This API demonstrate use of 3rd party OAuth token providers.Using this we can import externally generated access tokens, refresh tokens, or auth codes into the Edge token store.
Apigee Doc :
We have used Okta as our OAuth provider in given example. Please create an account on Okta developer portal to work with this API.
This API accomplish below two process.
- How to save an external authorization code generated by Okta in Apigee Edge
- How to save an external access token (opaque or JWT) from Okta in Apigee Edge
- Apigee App: Client redirect uri.
- Okta App: Apigee redirect uri (Create a redirect endpoint in apigee oauth api).
- Client calls apigee /authorize oauth endpoint with apigee app credentials and redirect_uri.
- Apigee validates client_id, redirect_uri, scope and othere related fields.
- If validation of above is success, do following:
- Set client_id to okta client id.
- Set redirect_uri provided while creating okta app.
- Send request with these params to okta authentication service
- Okta sends auth code back to redirect uri provided. It will be an endpoint of apigee oauth API as stated above.
- On Apigee redirect endpoint, call OAuth policy to save the code provided by okta.
- Send the same code and state back to client redirect_uri.
Client --> Apigee OAuth API (/authorize) --> Okta Auth Server --> Apigee redirect endpoint(/redirect) --> Save auth code in Apigee (OAuth Policy) --> Send auth code to client redirect_uri
- Client calls the /token (POST) endpoint of apigee.
- Apigee have the auth code from Okta. It validates the request with those details.
- If validation is successful, apigee calls Okta /token endpoint to get access token for given auth code.
- Okta returns response back to Apigee.
- Apigee saves the token from Okta using OAuth Policy.
- Sends the response back to client.
- Client calls the API with Bearer Token.
- Apigee validates the token using OAuth Policy (VerifyAccessToken)
- Apigee then validates the JWT token using JWT Verify policy.
- If validation is successful, api response is returned.