable[[str], None]:
-    buildroot = get_buildroot()
-    def get_chroot_path(relpath: str) -> str:
-        if type(tgt) == Files:
-            # Loose `Files`, as opposed to `Resources` or `PythonTarget`s, have no (implied) package
-            # structure and so we chroot them relative to the build root so that they can be accessed
-            # via the normal Python filesystem APIs just as they would be accessed outside the
-            # chrooted environment. NB: This requires we mark the pex as not zip safe so
-            # these `Files` can still be accessed in the context of a built pex distribution.
-            builder.info.zip_safe = False
-            return relpath
-        return str(Path(relpath).relative_to(tgt.target_base))
-    def dump_source(relpath: str) -> None:
-        source_path = str(Path(buildroot, relpath))
-        dest_path = get_chroot_path(relpath)
-        if has_resources(tgt):
-            builder.add_resource(filename=source_path, env_filename=dest_path)
-        else:
-            builder.add_source(filename=source_path, env_filename=dest_path)
-    return dump_source
 class PexBuilderWrapper:
     """Wraps PEXBuilder to provide an API that consumes targets and other BUILD file entities."""
@@ -76,12 +112,24 @@ class Factory(Subsystem):
         def register_options(cls, register):
             super(PexBuilderWrapper.Factory, cls).register_options(register)
+            # TODO: make an analogy to cls.register_jvm_tool that can be overridden for python subsystems
+            # by a python_requirement_library() target, not just via pants.ini!
-                default="44.0.0",
-                help="The setuptools version to include in the pex if namespace packages need to be "
-                "injected.",
+                default="40.6.3",
+                fingerprint=True,
+                help="The setuptools version to include in the pex if namespace packages need "
+                "to be injected.",
+            )
+            register(
+                "--pex-version",
+                advanced=True,
+                default=pex_version,
+                fingerprint=True,
+                help="The pex version to include in any generated ipex files. "
+                "NOTE: This should ideally be the same as the pex version which pants "
+                f"itself depends on, which right now is {pex_version}.",
@@ -92,9 +140,10 @@ def subsystem_dependencies(cls):
-        def create(cls, builder, log=None):
+        def create(cls, builder, log=None, generate_ipex=False):
             options = cls.global_instance().get_options()
             setuptools_requirement = f"setuptools=={options.setuptools_version}"
+            pex_requirement = f"pex=={options.pex_version}"
             log = log or logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -103,93 +152,243 @@ def create(cls, builder, log=None):
+                pex_requirement=PythonRequirement(pex_requirement),
+                generate_ipex=generate_ipex,
     def __init__(
-        self, builder, python_repos_subsystem, python_setup_subsystem, setuptools_requirement, log
+        self,
+        builder: PEXBuilder,
+        python_repos_subsystem: PythonRepos,
+        python_setup_subsystem: PythonSetup,
+        setuptools_requirement: PythonRequirement,
+        pex_requirement: PythonRequirement,
+        log,
+        generate_ipex: bool = False,
-        assert isinstance(builder, PEXBuilder)
-        assert isinstance(python_repos_subsystem, PythonRepos)
-        assert isinstance(python_setup_subsystem, PythonSetup)
-        assert isinstance(setuptools_requirement, PythonRequirement)
         assert log is not None
         self._builder = builder
         self._python_repos_subsystem = python_repos_subsystem
         self._python_setup_subsystem = python_setup_subsystem
         self._setuptools_requirement = setuptools_requirement
+        self._pex_requirement = pex_requirement
         self._log = log
-        self._distributions = {}
+        self._distributions: Dict[str, Distribution] = {}
         self._frozen = False
+        self._generate_ipex = generate_ipex
+        # If we generate a .ipex, we need to ensure all the code we copy into the underlying PEXBuilder
+        # is also added to the new PEXBuilder created in `._shuffle_original_build_info_into_ipex()`.
