Steps to search metagenomic assemblies for a sequence of interest Make reference database of sequence of interest makeblastdb -in ${ref} -dbtype nucl -out ${ref}.db Blast metagenomic assemblies against reference blastn -query Assembly/MEGAHIT/${strain}.contigs.fa -max_target_seqs 1 -evalue 1e-10 -outfmt 6 -db ${ref}.db > blastn_${strain} Parse blastn output cat blastn_${strain} | cut -f 1,7,8 > coord.${strain} Parse the fasta for the blastn contig ranges using SCGid module load miniconda3 source SCGid/scgidenv/bin/activate python3 --fasta Assembly/MEGAHIT/${strain}.contigs.fa --coordinates coord.${strain} > ${strain}_${ref}.contigs