- getlantern / forum:蓝灯(Lantern)官方论坛
- vitalysim / Awesome-Hacking-Resources:A collection of hacking / pentetration testing resources to make you better!
- ericfreese / rat:Compose shell commands to build interactive terminal applications
- mobingi / mobingi:Cloud-Native Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)
- sharkdp / fd:A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find.
- OpenGenus / cosmos:[Show ❤️ love by 🌟 ] Your personal library of every algorithm and data structure code that you will ever encounter
- mr-mig / every-programmer-should-know:A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer should know
- alvarcarto / url-to-pdf-api:Web page PDF rendering done right. Self-hosted service for rendering receipts, invoices, or any content.
- oopsguy / microservices-from-design-to-deployment-chinese:Microservices from Design to Deployment 中文版 — 《微服务:从设计到部署》
- yangshun / tech-interview-handbook:💯 Algorithms, front end and behavioral content for rocking your coding interview.
- tensorflow / tensorflow:Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
- EtixLabs / cameradar:Cameradar hacks its way into RTSP CCTV cameras
- overtake / TelegramSwift:Source code of Telegram for macos on Swift 4.0
- facebook / react:A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- mbeaudru / modern-js-cheatsheet:Cheatsheet for the JavaScript knowledge you will frequently encounter in modern projects.
- getlantern / lantern:🔴 Lantern Latest Download https://github.com/getlantern/lantern/releases/tag/latest 🔴 蓝灯最新版本下载 https://github.com/getlantern/forum/issues/833 🔴
- nozzle / react-static:⚛️ 🚀 A progressive static-site framework for React.
- vuejs / vue:A progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
- tryolabs / luminoth:Deep Learning toolkit for Computer Vision
- sloria / doitlive:Because sometimes you need to do it live
- XX-net / XX-Net:a web proxy tool
- ansible / awx:AWX Project
- googlecreativelab / teachable-machine:Explore how machine learning works, live in the browser. No coding required.
- Shopify / draggable:The JavaScript Drag & Drop library your grandparents warned you about.
- Microsoft / vscode:Visual Studio Code
- tryolabs / luminoth:Deep Learning toolkit for Computer Vision
- sloria / doitlive:Because sometimes you need to do it live
- XX-net / XX-Net:a web proxy tool
- ansible / awx:AWX Project
- hackerkid / Mind-Expanding-Books:📚 Books that will blow your mind
- Lucifer1993 / struts-scan:struts2漏洞全版本检测和利用工具
- salesforce / pytorch-qrnn:PyTorch implementation of the Quasi-Recurrent Neural Network - up to 16 times faster than NVIDIA's cuDNN LSTM
- tensorflow / models:Models built with TensorFlow
- tensorflow / lattice:Lattice methods in TensorFlow
- hunkim / PyTorchZeroToAll:Simple PyTorch Tutorials Zero to ALL!
- scikit-learn / scikit-learn:scikit-learn: machine learning in Python
- pytorch / pytorch:Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
- jakubroztocil / httpie:Modern command line HTTP client – user-friendly curl alternative with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc. https://httpie.org
- rg3 / youtube-dl:Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites
- NolanZhao / news_feed:🐨 实时监控1000家中国企业的新闻动态
- yu961549745 / WeiboBlackList:微博批量拉黑
- python / cpython:The Python programming language
- apache / incubator-superset:Apache Superset (incubating) is a modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application
- EdjeElectronics / OpenCV-Playing-Card-Detector:Python program that uses OpenCV to detect and identify playing cards from a PiCamera video feed on a Raspberry Pi
- fchollet / keras:Deep Learning library for Python. Runs on TensorFlow, Theano, or CNTK.
- vinta / awesome-python:A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources
- TheAlgorithms / Python:All Algorithms implemented in Python
- kennethreitz / pipenv:Python Development Workflow for Humans.
- ansible / ansible:Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Avoid writing scripts or custom code to deploy and update your applications— automate in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems.
- django / django:The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
- alvarcarto / url-to-pdf-api:Web page PDF rendering done right. Self-hosted service for rendering receipts, invoices, or any content.
- yangshun / tech-interview-handbook:💯 Algorithms, front end and behavioral content for rocking your coding interview.
- facebook / react:A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- nozzle / react-static:⚛️ 🚀 A progressive static-site framework for React.