+        self._all_added_sources_resources: List[Path] = []
+        # If we generate a dehydrated "ipex" file, we need to make sure that it is aware of any special
+        # find_links repos attached to any single requirement, so it can later resolve those
+        # requirements when it is first bootstrapped, using the same resolve options.
+        self._all_find_links: OrderedSet[str] = OrderedSet()
     def add_requirement_libs_from(self, req_libs, platforms=None):
         """Multi-platform dependency resolution for PEX files.
+        :param builder: Dump the requirements into this builder.
+        :param interpreter: The :class:`PythonInterpreter` to resolve requirements for.
         :param req_libs: A list of :class:`PythonRequirementLibrary` targets to resolve.
+        :param log: Use this logger.
         :param platforms: A list of :class:`Platform`s to resolve requirements for.
-                          Defaults to the platforms specified by PythonSetup.
+                                            Defaults to the platforms specified by PythonSetup.
         reqs = [req for req_lib in req_libs for req in req_lib.requirements]
         self.add_resolved_requirements(reqs, platforms=platforms)
-    def resolve_distributions(self, reqs, platforms=None):
+    class SingleDistExtractionError(Exception):
+        pass
+    def extract_single_dist_for_current_platform(self, reqs, dist_key) -> Distribution:
+        """Resolve a specific distribution from a set of requirements matching the current platform.
+        :param list reqs: A list of :class:`PythonRequirement` to resolve.
+        :param str dist_key: The value of `distribution.key` to match for a `distribution` from the
+                                                 resolved requirements.
+        :return: The single :class:`pkg_resources.Distribution` matching `dist_key`.
+        :raises: :class:`self.SingleDistExtractionError` if no dists or multiple dists matched the
+                 given `dist_key`.
+        """
+        distributions, _transitive_requirements = self.resolve_distributions(
+            reqs, platforms=["current"]
+        )
+        try:
+            matched_dist = assert_single_element(
+                list(
+                    dist
+                    for _, dists in distributions.items()
+                    for dist in dists
+                    if dist.key == dist_key
+                )
+            )
+        except (StopIteration, ValueError) as e:
+            raise self.SingleDistExtractionError(
+                f"Exactly one dist was expected to match name {dist_key} in requirements {reqs}: {e!r}"
+            )
+        return matched_dist
+    def resolve_distributions(
+        self, reqs: List[PythonRequirement], platforms: Optional[List[Platform]] = None,
+    ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, List[Distribution]], List[PythonRequirement]]:
         """Multi-platform dependency resolution.
         :param reqs: A list of :class:`PythonRequirement` to resolve.
         :param platforms: A list of platform strings to resolve requirements for.
                           Defaults to the platforms specified by PythonSetup.
-        :returns: List of :class:`pex.resolver.ResolvedDistribution` instances meeting requirements for
-                  the given platforms.
+        :returns: A tuple `(map, transitive_reqs)`, where `map` is a dict mapping distribution name
+                  to a list of resolved distributions, and `reqs` contains all transitive ==
+                  requirements
+                  needed to resolve the initial given requirements `reqs` for the given platforms.
         deduped_reqs = OrderedSet(reqs)
-        find_links = OrderedSet()
+        find_links: OrderedSet[str] = OrderedSet()
         for req in deduped_reqs:
+            self._log.debug(f"  Dumping requirement: {req}")
+            self._builder.add_requirement(str(req.requirement))
             if req.repository:
-        return self._resolve_multi(deduped_reqs, platforms=platforms, find_links=find_links)
-    def add_resolved_requirements(self, reqs, platforms=None):
+        # Resolve the requirements into distributions.
+        distributions, transitive_requirements = self._resolve_multi(
+            self._builder.interpreter, list(deduped_reqs), platforms, list(find_links),
+        )
+        return (distributions, transitive_requirements)
+    def add_resolved_requirements(
+        self,
+        reqs: List[PythonRequirement],
+        platforms: Optional[List[Platform]] = None,
+        override_ipex_build_do_actually_add_distribution: bool = False,
+    ) -> None:
         """Multi-platform dependency resolution for PEX files.
