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No accessories showing up in the accessories tab #1093

soulcook opened this issue Feb 21, 2021 · 37 comments

No accessories showing up in the accessories tab #1093

soulcook opened this issue Feb 21, 2021 · 37 comments


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I have a couple of dozen accessories connecting via Homebridge. They have all disappeared from the accessories tab in Homebridge Config UI.

The accessories tab is present (I am running Homebridge in -I mode) but it is empty – it just has a default room and an icon saying "drag here".

It used to work. Now it doesn't.

All the accessories are present and correct in Homekit, and Homebridge and the UI are working fine in every other way.

Screenshot attached, and config file and logs below.

Node v14.15.3
NPM v6.14.9
Homebridge v1.3.0
Homebridge Config UI v4.39.0
OS Big Sur (MacOS 11.2)


{ "bridge": { "name": "Homebridge", "username": "CC:22:3D:E3:CE:30", "port": 51826, "pin": "031-45-154" }, "description": "Boom Shack config file", "ports": { "start": 52100, "end": 52150, "comment": "This section is used to control the range of ports that separate accessory (like camera or television) should be bind to." }, "platforms": [ { "name": "Camera ffmpeg", "cameras": [ { "name": "Courtyard Camera", "videoConfig": { "source": "-rtsp_transport tcp -re -i rtsp://admin:Secure99@", "stillImageSource": "-i http://admin:Secure99@", "maxStreams": 2, "maxFPS": 20, "maxBitrate": 300, "vcodec": "libx264", "packetSize": 1316, "audio": false, "debug": false } }, { "name": "Garden Camera", "manufacturer": "Amcrest", "videoConfig": { "source": "-rtsp_transport tcp -re -i rtsp://admin:Secure99@", "stillImageSource": "-i http://admin:Secure99@", "maxStreams": 2, "maxFPS": 20, "maxBitrate": 300, "vcodec": "libx264", "packetSize": 1316, "audio": false, "debug": false } }, { "name": "Greenhouse Camera", "videoConfig": { "source": "-rtsp_transport tcp -re -i rtsp://admin:Secure99@", "stillImageSource": "-i http://admin:Secure99@", "maxStreams": 2, "maxFPS": 20, "maxBitrate": 300, "vcodec": "libx264", "packetSize": 1316, "audio": false, "debug": false } }, { "name": "Patio Camera", "videoConfig": { "source": "-rtsp_transport tcp -re -i rtsp://admin:Secure99@", "stillImageSource": "-i http://admin:Secure99@", "maxStreams": 2, "maxFPS": 20, "maxBitrate": 300, "vcodec": "libx264", "packetSize": 1316, "audio": false, "debug": false } }, { "name": "Hall Camera", "videoConfig": { "source": "-rtsp_transport tcp -re -i rtsp://admin:Secure99@", "stillImageSource": "-i http://admin:Secure99@", "maxStreams": 2, "maxFPS": 20, "maxBitrate": 300, "vcodec": "libx264", "packetSize": 1316, "audio": false, "debug": false } }, { "name": "Living Room Camera", "videoConfig": { "source": "-rtsp_transport tcp -re -i rtsp://admin:Secure99@", "stillImageSource": "-i http://admin:Secure99@", "maxStreams": 2, "maxFPS": 20, "maxBitrate": 300, "vcodec": "libx264", "packetSize": 1316, "audio": false, "debug": false } } ], "platform": "Camera-ffmpeg" }, { "name": "Nest", "googleAuth": { "issueToken": "", "cookies": "__Secure-3PSID=4wfVLnvYahA8KuxDTkf6TTzyzjO8zkMREBuFXZTZDm2w2vc0OHL3l7jt8D_O9SMLvrBWYg.; __Secure-3PAPISID=GTR8Sps1NjDpYjpv/AzC_GtsOek0UGykko; NID=205=XwpV8DecTzAgRbBRanpFH9kl0bpEr4Nw36JpClPgwiSTLtj59b2Y7hC4spe54MmHR_bxb7so5VJwQHZpYe7BusqDeMX5t-GUD3fpJu1hvADBjZT-oOSIo35kxlxaw3K4rAz5SRW33WD1CeG8jIe3J8-zaXp1dzBWkLg_IiQdaoJaiyBMDe69F5P-j83VeQ; CONSENT=YES+GB.en-GB+20170611-09-0; __Host-3PLSID=s.GB|; __Secure-3PSIDCC=AJi4QfGjGmH-CD7mf3bbEmwFk-vs8RIzox-8HRfSd-su-DNuNxI3B1BmPT8XQbWTdh8eiMemgA", "apiKey": "AIzaSyAdkSIMNc51XGNEAYWasX9UOWkS5P6sZE4" }, "platform": "Nest" }, { "name": "Config", "port": 8581, "auth": "none", "theme": "dark-mode", "tempUnits": "c", "lang": "auto", "platform": "config" }, { "refreshToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsImprdSI6Ii9vYXV0aC9pbnRlcm5hbC9qd2tzIiwia2lkIjoiYzEyODEwMGIiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJpYXQiOjE2MTM5MzM5NDAsInJlZnJlc2hfY2lkIjoicmluZ19vZmZpY2lhbF9hbmRyb2lkIiwicmVmcmVzaF9zY29wZXMiOlsiY2xpZW50Il0sInJlZnJlc2hfdXNlcl9pZCI6Mzg1NDk5MCwicm5kIjoiclppZVJRSTF1SE9sY2ciLCJzZXNzaW9uX2lkIjoiMTNkYzliNmEtZmNlMy00N2M0LWE0YWItZDRjMzNkYWFlNmZhIiwidHlwZSI6InJlZnJlc2gtdG9rZW4ifQ.k7WEYqyfCJIWRYMqDCXyvXT9W6Ltq8BsVAQAkqCceaG7mA9QODhA-pni6ZpH0ErqgLuCawU0UribFldUhINBKQ", "hideDoorbellSwitch": true, "hideCameraMotionSensor": false, "hideCameraSirenSwitch": true, "hideInHomeDoorbellSwitch": true, "hideAlarmSirenSwitch": true, "hideUnsupportedServices": true, "platform": "Ring" }, { "platform": "BroadlinkRM", "name": "Broadlink RM", "hideLearnButton": true, "hideScanFrequencyButton": true, "hideWelcomeMessage": true, "accessories": [ { "type": "learn-code", "disableLogs": true }, { "name": "Projector", "type": "switch", "persistState": true, "data": { "on": "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", "off": [ { "data": "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", "sendCount": 2, "interval": 0.3 } ] } } ] }, { "googleAuth": { "issueToken": "", "cookies": "__Secure-3PSID=4wfVLnvYahA8KuxDTkf6TTzyzjO8zkMREBuFXZTZDm2w2vc0OHL3l7jt8D_O9SMLvrBWYg.; __Secure-3PAPISID=GTR8Sps1NjDpYjpv/AzC_GtsOek0UGykko; NID=205=XwpV8DecTzAgRbBRanpFH9kl0bpEr4Nw36JpClPgwiSTLtj59b2Y7hC4spe54MmHR_bxb7so5VJwQHZpYe7BusqDeMX5t-GUD3fpJu1hvADBjZT-oOSIo35kxlxaw3K4rAz5SRW33WD1CeG8jIe3J8-zaXp1dzBWkLg_IiQdaoJaiyBMDe69F5P-j83VeQ; CONSENT=YES+GB.en-GB+20170611-09-0; __Host-3PLSID=s.GB|; __Secure-3PSIDCC=AJi4QfGjGmH-CD7mf3bbEmwFk-vs8RIzox-8HRfSd-su-DNuNxI3B1BmPT8XQbWTdh8eiMemgA" }, "options": { "ffmpegCodec": "libx264", "streamQuality": 3, "alertCheckRate": 10, "alertCooldownRate": 180, "importantOnly": true, "motionDetection": true, "streamingSwitch": true, "chimeSwitch": false, "doorbellAlerts": true, "doorbellSwitch": true, "audioSwitch": false }, "platform": "Nest-cam" }, { "debugToInfo": false, "devices": [ { "name": "Denon Receiver", "zone": 1, "switchInfoMenu": true } ], "switches": [ { "name": "Cinema Video", "ip": "", "port": "8080", "zone": 1, "inputID": "MPLAY", "pollAllInput": false }, { "name": "Cinema Games", "ip": "", "port": "8080", "zone": 1, "inputID": "GAME", "pollAllInput": false } ], "volumeControl": [ { "name": "Cinema volume", "ip": "", "zone": 1, "controlType": "fan", "port": "8080", "volumeLimit": 100 } ], "platform": "DenonAVR" } ], "accessories": [ { "accessory": "RiscoAlarm", "name": "Alarm", "debuglogging": 0, "polling": true, "pollInterval": 10000, "riscoUsername": "", "riscoPassword": "Secure99", "riscoSiteId": "701935", "riscoPIN": "0999", "armCommand": "armed", "partialCommand": "partially", "homeCommand": "partially", "disarmCommand": "disarmed", "riscoPartMode": false, "riscoPartId": 0 } ] }

Log of latest run:

[2/21/2021, 6:40:07 PM] [HB Supervisor] Homebridge Storage Path: /Users/Media/.homebridge
[2/21/2021, 6:40:07 PM] [HB Supervisor] Homebridge Config Path: /Users/Media/.homebridge/config.json
[2/21/2021, 6:40:07 PM] [HB Supervisor] Logging to /Users/Media/.homebridge/homebridge.log
[2/21/2021, 6:40:07 PM] [HB Supervisor] OS: Darwin 20.3.0 x64
[2/21/2021, 6:40:07 PM] [HB Supervisor] Node.js v14.15.3 /usr/local/bin/node
[2/21/2021, 6:40:07 PM] [HB Supervisor] Homebridge Path: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge/bin/homebridge
[2/21/2021, 6:40:07 PM] [HB Supervisor] UI Path: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-config-ui-x/dist/bin/standalone.js
[2/21/2021, 6:40:08 PM] [Homebridge UI] Homebridge Config UI X v4.39.0 is listening on :: port 8581
[2/21/2021, 6:40:09 PM] [HB Supervisor] Starting Homebridge with extra flags: -I
[2/21/2021, 6:40:09 PM] [HB Supervisor] Started Homebridge v1.3.0 with PID: 6621
Initializing HAP-NodeJS v0.9.1...
[2/21/2021, 6:40:09 PM] Loaded config.json with 1 accessories and 7 platforms.
[2/21/2021, 6:40:09 PM] Loaded 25 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.
[2/21/2021, 6:40:09 PM] ---
[2/21/2021, 6:40:09 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-broadlink-rm-pro@4.4.1
[2/21/2021, 6:40:09 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-broadlink-rm-pro.BroadlinkRM'
[2/21/2021, 6:40:09 PM] ---
[2/21/2021, 6:40:09 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-camera-ffmpeg@3.1.0
[2/21/2021, 6:40:09 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-camera-ffmpeg.Camera-ffmpeg'
[2/21/2021, 6:40:09 PM] ---
[2/21/2021, 6:40:09 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-config-ui-x@4.39.0
[2/21/2021, 6:40:09 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-config-ui-x.config'
[2/21/2021, 6:40:09 PM] ---
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-denon-heos@2.9.7
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-denon-heos.DenonAVR'
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] ---
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-nest@4.5.1
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-nest.Nest'
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] ---
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-nest-cam@7.1.0
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-nest-cam.Nest-cam'
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] ---
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-ring@9.15.3
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-ring.Ring'
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] ---
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-risco-alarm-fork@1.2.6
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] Plugin 'homebridge-risco-alarm-fork' tried to register with an incorrect plugin identifier: 'homebridge-risco-alarm'. Please report this to the developer!
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] Registering accessory 'homebridge-risco-alarm-fork.RiscoAlarm'
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] ---
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] Loading 7 platforms...
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] [Camera ffmpeg] Initializing Camera-ffmpeg platform...
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] [Nest] Initializing Nest platform...
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] [Config] Initializing config platform...
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] [Config] Running in Service Mode
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] [Ring] Initializing Ring platform...
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] [Broadlink RM] Initializing BroadlinkRM platform...
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] [Broadlink RM] [INFO] Automatically discovering Broadlink RM devices.
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] [Broadlink RM] [INFO] Running Homebridge Broadlink RM Plugin version 4.4.1
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] [Broadlink RM] Projector Accessory Ready
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] [Nest-cam] Initializing Nest-cam platform...
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] [DenonAVR] Initializing DenonAVR platform...
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] Loading 1 accessories...
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] [Alarm] Initializing RiscoAlarm accessory...
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] [Nest-cam] Configuring accessory Front Door
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] [Ring] Configuring cached accessory 34ab8ec3-fd4d-4ec2-94da-344b7eae4e7d Side Door
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] [Camera ffmpeg] [Courtyard Camera] Configuring cached bridged accessory...
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] [Camera ffmpeg] [Garden Camera] Configuring cached bridged accessory...
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] [Camera ffmpeg] [Greenhouse Camera] Configuring cached bridged accessory...
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] [Camera ffmpeg] [Patio Camera] Configuring cached bridged accessory...
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] [Camera ffmpeg] [Hall Camera] Configuring cached bridged accessory...
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] [Camera ffmpeg] [Living Room Camera] Configuring cached bridged accessory...
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] [Ring] Configuring cached accessory c13f43f5-ddc4-4394-ae2c-3289fd05eda6 Hallway
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] [Nest] Fetching Nest devices.
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Learn Code'...
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] Initializing platform accessory 'Projector'...
Preparing Advertiser for 'Homebridge CAD8' using bonjour-hap backend!
Setup Payload:
Enter this code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:
    │ 031-45-154 │     
Starting to advertise 'Homebridge CAD8' using bonjour-hap backend!
[2/21/2021, 6:40:10 PM] Homebridge v1.3.0 (Homebridge) is running on port 51826.
[2/21/2021, 6:40:11 PM] [Broadlink RM] Projector getSwitchState: false
[2/21/2021, 6:40:11 PM] [Broadlink RM] [INFO] Discovered Broadlink RM2 Pro Plus (272a) at (34:ea:34:e4:83:c3)
[2/21/2021, 6:40:12 PM] [homebridge-risco-alarm-fork] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Security System Current State': characteristic was supplied illegal value: undefined! This might throw errors in the future! See for more info.
[2/21/2021, 6:40:12 PM] [homebridge-risco-alarm-fork] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Security System Target State': characteristic was supplied illegal value: undefined! This might throw errors in the future! See for more info.
[2/21/2021, 6:40:12 PM] [Broadlink RM] Projector getSwitchState: false
[2/21/2021, 6:40:12 PM] [DenonAVR] ------------------------------
[2/21/2021, 6:40:12 PM] [DenonAVR] Receiver discovered in network:
[2/21/2021, 6:40:12 PM] [DenonAVR] IP Address:
[2/21/2021, 6:40:12 PM] [DenonAVR] Port: 8080
[2/21/2021, 6:40:12 PM] [DenonAVR] Model: Denon AVR-X2400H
[2/21/2021, 6:40:12 PM] [DenonAVR] Serialnumber: ALV36170814925
[2/21/2021, 6:40:12 PM] [DenonAVR] Firmware: 1.583.161
[2/21/2021, 6:40:12 PM] [DenonAVR] ------------------------------
[2/21/2021, 6:40:13 PM] [DenonAVR] Configured switch found: Cinema Video
[2/21/2021, 6:40:13 PM] [DenonAVR] Configured switch found: Cinema Games
[2/21/2021, 6:40:13 PM] [DenonAVR] Configured volumeControl found: Cinema volume
[2/21/2021, 6:40:13 PM] [Ring] Found the following locations:
[2/21/2021, 6:40:13 PM] [Ring]   locationId: gcpt2k-3lkke-0 - Boom Shack
[2/21/2021, 6:40:13 PM] [Ring] Configuring 1 cameras and 2 devices for location "Boom Shack" - locationId: gcpt2k-3lkke-0
[2/21/2021, 6:40:13 PM] [Alarm] New state detected: (3) -> DISARM. Notify!
[2/21/2021, 6:40:15 PM] [Nest] initing thermostat "P Dressing Room Thermostat": deviceId: 09AC01AC36180P77 structureId: a6a3d260-cbea-11e8-be4d-0e37738eff6e
[2/21/2021, 6:40:15 PM] [Nest] initing thermostat "Z Dressing Room Thermostat": deviceId: 09AC01AC36180P2V structureId: a6a3d260-cbea-11e8-be4d-0e37738eff6e
[2/21/2021, 6:40:15 PM] [Nest] initing thermostat "Guest Suite Thermostat": deviceId: 09AC01AC36180PBL structureId: a6a3d260-cbea-11e8-be4d-0e37738eff6e
[2/21/2021, 6:40:15 PM] [Nest] initing thermostat "Cinema Thermostat": deviceId: 09AB01AC34180QGH structureId: a6a3d260-cbea-11e8-be4d-0e37738eff6e
[2/21/2021, 6:40:15 PM] [Nest] initing thermostat "Living Room Thermostat": deviceId: 09AC01AC36180PQ1 structureId: a6a3d260-cbea-11e8-be4d-0e37738eff6e
[2/21/2021, 6:40:15 PM] [Nest] initing thermostat "Office Thermostat": deviceId: 09AC01AC36180PHC structureId: a6a3d260-cbea-11e8-be4d-0e37738eff6e
[2/21/2021, 6:40:15 PM] [Nest] initing thermostat "Master Bathroom Thermostat": deviceId: 09AC01AC36180PD9 structureId: a6a3d260-cbea-11e8-be4d-0e37738eff6e
[2/21/2021, 6:40:15 PM] [Nest] initing thermostat "Master Bedroom Thermostat": deviceId: 09AC01AC36180PC9 structureId: a6a3d260-cbea-11e8-be4d-0e37738eff6e
[2/21/2021, 6:40:15 PM] [Nest] initing thermostat "Hallway Thermostat": deviceId: 09AC01AC36180P6Q structureId: a6a3d260-cbea-11e8-be4d-0e37738eff6e
[2/21/2021, 6:40:15 PM] [Nest] initing home_away_sensor "Home Occupied": deviceId: a6a3d260-cbea-11e8-be4d-0e37738eff6e structureId: a6a3d260-cbea-11e8-be4d-0e37738eff6e
[Home Occupied@@Firmware Revision] characteristic was supplied illegal value: null! Home App will reject null for Apple defined characteristics
[2/21/2021, 6:40:15 PM] [Nest] initing protect "Hallway": deviceId: 18B4300000B1399D structureId: a6a3d260-cbea-11e8-be4d-0e37738eff6e
[2/21/2021, 6:40:15 PM] [Nest] initing protect "Living Room": deviceId: 18B4300000B135ED structureId: a6a3d260-cbea-11e8-be4d-0e37738eff6e
[2/21/2021, 6:40:15 PM] [Nest] initing protect "Corridor": deviceId: 18B4300000B12852 structureId: a6a3d260-cbea-11e8-be4d-0e37738eff6e
[2/21/2021, 6:40:46 PM] [Broadlink RM] Projector getSwitchState: false
[2/21/2021, 6:41:07 PM] [Homebridge UI] Changes to config.json saved.
[2/21/2021, 6:46:23 PM] [Broadlink RM] Projector getSwitchState: false
[2/21/2021, 6:52:48 PM] [Broadlink RM] Projector getSwitchState: false
@soulcook soulcook added the bug label Feb 21, 2021
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Tinymaite commented Feb 21, 2021 via email

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This is a homebridge v1.30 issue, not an issue with config-ui-x. Take a look at issue 2774 and issue 2822.

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Thanks Mitch. I will add a comment to 2822.

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oznu commented Feb 23, 2021

Please add this to the config block for the UI and restart:

"accessoryControl": {
      "debug": true

Then provide logs including what happens as you load the "Accessories" tab.

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I have the same problem.
I've update homebridge to V1.3.1 and it didn't solve the problem

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oznu commented Feb 23, 2021

@Tontonpat see #1093 (comment)

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Please add this to the config block for the UI and restart:

"accessoryControl": {
      "debug": true

Then provide logs including what happens as you load the "Accessories" tab.

Done and have many entries in the log like this...

[Homebridge UI] [HapClient] Discovery :: Failed CC:22:3D:E3:CE:10 via
[2/23/2021, 10:30:49 AM] [Homebridge UI] [HapClient] Discovery :: Could not register to device with username CC:22:3D:E3:CE:10
[2/23/2021, 10:30:49 AM] [NAS] current cpu load: 1 %
[2/23/2021, 10:31:20 AM] [Homebridge UI] [HapClient] [ (03:D5:14:5D:75:AC)] Connected
[2/23/2021, 10:31:20 AM] [Homebridge UI] [HapClient] [ (60:92:62:3F:50:5A)] Connected
[2/23/2021, 10:31:20 AM] [Homebridge UI] [HapClient] Discovery :: Re-broadcasting discovery query
[2/23/2021, 10:31:21 AM] [Homebridge UI] [HapClient] [ (03:D5:14:5D:75:AC)] Disconnected
[2/23/2021, 10:31:21 AM] [Homebridge UI] [HapClient] [ (60:92:62:3F:50:5A)] Disconnected



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oznu commented Feb 23, 2021

@MikeDeltaHH whats the username of your homebridge instance? Or IP of your homebridge instance server. Just so i can figure out what's what.

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oznu commented Feb 23, 2021

Relevant logs for later:

[2/23/2021, 10:29:46 AM] [Homebridge UI] [HapClient] Discovery :: Found HAP device with username CC:22:3D:E3:CE:10
[2/23/2021, 10:29:46 AM] [Homebridge UI] [HapClient] Discovery :: Testing CC:22:3D:E3:CE:10 via
[2/23/2021, 10:29:47 AM] [Homebridge UI] [HapClient] Discovery :: Failed CC:22:3D:E3:CE:10 via
[2/23/2021, 10:29:47 AM] [Homebridge UI] [HapClient] Discovery :: Could not register to device with username CC:22:3D:E3:CE:10

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MikeDeltaHH commented Feb 23, 2021

@MikeDeltaHH whats the username of your homebridge instance? Or IP of your homebridge instance server. Just so i can figure out what's what.

Username is CC:22:3D:E3:CE:10
IP is

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oznu commented Feb 23, 2021

Thanks, can you show the output from ?

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Yes, like this...


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oznu commented Feb 23, 2021

On the device itself, can you check the it's able to be accessed on localhost:


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Yes, think so...


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oznu commented Feb 23, 2021

Great thanks, all is looking fine, the last check the UI does to see if it can connect:

curl -v -X PUT -H "Authorization: 000-00-000" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"characteristics": [{"aid": -1, "iid": -1}]}'

Replace 000-00-000 with the PIN from your "bridge"."pin" in the config.json. Please provide the full output.

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No problem... here is it:

  • Trying
  • Connected to ( port 51826 (#0)

PUT /characteristics HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.68.0
Accept: /
Authorization: 031-45-110
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 45

  • upload completely sent off: 45 out of 45 bytes
  • Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
    < HTTP/1.1 207 Multi-Status
    < Content-Type: application/hap+json
    < Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2021 12:29:57 GMT
    < Connection: keep-alive
    < Transfer-Encoding: chunked
  • Connection #0 to host left intact
    {"characteristics":[{"aid":-1,"iid":-1,"status":-70410}]}homebridge@homebridge-server:/var/lib/homebridge$ ^C

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oznu commented Feb 23, 2021

Looks good as well. That's all the checks to UI does. It's a bit puzzling why it's not registering correctly.

The UI checks that /accessories responds with a 2xx code, which yours does, then checks it can do that PUT request and get a 207 response, which it does.

The only other thing is may be the 1 second timeout for discovery response is not long enough. It is strange it has been fine for the last few years at this value.

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Mine has suddenly started working again. Very mysterious.

If it goes wrong again I will send logs as requested.

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oznu commented Feb 23, 2021

@MikeDeltaHH, I published a new test build that will tell me exactly why the registration is failing here (and confirm if it's a timeout or not).

Could you update to the latest test version of the UI - v4.39.1-test.4 - restart, and provide the debug logs again. Full log file again would be perfect.

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MikeDeltaHH commented Feb 23, 2021

Done... here are the logs...


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oznu commented Feb 23, 2021

Thanks, those logs confirm it is a timeout:

[2/23/2021, 2:08:08 PM] [Homebridge UI] [HapClient] Discovery :: Failed CC:22:3D:E3:CE:10 with error: timeout of 1000ms exceeded

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oznu commented Feb 23, 2021

I'm off for the night, but I'll push a new build tomorrow with a longer timeout.

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MikeDeltaHH commented Feb 23, 2021

Fine... thanks a lot and have a good night! :)

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oznu commented Feb 24, 2021

@MikeDeltaHH and others, please try the latest test version (test.5).

This should handle the cases where /accessories takes more than 1 second to respond.

Homebridge 1.3.0 now refreshes the characteristics the first time /accessories is called so instead of responding instantly it was to wait for the plugins to return a result.

Due to this I've also added some caching to the accessories loader in the UI, this will improve subsequent load times when retuning to the accessories tab.

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Done and all accessoires are back in town... great job, thanks! :)


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I can confirm test.5 displaying fine again.

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oznu commented Feb 24, 2021

Thanks for confirming @MikeDeltaHH @bezibaerchen. The new UI release will come out later this week.

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Thanks for confirming @MikeDeltaHH @bezibaerchen. The new UI release will come out later this week.

OK, then I'll switch back to non-test version for the time being.

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Hi, I don’t test your version. But all accessories are back for me

@oznu oznu closed this as completed in 725081b Feb 24, 2021
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@oznu I still occasionally have this problem with the lastest version. Is there any way I can provide some logs to help fix this issue?

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@oznu I know it’s been almost 2 years since this thread, but I am suddenly having this exact problem come up. Could this problem have resurfaced in a new build?

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jinie commented Jan 23, 2023

Also have this problem now with HB 1.6.0, and appears to have started about 3 weeks ago.

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ahstram commented May 9, 2023

I was having a similar issue with a fresh install of homebridge 1.6.1 on OpenWRT, which seemed to coincide with my homebridge server not being discoverable by the Homekit app.

I believe my issue was specifically aroundmDNS not being configured properly. I switched from avahi-nodbus-daemon to avahi-dbus-daemon, installed avahi-utils to get the avahi-browse command, configured homebridge to use avahi as my mDNS advertiser at http://host:8581/settings, rebooted the server & then confirmed that both my accessories & the homebridge server are being displayed in avahi-browse -a.

Homebridge was then able to discover my accessories & the Homekit app successfully discovered the Homebridge server itself.

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I'm seeing a blank Accessories tab on a new install of Homebridge 1.6.1 on Synology DSM. My accessories are working in Home Kit.

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ppamorim commented Jun 7, 2023

I dont see any device on my Homebridge too. Fighting for 4 hours already.

GET - localhost:53874/accessories

{"accessories":[{"aid":1,"services":[{"type":"3E","iid":1,"characteristics":[{"type":"14","iid":2,"perms":["pw"],"description":"Identify","format":"bool"},{"type":"20","iid":3,"value":"","perms":["pr"],"description":"Manufacturer","format":"string","maxLen":64},{"type":"21","iid":4,"value":"homebridge","perms":["pr"],"description":"Model","format":"string","maxLen":64},{"type":"23","iid":5,"value":"homebridge-http-webhooks F8A3","perms":["pr"],"description":"Name","format":"string","maxLen":64},{"type":"30","iid":6,"value":"0E:06:AD:28:E5:92","perms":["pr"],"description":"Serial Number","format":"string","maxLen":64},{"type":"52","iid":7,"value":"1.6.1","perms":["pr"],"description":"Firmware Revision","format":"string"}]},{"type":"A2","iid":2000000008,"characteristics":[{"type":"37","iid":9,"value":"1.1.0","perms":["pr"],"description":"Version","format":"string","maxLen":64}]}]}]}

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Hey ... Just had this issue with accessories not showing up even though there were no errors in the logs. Try going to Network interfaces under homebridge settings. Select the network interface and restart the service.

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