- vuejs / vue:A progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
- googlecreativelab / teachable-machine:Explore how machine learning works, live in the browser. No coding required.
- Shopify / draggable:The JavaScript Drag & Drop library your grandparents warned you about.
- GoogleChrome / puppeteer:Headless Chrome Node API
- prettier / prettier:Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.
- twbs / bootstrap:The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
- juliangarnier / anime:JavaScript Animation Engine
- alibaba / weex-ui:🏄 A rich interaction, lightweight, high performance UI library based on Weex.
- mozilla / send:File Sharing Experiment
- agermanidis / livepython:Visually trace your Python code in real time
- nodejs / node:Node.js JavaScript runtime ✨ 🐢 🚀 ✨
- zeit / next.js:Framework for server-rendered React apps
- axios / axios:Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- facebookincubator / create-react-app:Create React apps with no build configuration.
- airbnb / javascript:JavaScript Style Guide
- meetmore / lottery.js:🎲 A simple javascript lottery app
- ustbhuangyi / better-scroll:inspired by iscroll, and it has a better scroll perfermance
- facebook / react-native:A framework for building native apps with React.
- webpack / webpack:A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows to load parts for the application on demand. Through "loaders," modules can be CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, Images, JSON, Coffeescript, LESS, ... and your custom stuff.
- akxcv / vuera:👀 Vue in React, React in Vue. Seamless integration of the two. 👯
- justjavac / free-programming-books-zh_CN:📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿
- overtake / TelegramSwift:Source code of Telegram for macos on Swift 4.0
- vhesener / Closures:Swifty closures for UIKit and Foundation
- alexaubry / BulletinBoard:Generate and Display Bottom Card Interfaces on iOS
- vsouza / awesome-ios:A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
- AnderGoig / SwiftInstagram:A Swift client for Instagram API
- lhc70000 / iina:The modern video player for macOS.
- krzysztofzablocki / LifetimeTracker:Find retain cycles / memory leaks sooner.
- KrauseFx / watch.user:Face tracking on iOS without the user knowing
- danielgindi / Charts:Beautiful charts for iOS/tvOS/OSX! The Apple side of the crossplatform MPAndroidChart.
- haoking / SwiftyUI:High performance(100%) and lightweight(one class each UI) UIView, UIImage, UIImageView, UIlabel, UIButton and more.
- malcommac / Flow:A new declarative approach to populate and manage UITableViews
- jonkykong / SideMenu:Simple side menu control for iOS in Swift inspired by Facebook. Right and Left sides. No coding required. iOS 8+.
- ReactiveX / RxSwift:Reactive Programming in Swift
- Quick / Quick:The Swift (and Objective-C) testing framework.
- dkhamsing / open-source-ios-apps:📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
- SwifterSwift / SwifterSwift:A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
- SnapKit / SnapKit:A Swift Autolayout DSL for iOS & OS X
- lkzhao / Hero:Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS
- olucurious / Awesome-ARKit:A curated list of awesome ARKit projects and resources. Feel free to contribute!
- matteocrippa / awesome-swift:A collaborative list of awesome swift resources. Feel free to contribute!
- Alamofire / Alamofire:Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
- raywenderlich / swift-algorithm-club:Algorithms and data structures in Swift, with explanations!
- Moya / Moya:Network abstraction layer written in Swift.
- MessageKit / MessageKit:In-progress: A community-driven replacement for JSQMessagesViewController
- attaswift / BigInt:Arbitrary-precision arithmetic in pure Swift
- iammert / ScalingLayout:With Scaling Layout scale your layout on user interaction.
- uber / AthenaX:SQL-based streaming analytics platform at scale
- tylersuehr7 / chips-input-layout:A highly customizable Android ViewGroup for displaying Chips (specified in the Material Design Guide).
- kdn251 / interviews:Everything you need to know to get the job.
- AppliKeySolutions / OrionPreview:A simple animation with tanslation or scale views written in Java.
- TommyLemon / APIJSON:让接口和文档见鬼去吧!后端零用时开发接口,前端/客户端 定制返回JSON的内容和结构!