-        :param reqs: A list of :class:`PythonRequirement`s to resolve.
-        :param platforms: A list of platform strings to resolve requirements for.
-                          Defaults to the platforms specified by PythonSetup.
+        :param builder: Dump the requirements into this builder.
+        :param interpreter: The :class:`PythonInterpreter` to resolve requirements for.
+        :param reqs: A list of :class:`PythonRequirement` to resolve.
+        :param log: Use this logger.
+        :param platforms: A list of :class:`Platform`s to resolve requirements for.
+                                            Defaults to the platforms specified by PythonSetup.
+        :param bool override_ipex_build_do_actually_add_distribution: When this PexBuilderWrapper is configured with
+                                                                        generate_ipex=True, this method won't add any distributions to
+                                                                        the output pex. The internal implementation of this class adds a
+                                                                        pex dependency to the output ipex file, and therefore needs to
+                                                                        override the default behavior of this method.
-        for resolved_dist in self.resolve_distributions(reqs, platforms=platforms):
-            requirement = resolved_dist.requirement
-            self._log.debug(f"  Dumping requirement: {requirement}")
-            self._builder.add_requirement(str(requirement))
-            distribution = resolved_dist.distribution
-            self._log.debug(
-                f"  Dumping distribution: .../{os.path.basename(distribution.location)}"
-            )
-            self.add_distribution(distribution)
+        distributions, transitive_requirements = self.resolve_distributions(
+            reqs, platforms=platforms
+        )
+        locations: Set[str] = set()
+        for platform, dists in distributions.items():
+            for dist in dists:
+                if dist.location not in locations:
+                    if self._generate_ipex and not override_ipex_build_do_actually_add_distribution:
+                        self._log.debug(
+                            f"  *AVOIDING* dumping distribution into ipex: .../{os.path.basename(dist.location)}"
+                        )
+                    else:
+                        self._log.debug(
+                            f"  Dumping distribution: .../{os.path.basename(dist.location)}"
+                        )
+                        self.add_distribution(dist)
+                locations.add(dist.location)
+        # In addition to the top-level requirements, we add all the requirements matching the resolved
+        # distributions to the resulting pex. If `generate_ipex=True` is set, we need to have all the
+        # transitive requirements resolved in order to hydrate the .ipex with an intransitive resolve.
+        if self._generate_ipex and not override_ipex_build_do_actually_add_distribution:
+            self.add_direct_requirements(transitive_requirements)
+    def _resolve_multi(
+        self,
+        interpreter: PythonInterpreter,
+        requirements: List[PythonRequirement],
+        platforms: Optional[List[Platform]],
+        find_links: Optional[List[str]],
+    ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, List[Distribution]], List[PythonRequirement]]:
+        """Multi-platform dependency resolution for PEX files.
-    def _resolve_multi(self, requirements, platforms=None, find_links=None):
+        Returns a tuple containing a list of distributions that must be included in order to satisfy a
+        set of requirements, and the transitive == requirements for thosee distributions. This may
+        involve distributions for multiple platforms.
+        :param interpreter: The :class:`PythonInterpreter` to resolve for.
+        :param requirements: A list of :class:`PythonRequirement` objects to resolve.
+        :param platforms: A list of :class:`Platform`s to resolve for.
+        :param find_links: Additional paths to search for source packages during resolution.
+        :return: Map of platform name -> list of :class:`pkg_resources.Distribution` instances needed
+                         to satisfy the requirements on that platform.
+        """
         python_setup = self._python_setup_subsystem
         python_repos = self._python_repos_subsystem
         platforms = platforms or python_setup.platforms
         find_links = list(find_links) if find_links else []
-        return resolve_multi(
-            requirements=[str(req.requirement) for req in requirements],
-            interpreters=[self._builder.interpreter],
-            indexes=python_repos.indexes,
-            find_links=find_links,
-            platforms=platforms,
-            cache=python_setup.resolver_cache_dir,
-            allow_prereleases=python_setup.resolver_allow_prereleases,
-            manylinux=python_setup.manylinux,
-            max_parallel_jobs=python_setup.resolver_jobs,
-        )
+        # Individual requirements from pants may have a `repository` link attached to them, which is
+        # extracted in `self.resolve_distributions()`. When generating a .ipex file with
+        # `generate_ipex=True`, we want to ensure these repos are known to the ipex launcher when it
+        # tries to resolve all the requirements from BOOTSTRAP-PEX-INFO.
+        self._all_find_links.update(OrderedSet(find_links))
+        distributions: Dict[str, List[Distribution]] = defaultdict(list)
+        transitive_requirements: List[PythonRequirement] = []
+        all_find_links = [*python_repos.repos, *find_links]
+        for platform in platforms:
+            requirements_cache_dir = os.path.join(
+                python_setup.resolver_cache_dir, str(interpreter.identity)
+            )
+            resolved_dists = resolve(
+                requirements=[str(req.requirement) for req in requirements],
+                interpreter=interpreter,
+                platform=platform,
+                indexes=python_repos.indexes,
+                find_links=all_find_links,
+                cache=requirements_cache_dir,
+                allow_prereleases=python_setup.resolver_allow_prereleases,
+                manylinux=python_setup.manylinux,
+            )
+            for resolved_dist in resolved_dists:
+                dist = resolved_dist.distribution
+                transitive_requirements.append(dist.as_requirement())
+                distributions[platform].append(dist)
+        return (distributions, transitive_requirements)
+    def _create_source_dumper(self, tgt: Target) -> Callable[[str], None]:
+        buildroot = get_buildroot()
+        def get_chroot_path(relpath: str) -> str:
+            if type(tgt) == Files:
+                # Loose `Files`, as opposed to `Resources` or `PythonTarget`s, have no (implied) package
+                # structure and so we chroot them relative to the build root so that they can be accessed
+                # via the normal Python filesystem APIs just as they would be accessed outside the
+                # chrooted environment. NB: This requires we mark the pex as not zip safe so
+                # these `Files` can still be accessed in the context of a built pex distribution.
+                self._builder.info.zip_safe = False
+                return relpath
+            return str(Path(relpath).relative_to(tgt.target_base))
+        def dump_source(relpath: str) -> None:
+            source_path = str(Path(buildroot, relpath))
+            dest_path = get_chroot_path(relpath)
+            self._all_added_sources_resources.append(Path(dest_path))
+            if has_resources(tgt):
+                self._builder.add_resource(filename=source_path, env_filename=dest_path)
+            else:
+                self._builder.add_source(filename=source_path, env_filename=dest_path)
+        return dump_source
     def add_sources_from(self, tgt: Target) -> None:
-        dump_source = _create_source_dumper(self._builder, tgt)
+        dump_source = self._create_source_dumper(tgt)
         self._log.debug(f"  Dumping sources: {tgt}")
         for relpath in tgt.sources_relative_to_buildroot():
@@ -219,6 +418,7 @@ def _prepare_inits(self) -> Set[str]:
                 for missing_init_file in missing_init_files:
+                    self._all_added_sources_resources.append(Path(missing_init_file))
                         filename=ns_package.name, env_filename=missing_init_file
@@ -227,13 +427,114 @@ def _prepare_inits(self) -> Set[str]:
     def set_emit_warnings(self, emit_warnings):
         self._builder.info.emit_warnings = emit_warnings
+    def _shuffle_underlying_pex_builder(self) -> Tuple[PexInfo, Path]:
+        """Replace the original builder with a new one, and just pull files from the old chroot."""
+        # Ensure that (the interpreter selected to resolve requirements when the ipex is first run) is
+        # (the exact same interpreter we used to resolve those requirements here). This is the only (?)
+        # way to ensure that the ipex bootstrap uses the *exact* same interpreter version.
+        self._builder.info = ipex_launcher.modify_pex_info(
+            self._builder.info,
+            interpreter_constraints=[str(self._builder.interpreter.identity.requirement)],
+        )
+        orig_info = self._builder.info.copy()
+        orig_chroot = self._builder.chroot()
+        # Mutate the PexBuilder object which is manipulated by this subsystem.
+        self._builder = PEXBuilder(interpreter=self._builder.interpreter)
+        return (orig_info, Path(orig_chroot.path()))
+    def _shuffle_original_build_info_into_ipex(self):
+        """Create a "dehydrated" ipex file without any of its requirements, and specify that in two.
+        *-INFO files.
+        See ipex_launcher.py for details of how these files are used.
+        """
+        orig_pex_info, orig_chroot = self._shuffle_underlying_pex_builder()
+        # Gather information needed to create IPEX-INFO.
+        all_code = [str(src) for src in self._all_added_sources_resources]
+        prefixed_code_paths = [os.path.join(ipex_launcher.APP_CODE_PREFIX, src) for src in all_code]
+        for src, prefixed in zip(all_code, prefixed_code_paths):
+            # NB: Need to add under 'source' label for `self._prepare_inits()` to pick it up!
+            self._builder.chroot().copy(
+                os.path.join(str(orig_chroot), src), prefixed, label="source"
+            )
+        python_repos = self._python_repos_subsystem
+        python_setup = self._python_setup_subsystem
+        # NB: self._all_find_links is updated on every call to self._resolve_multi(), and therefore
+        # includes all of the links from python_repos.repos, as well as any links added within any
+        # individual requirements from that resolve.
+        resolver_settings = dict(
+            indexes=list(python_repos.indexes),
+            find_links=list(self._all_find_links),
+            allow_prereleases=UnsetBool.coerce_bool(
+                python_setup.resolver_allow_prereleases, default=True
+            ),
+            manylinux=python_setup.manylinux,
+        )
+        # IPEX-INFO: A json mapping interpreted in ipex_launcher.py:
+        # {
+        #   "code": [<which source files to add to the "hydrated" pex when bootstrapped>],
+        #   "resolver_settings": {<which indices to search for requirements from when bootstrapping>},
+        # }
+        ipex_info = dict(code=prefixed_code_paths, resolver_settings=resolver_settings,)
+        with temporary_file(permissions=0o644) as ipex_info_file:
+            ipex_info_file.write(json.dumps(ipex_info).encode())
+            ipex_info_file.flush()
+            self._builder.add_resource(filename=ipex_info_file.name, env_filename="IPEX-INFO")
+        # BOOTSTRAP-PEX-INFO: The original PEX-INFO, which should be the PEX-INFO in the hydrated .pex
+        #                     file that is generated when the .ipex is first executed.
+        with temporary_file(permissions=0o644) as bootstrap_pex_info_file:
+            bootstrap_pex_info_file.write(orig_pex_info.dump().encode())
+            bootstrap_pex_info_file.flush()
+            self._builder.add_resource(
+                filename=bootstrap_pex_info_file.name, env_filename="BOOTSTRAP-PEX-INFO"
+            )
+        # ipex.py: The special bootstrap script to hydrate the .ipex with the fully resolved
+        #          requirements when it is first executed.
+        # Extract the file contents of our custom app launcher script from the pants package.
+        parent_module = module_dirname(module_dirname(ipex_launcher.__name__))
+        ipex_launcher_provider = get_provider(parent_module)
+        ipex_launcher_script = ipex_launcher_provider.get_resource_string(
+            parent_module, "ipex/ipex_launcher.py"
+        )
+        with temporary_file(permissions=0o644) as ipex_launcher_file:
+            ipex_launcher_file.write(ipex_launcher_script)
+            ipex_launcher_file.flush()
+            # Our .ipex file will use our custom app launcher!
+            self._builder.set_executable(ipex_launcher_file.name, env_filename="ipex.py")
+        # The PEX-INFO we generate shouldn't have any requirements (except pex itself), or they will
+        # fail to bootstrap because they were unable to find those distributions. Instead, the .pex file
+        # produced when the .ipex is first executed will read and resolve all those requirements from
+        # the BOOTSTRAP-PEX-INFO.
+        self.add_resolved_requirements(
+            [self._pex_requirement, self._setuptools_requirement,],
+            override_ipex_build_do_actually_add_distribution=True,
+        )
     def freeze(self) -> None:
         if self._frozen:
         if self._prepare_inits():
             dist = self._distributions.get("setuptools")
             if not dist:
+        if self._generate_ipex:
+            self._shuffle_original_build_info_into_ipex()
         self._frozen = True
diff --git a/src/python/pants/util/strutil.py b/src/python/pants/util/strutil.py
index 91dbbd29d90..64888925c65 100644
--- a/src/python/pants/util/strutil.py
+++ b/src/python/pants/util/strutil.py
@@ -89,6 +89,11 @@ def create_path_env_var(
     return delimiter.join(path_dirs)
+def module_dirname(module_path: str) -> str:
+    """Return the import path for the parent module of `module_path`."""
+    return ".".join(module_path.split(".")[:-1])
 def camelcase(string: str) -> str:
     """Convert snake casing (containing - or _ characters) to camel casing."""
     return "".join(word.capitalize() for word in re.split("[-_]", string))
diff --git a/tests/python/pants_test/backend/python/tasks/BUILD b/tests/python/pants_test/backend/python/tasks/BUILD
index 9ef801c597a..46372ac57be 100644
--- a/tests/python/pants_test/backend/python/tasks/BUILD
+++ b/tests/python/pants_test/backend/python/tasks/BUILD
@@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ python_tests(
   sources = ['test_python_binary_integration.py'],
   dependencies = [
+    'examples/src/python/example/tensorflow_custom_op:show-tf-version-files',
diff --git a/tests/python/pants_test/backend/python/tasks/test_python_binary_create.py b/tests/python/pants_test/backend/python/tasks/test_python_binary_create.py
index d60d7a11c98..6188ded3ffa 100644
--- a/tests/python/pants_test/backend/python/tasks/test_python_binary_create.py
+++ b/tests/python/pants_test/backend/python/tasks/test_python_binary_create.py
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 import subprocess
 from textwrap import dedent
+from colors import blue
 from pants.backend.python.tasks.gather_sources import GatherSources
 from pants.backend.python.tasks.python_binary_create import PythonBinaryCreate
 from pants.backend.python.tasks.select_interpreter import SelectInterpreter
@@ -41,11 +43,17 @@ def _assert_pex(self, binary, expected_output=None, expected_shebang=None):
-            task_context, binary, expected_output=expected_output, expected_shebang=expected_shebang
+            test_task,
+            task_context,
+            binary,
+            expected_output=expected_output,
+            expected_shebang=expected_shebang,
-    def _check_products(self, context, binary, expected_output=None, expected_shebang=None):
-        pex_name = f"{binary.address.target_name}.pex"
+    def _check_products(
+        self, test_task, context, binary, expected_output=None, expected_shebang=None
+    ):
+        pex_name = test_task._get_output_pex_filename(binary.address.target_name)
         products = context.products.get("deployable_archives")
         product_data = products.get(binary)
@@ -75,10 +83,10 @@ def test_deployable_archive_products_simple(self):
                 "lib.py": dedent(
                     import os
                     def main():
-                      os.getcwd()
+                        os.getcwd()
@@ -101,13 +109,13 @@ def test_deployable_archive_products_files_deps(self):
                     import io
                     import os
                     import sys
                     def main():
-                      here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-                      loose_file = os.path.join(here, '../src/things/loose_file')
-                      with io.open(os.path.realpath(loose_file), 'r') as fp:
-                        sys.stdout.write(fp.read())
+                        here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+                        loose_file = os.path.join(here, '../src/things/loose_file')
+                        with io.open(os.path.realpath(loose_file), 'r') as fp:
+                            sys.stdout.write(fp.read())
@@ -125,9 +133,9 @@ def test_shebang_modified(self):
                 "lib.py": dedent(
-                    def main():
-                      print('Hello World!')
-                    """
+        def main():
+            print('Hello World!')
+        """
@@ -143,3 +151,36 @@ def main():
             binary, expected_output="Hello World!\n", expected_shebang=b"#!/usr/bin/env python2\n"
+    def test_generate_ipex_ansicolors(self):
+        self.create_python_requirement_library(
+            "3rdparty/ipex", "ansicolors", requirements=["ansicolors"]
+        )
+        self.create_python_library(
+            "src/ipex",
+            "lib",
+            {
+                "main.py": dedent(
+                    """\
+        from colors import blue
+        print(blue('i just lazy-loaded the ansicolors dependency!'))
+        """
+                )
+            },
+        )
+        binary = self.create_python_binary(
+            "src/ipex", "bin", "main", dependencies=["3rdparty/ipex:ansicolors", ":lib",]
+        )
+        self.set_options(generate_ipex=True)
+        dist_dir = os.path.join(self.build_root, "dist")
+        self._assert_pex(
+            binary, expected_output=blue("i just lazy-loaded the ansicolors dependency!") + "\n"
+        )
+        dehydrated_ipex_file = os.path.join(dist_dir, "bin.ipex")
+        assert os.path.isfile(dehydrated_ipex_file)
+        hydrated_pex_output_file = os.path.join(dist_dir, "bin.pex")
+        assert os.path.isfile(hydrated_pex_output_file)
diff --git a/tests/python/pants_test/backend/python/tasks/test_python_binary_integration.py b/tests/python/pants_test/backend/python/tasks/test_python_binary_integration.py
index 59554a780d3..f11835dc5e1 100644
--- a/tests/python/pants_test/backend/python/tasks/test_python_binary_integration.py
+++ b/tests/python/pants_test/backend/python/tasks/test_python_binary_integration.py
@@ -2,13 +2,16 @@
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE).
 import functools
+import glob
 import os
+import subprocess
 from contextlib import contextmanager
 from textwrap import dedent
 from pex.pex_info import PexInfo
 from pants.testutil.pants_run_integration_test import PantsRunIntegrationTest
+from pants.util.collections import assert_single_element
 from pants.util.contextutil import open_zip, temporary_dir
 _LINUX_PLATFORM = "linux-x86_64-cp-36-m"
@@ -158,7 +161,7 @@ def assertNotInAny(substring, collection):
                         target_platforms="platforms = [{}],".format(
                             ", ".join(["'{}'".format(p) for p in target_platforms])
@@ -212,3 +215,24 @@ def test_platforms_with_native_deps(self):
             "testprojects/src/python/python_distribution/ctypes:bin", result.stderr_data
+    def test_generate_ipex_tensorflow(self):
+        with temporary_dir() as tmp_distdir:
+            with self.pants_results(
+                [
+                    f"--pants-distdir={tmp_distdir}",
+                    # tensorflow==1.14.0 has a setuptools>=41.0.0 requirement, so the .ipex resolve fails
+                    # without this override.
+                    f"--pex-builder-wrapper-setuptools-version=41.0.0",
+                    "--binary-py-generate-ipex",
+                    "binary",
+                    "examples/src/python/example/tensorflow_custom_op:show-tf-version",
+                ]
+            ) as pants_run:
+                self.assert_success(pants_run)
+                output_ipex = assert_single_element(glob.glob(os.path.join(tmp_distdir, "*")))
+                ipex_basename = os.path.basename(output_ipex)
+                self.assertEqual(ipex_basename, "show-tf-version.ipex")
+                pex_execution_output = subprocess.check_output([output_ipex])
+                assert "tf version: 1.14.0" in pex_execution_output.decode()