This README is for penr-oz-zuul where we have setup Netflix Zuul API Gateway, Spring Oauth2 Service, and a RDBMS back end initializer using Liquibase technology
- Quick summary: Accomplish writing a configurable Zuul API gateway securing resources using Oauth2
- Version: 0.01
To begin development on this site:
- Clone the repo:
git clone
- Fork, Clone, or Download on GitHub
- Summary of set up: Recommend using Intellij IDEA to build/run.
- Configuration: GradleW + Spring Boot + Liquibase + Angular
- Dependencies: Spring Boot, Liquibase, Angular
- Database configuration: Liquibase + system properties with db. prefix
- How to run tests: Recommend gradle or junit launcher with VM options
- Deployment instructions: Docker Compose
- Writing tests
- Code review
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Copyright 2017 Derin Works LLC