- spring-projects / spring-boot:Spring Boot
- iluwatar / java-design-patterns:Design patterns implemented in Java
- scwang90 / SmartRefreshLayout:🔥 下拉刷新、上拉加载、RefreshLayout、OverScroll,Android智能下拉刷新框架,支持越界回弹,具有极强的扩展性,集成了几十种炫酷的Header和 Footer。
- ReactiveX / RxJava:RxJava – Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM.
- elastic / elasticsearch:Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
- alibaba / dubbo:Dubbo is a high-performance, java based, open source RPC framework
- GcsSloop / rclayout:Android通用圆角布局。
- airbnb / lottie-android:Render After Effects animations natively on Android and iOS, Web, and React Native
- vondear / RxTools:Android开发人员不得不收集的工具类集合 | 支付宝支付 | 微信支付(统一下单) | 微信分享 | 一键集成UCrop选择圆形头像 | 一键集成二维码和条形码的扫描与生成 | 常用Dialog | WebView的封装可播放视频 | 仿斗鱼滑动验证码 | Toast封装 | 震动 | GPS | Location定位 | 压缩与加密 | 图片缩放 | Exif 图片添加地理位置信息(经纬度) | 蛛网等级 | 颜色选择器 | 编译运行一下说不定会找到惊喜
- G-Joker / WeaponApp:一个尽量做到极致的集大成App,努力做到最好(开发阶段)——MVVM+Retrofit+RxJava+Small 插件化+单元测试+MD
- google / guava:Google Core Libraries for Java
- Blankj / AndroidUtilCode:🔥 Android developers should collect the following utils(updating)
- JetBrains / kotlin:The Kotlin Programming Language
- spring-projects / spring-framework:The Spring Framework
- shuzheng / zheng:基于Spring+SpringMVC+Mybatis分布式敏捷开发系统架构,提供整套公共微服务服务模块:集中权限管理(单点登录)、内容管理、支付中心、用户管理(支持第三方登录)、微信平台、存储系统、配置中心、日志分析、任务和通知等,支持服务治理、监控和追踪,努力为中小型企业打造全方位J2EE企业级开发解决方案。
- CymChad / BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelper:BRVAH:Powerful and flexible RecyclerAdapter
- zxing / zxing:ZXing ("Zebra Crossing") barcode scanning library for Java, Android
- square / okhttp:An HTTP+HTTP/2 client for Android and Java applications.
- shardingjdbc / sharding-jdbc:A JDBC driver for shard databases and tables
- ericfreese / rat:Compose shell commands to build interactive terminal applications
- EtixLabs / cameradar:Cameradar hacks its way into RTSP CCTV cameras
- getlantern / lantern:🔴 Lantern Latest Download https://github.com/getlantern/lantern/releases/tag/latest 🔴 蓝灯最新版本下载 https://github.com/getlantern/forum/issues/833 🔴
- sanity-io / litter:Litter is a pretty printer library for Go data structures to aid in debugging and testing.
- v2ray / v2ray-core:A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions.
- asciimoo / colly:Fast and Elegant Scraping Framework for Gophers
- gwuhaolin / lightsocks:比 Shadowsocks 更轻巧的梯子
- kubernetes / kubernetes:Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
- golang / go:The Go programming language
- prometheus / prometheus:The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database.
- hybridgroup / gocv:Go package for computer vision using OpenCV 3.3+
- fnproject / fn:The container native, cloud agnostic serverless platform.
- ethereum / go-ethereum:Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol
- avelino / awesome-go:A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
- xtaci / kcptun:A Secure Tunnel Based On KCP with N:M Multiplexing
- gernest / wow:😮 ❗️ ❗️ Wow ❗️ now my Go commandline app is spinning with 🌈 and 🐴
- grafana / grafana:The tool for beautiful monitoring and metric analytics & dashboards for Graphite, InfluxDB & Prometheus & More
- gohugoio / hugo:A Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator built with love in GoLang.
- syncthing / syncthing:Open Source Continuous File Synchronization
- mholt / caddy:Fast, cross-platform HTTP/2 web server with automatic HTTPS
- openfaas / faas:OpenFaaS - a serverless framework for Docker & Kubernetes
- astaxie / build-web-application-with-golang:A golang ebook intro how to build a web with golang
- cockroachdb / cockroach:CockroachDB - the open source, cloud-native SQL database.
- golang / dep:Go dependency management tool
- moby / moby:Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems