diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules.rs
index 97138c553d5ea..41d5162aafe24 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules.rs
@@ -254,6 +254,7 @@ mod jsx_a11y {
pub mod no_autofocus;
pub mod no_distracting_elements;
pub mod prefer_tag_over_role;
+ pub mod role_support_aria_props;
pub mod scope;
pub mod tab_index_no_positive;
@@ -507,6 +508,7 @@ oxc_macros::declare_all_lint_rules! {
+ jsx_a11y::role_support_aria_props,
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jsx_a11y/role_support_aria_props.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jsx_a11y/role_support_aria_props.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..e5e11c28bc1d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jsx_a11y/role_support_aria_props.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,1600 @@
+use oxc_ast::{
+ ast::{JSXAttributeItem, JSXOpeningElement},
+ AstKind,
+use oxc_diagnostics::{
+ miette::{self, Diagnostic},
+ thiserror::{self, Error},
+use oxc_macros::declare_oxc_lint;
+use oxc_span::Span;
+use phf::phf_set;
+use crate::{
+ context::LintContext,
+ rule::Rule,
+ utils::{
+ get_attribute_name, get_element_type, get_string_literal_prop_value, has_jsx_prop_lowercase,
+ },
+ AstNode,
+ /// ### What it does
+ ///
+ /// Enforce that elements with explicit or implicit roles defined contain only `aria-*` properties supported by that `role`. Many ARIA attributes (states and properties) can only be used on elements with particular roles. Some elements have implicit roles, such as ` `, which will resolve to `role="link"`.
+ ///
+ /// ### Example
+ /// ```jsx
+ /// // Good
+ ///
+ /// Rainbow Trout
+ /// Brook Trout
+ /// Lake Trout
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// // Bad
+ ///
+ /// Rainbow Trout
+ /// Brook Trout
+ /// Lake Trout
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ RoleSupportAriaProps,
+ correctness
+#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
+pub struct RoleSupportAriaProps;
+#[derive(Debug, Error, Diagnostic)]
+enum RoleSupportAriaPropsDiagnostic {
+ #[error("eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y(role-support-aria-props): The attribute {1} is not supported by the role {2}.")]
+ #[diagnostic(severity(warning), help("Try to remove invalid attribute {1}."))]
+ Default(#[label] Span, String, String),
+ #[error("eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y(role-support-aria-props): The attribute {1} is not supported by the role {2}. This role is implicit on the element {3}.")]
+ #[diagnostic(severity(warning), help("Try to remove invalid attribute {1}."))]
+ IsImplicit(#[label] Span, String, String, String),
+impl Rule for RoleSupportAriaProps {
+ fn run<'a>(&self, node: &AstNode<'a>, ctx: &LintContext<'a>) {
+ if let AstKind::JSXOpeningElement(jsx_el) = node.kind() {
+ if let Some(el_type) = get_element_type(ctx, jsx_el) {
+ let role = has_jsx_prop_lowercase(jsx_el, "role");
+ let role_value = role.map_or_else(
+ || get_implicit_role(jsx_el, el_type.as_str()),
+ |i| get_string_literal_prop_value(i),
+ );
+ let is_implicit = role_value.is_some() && role.is_none();
+ if let Some(role_value) = role_value {
+ if !VALID_ARIA_ROLES.contains(role_value) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let invalid_props = get_invalid_aria_props_for_role(role_value);
+ for attr in &jsx_el.attributes {
+ if let JSXAttributeItem::Attribute(attr) = attr {
+ let name = get_attribute_name(&attr.name).to_lowercase();
+ if invalid_props.contains(&&name.as_str()) {
+ ctx.diagnostic(if is_implicit {
+ RoleSupportAriaPropsDiagnostic::IsImplicit(
+ attr.span,
+ name,
+ role_value.to_string(),
+ el_type.clone(),
+ )
+ } else {
+ RoleSupportAriaPropsDiagnostic::Default(
+ attr.span,
+ name,
+ role_value.to_string(),
+ )
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// ref: https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y/blob/main/src/util/getImplicitRole.js
+fn get_implicit_role<'a>(
+ node: &'a JSXOpeningElement<'a>,
+ element_type: &str,
+) -> Option<&'static str> {
+ let implicit_role = match element_type {
+ "a" | "area" | "link" => match has_jsx_prop_lowercase(node, "href") {
+ Some(_) => "link",
+ None => "",
+ },
+ "article" => "article",
+ "aside" => "complementary",
+ "body" => "document",
+ "button" => "button",
+ "datalist" | "select" => "listbox",
+ "details" => "group",
+ "dialog" => "dialog",
+ "form" => "form",
+ "h1" | "h2" | "h3" | "h4" | "h5" | "h6" => "heading",
+ "hr" => "separator",
+ "img" => has_jsx_prop_lowercase(node, "alt").map_or("img", |i| {
+ get_string_literal_prop_value(i)
+ .map_or("img", |v| if v.is_empty() { "" } else { "img" })
+ }),
+ "input" => has_jsx_prop_lowercase(node, "type").map_or("textbox", |input_type| {
+ match get_string_literal_prop_value(input_type) {
+ Some("button" | "image" | "reset" | "submit") => "button",
+ Some("checkbox") => "checkbox",
+ Some("radio") => "radio",
+ Some("range") => "slider",
+ _ => "textbox",
+ }
+ }),
+ "li" => "listitem",
+ "menu" => has_jsx_prop_lowercase(node, "type").map_or("", |v| {
+ get_string_literal_prop_value(v)
+ .map_or("", |v| if v == "toolbar" { "toolbar" } else { "" })
+ }),
+ "menuitem" => {
+ has_jsx_prop_lowercase(node, "type").map_or(
+ "",
+ |v| match get_string_literal_prop_value(v) {
+ Some("checkbox") => "menuitemcheckbox",
+ Some("command") => "menuitem",
+ Some("radio") => "menuitemradio",
+ _ => "",
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ "meter" | "progress" => "progressbar",
+ "nav" => "navigation",
+ "ol" | "ul" => "list",
+ "option" => "option",
+ "output" => "status",
+ "section" => "region",
+ "tbody" | "tfoot" | "thead" => "rowgroup",
+ "textarea" => "textbox",
+ _ => "",
+ };
+ if VALID_ARIA_ROLES.contains(implicit_role) {
+ Some(implicit_role)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+fn get_invalid_aria_props_for_role(role_value: &str) -> Vec<&&str> {
+ // ref: https://github.com/A11yance/aria-query/blob/fff6f07c714e8048f4fe084cec74f24248e5673d/scripts/roles.json
+ let valid_props_for_value: phf::Set<&'static str> = match role_value {
+ "alert" | "banner" | "blockquote" | "command" | "complementary" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ },
+ "alertdialog" | "dialog" | "window" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-modal",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription"
+ },
+ "application" | "graphics-object" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-activedescendant",
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-errormessage",
+ "aria-expanded",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-haspopup",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-invalid",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription"
+ },
+ "article" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-posinset",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ "aria-setsize"
+ },
+ "button" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-expanded",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-haspopup",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-pressed",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription"
+ },
+ "caption" | "code" | "deletion" | "emphasis" | "generic" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription"
+ },
+ "cell" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-colindex",
+ "aria-colspan",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ "aria-rowindex",
+ "aria-rowspan"
+ },
+ "checkbox" | "switch" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-checked",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-errormessage",
+ "aria-expanded",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-invalid",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-readonly",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-required",
+ "aria-roledescription"
+ },
+ "columnheader" | "rowheader" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-colindex",
+ "aria-colspan",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-errormessage",
+ "aria-expanded",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-haspopup",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-invalid",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-readonly",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-required",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ "aria-rowindex",
+ "aria-rowspan",
+ "aria-selected",
+ "aria-sort"
+ },
+ "combobox" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-activedescendant",
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-autocomplete",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-errormessage",
+ "aria-expanded",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-haspopup",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-invalid",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-readonly",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-required",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ },
+ "composite" | "group" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-activedescendant",
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription"
+ },
+ "contentinfo" | "definition" | "directory" | "document" | "feed" | "figure" | "form"
+ | "img" | "landmark" | "list" | "log" | "main" | "marquee" | "math" | "navigation"
+ | "note" | "region" | "roletype" | "rowgroup" | "search" | "section" | "sectionhead"
+ | "status" | "structure" | "tabpanel" | "term" | "time" | "timer" | "tooltip"
+ | "widget" => {
+ phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription"
+ }
+ }
+ "doc-abstract"
+ | "doc-acknowledgments"
+ | "doc-afterword"
+ | "doc-appendix"
+ | "doc-backlink"
+ | "doc-bibliography" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-errormessage",
+ "aria-expanded",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-haspopup",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-invalid",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription"
+ },
+ "doc-biblioentry" | "doc-endnote" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-errormessage",
+ "aria-expanded",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-haspopup",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-invalid",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-level",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-posinset",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ "aria-setsize"
+ },
+ "doc-biblioref" | "doc-chapter" | "doc-colophon" | "doc-conclusion" | "doc-cover"
+ | "doc-credit" | "doc-credits" | "doc-dedication" | "doc-endnotes" | "doc-epigraph"
+ | "doc-epilogue" | "doc-errata" | "doc-example" | "doc-footnote" | "doc-foreword"
+ | "doc-glossary" | "doc-glossref" | "doc-index" | "doc-introduction" | "doc-noteref"
+ | "doc-notice" | "doc-pagelist" | "doc-part" | "doc-preface" | "doc-prologue"
+ | "doc-qna" | "doc-subtitle" | "doc-tip" | "doc-toc" | "graphics-document"
+ | "graphics-symbol" => {
+ phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-errormessage",
+ "aria-expanded",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-haspopup",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-invalid",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription"
+ }
+ }
+ "doc-pagebreak" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-errormessage",
+ "aria-expanded",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-haspopup",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-invalid",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-orientation",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription"
+ },
+ "doc-pullquote" | "none" => phf_set! {},
+ "grid" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-activedescendant",
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-colcount",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-multiselectable",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-readonly",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ "aria-rowcount"
+ },
+ "gridcell" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-colindex",
+ "aria-colspan",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-errormessage",
+ "aria-expanded",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-haspopup",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-invalid",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-readonly",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-required",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ "aria-rowindex",
+ "aria-rowspan",
+ "aria-selected"
+ },
+ "heading" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-level",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ },
+ "input" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription"
+ },
+ "insertion" | "paragraph" | "presentation" | "strong" | "subscript" | "superscript" => {
+ phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription"
+ }
+ }
+ "link" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-expanded",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-haspopup",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription"
+ },
+ "listbox" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-activedescendant",
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-errormessage",
+ "aria-expanded",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-invalid",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-multiselectable",
+ "aria-orientation",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-readonly",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-required",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ },
+ "listitem" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-level",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-posinset",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ "aria-setsize"
+ },
+ "mark" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-braillelabel",
+ "aria-brailleroledescription",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-description",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription"
+ },
+ "menu" | "menubar" | "select" | "toolbar" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-activedescendant",
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-orientation",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ },
+ "menuitem" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-expanded",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-haspopup",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-posinset",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ "aria-setsize"
+ },
+ "menuitemcheckbox" | "menuitemradio" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-checked",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-errormessage",
+ "aria-expanded",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-haspopup",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-invalid",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-posinset",
+ "aria-readonly",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-required",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ "aria-setsize"
+ },
+ "meter" | "progressbar" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ "aria-valuemax",
+ "aria-valuemin",
+ "aria-valuenow",
+ "aria-valuetext",
+ },
+ "option" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-checked",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-posinset",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ "aria-setsize",
+ "aria-selected",
+ },
+ "radio" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-checked",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-posinset",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ "aria-setsize"
+ },
+ "radiogroup" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-activedescendant",
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-errormessage",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-invalid",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-orientation",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-readonly",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-required",
+ "aria-roledescription"
+ },
+ "range" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ "aria-valuemax",
+ "aria-valuemin",
+ "aria-valuenow"
+ },
+ "row" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-activedescendant",
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-colindex",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-expanded",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-level",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-posinset",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ "aria-rowindex",
+ "aria-selected",
+ "aria-setsize"
+ },
+ "scrollbar" | "separator" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-orientation",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ "aria-valuemax",
+ "aria-valuemin",
+ "aria-valuenow",
+ "aria-valuetext",
+ },
+ "searchbox" | "textbox" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-activedescendant",
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-autocomplete",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-errormessage",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-haspopup",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-invalid",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-multiline",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-placeholder",
+ "aria-readonly",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-required",
+ "aria-roledescription"
+ },
+ "slider" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-errormessage",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-haspopup",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-invalid",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-orientation",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-readonly",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ "aria-valuemax",
+ "aria-valuemin",
+ "aria-valuenow",
+ "aria-valuetext",
+ },
+ "spinbutton" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-activedescendant",
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-errormessage",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-invalid",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-readonly",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-required",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ "aria-valuetext",
+ "aria-valuemax",
+ "aria-valuemin",
+ "aria-valuenow",
+ },
+ "tab" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-expanded",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-haspopup",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-posinset",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ "aria-setsize",
+ "aria-selected",
+ },
+ "table" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-colcount",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ "aria-rowcount"
+ },
+ "tablist" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-activedescendant",
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-level",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-multiselectable",
+ "aria-orientation",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ },
+ "tree" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-activedescendant",
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-errormessage",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-invalid",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-multiselectable",
+ "aria-orientation",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-required",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ },
+ "treegrid" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-activedescendant",
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-colcount",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-errormessage",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-invalid",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-multiselectable",
+ "aria-orientation",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-readonly",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-required",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ "aria-rowcount"
+ },
+ "treeitem" => phf_set! {
+ "aria-atomic",
+ "aria-busy",
+ "aria-checked",
+ "aria-controls",
+ "aria-current",
+ "aria-describedby",
+ "aria-details",
+ "aria-disabled",
+ "aria-dropeffect",
+ "aria-expanded",
+ "aria-flowto",
+ "aria-grabbed",
+ "aria-haspopup",
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-keyshortcuts",
+ "aria-label",
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ "aria-level",
+ "aria-live",
+ "aria-owns",
+ "aria-posinset",
+ "aria-relevant",
+ "aria-roledescription",
+ "aria-selected",
+ "aria-setsize"
+ },
+ _ => unreachable!("role value is not valid"),
+ };
+ VALID_ARIA_PROPS.iter().filter(|i| !valid_props_for_value.contains(i)).collect::>()
+fn test() {
+ use crate::tester::Tester;
+ fn settings() -> serde_json::Value {
+ serde_json::json!({
+ "jsx-a11y": {
+ "components": {
+ "Link": "a"
+ }
+ },
+ })
+ }
+ let pass = vec![
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r"
", None, None),
+ (r#"
"#, None, None),
+ (r"
", None, None),
+ (r#"
"#, None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ // TODO: This should pass, but it doesn't. Because the current code does not determine if the attribute value is null, undefined, etc.
+ //(r#" "#, None, None),
+ //(r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r"", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r"", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r#"
"#, None, None),
+ (r#"
"#, None, None),
+ ];
+ let fail = vec![
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r"", None, None),
+ (r"", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r"", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r"", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r" ", None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, None),
+ (r#" "#, None, Some(settings())),
+ ];
+ Tester::new_with_settings(RoleSupportAriaProps::NAME, pass, fail).test_and_snapshot();
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/snapshots/role_support_aria_props.snap b/crates/oxc_linter/src/snapshots/role_support_aria_props.snap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..30926a3fb86da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/snapshots/role_support_aria_props.snap
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+source: crates/oxc_linter/src/tester.rs
+expression: role_support_aria_props
+ ⚠ eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y(role-support-aria-props): The attribute aria-checked is not supported by the role link. This role is implicit on the element a.
+ ╭─[role_support_aria_props.tsx:1:1]
+ 1 │
+ · ────────────
+ ╰────
+ help: Try to remove invalid attribute aria-checked.
+ ⚠ eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y(role-support-aria-props): The attribute aria-checked is not supported by the role link. This role is implicit on the element area.
+ ╭─[role_support_aria_props.tsx:1:1]
+ 1 │
+ · ────────────
+ ╰────
+ help: Try to remove invalid attribute aria-checked.
+ ⚠ eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y(role-support-aria-props): The attribute aria-checked is not supported by the role link. This role is implicit on the element link.
+ ╭─[role_support_aria_props.tsx:1:1]
+ 1 │
+ · ────────────
+ ╰────
+ help: Try to remove invalid attribute aria-checked.
+ ⚠ eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y(role-support-aria-props): The attribute aria-checked is not supported by the role img. This role is implicit on the element img.
+ ╭─[role_support_aria_props.tsx:1:1]
+ 1 │
+ · ────────────
+ ╰────
+ help: Try to remove invalid attribute aria-checked.
+ ⚠ eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y(role-support-aria-props): The attribute aria-checked is not supported by the role toolbar. This role is implicit on the element menu.
+ ╭─[role_support_aria_props.tsx:1:1]
+ 1 │
+ · ────────────
+ ╰────
+ help: Try to remove invalid attribute aria-checked.
+ ⚠ eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y(role-support-aria-props): The attribute aria-checked is not supported by the role complementary. This role is implicit on the element aside.
+ ╭─[role_support_aria_props.tsx:1:1]
+ 1 │
+ · ────────────
+ ╰────
+ help: Try to remove invalid attribute aria-checked.
+ ⚠ eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y(role-support-aria-props): The attribute aria-expanded is not supported by the role list. This role is implicit on the element ul.
+ ╭─[role_support_aria_props.tsx:1:1]
+ 1 │
+ · ─────────────
+ ╰────
+ help: Try to remove invalid attribute aria-expanded.
+ ⚠ eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y(role-support-aria-props): The attribute aria-expanded is not supported by the role group. This role is implicit on the element details.
+ ╭─[role_support_aria_props.tsx:1:1]
+ 1 │
+ · ─────────────
+ ╰────
+ help: Try to remove invalid attribute aria-expanded.
+ ⚠ eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y(role-support-aria-props): The attribute aria-expanded is not supported by the role dialog. This role is implicit on the element dialog.
+ ╭─[role_support_aria_props.tsx:1:1]
+ 1 │
+ · ─────────────
+ ╰────
+ help: Try to remove invalid attribute aria-expanded.
+ ⚠ eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y(role-support-aria-props): The attribute aria-expanded is not supported by the role complementary. This role is implicit on the element aside.
+ ╭─[role_support_aria_props.tsx:1:1]
+ 1 │
+ · ─────────────
+ ╰────
+ help: Try to remove invalid attribute aria-expanded.
+ ⚠ eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y(role-support-aria-props): The attribute aria-expanded is not supported by the role article. This role is implicit on the element article.
+ ╭─[role_support_aria_props.tsx:1:1]
+ 1 │
+ · ─────────────
+ ╰────
+ help: Try to remove invalid attribute aria-expanded.
+ ⚠ eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y(role-support-aria-props): The attribute aria-expanded is not supported by the role document. This role is implicit on the element body.
+ ╭─[role_support_aria_props.tsx:1:1]
+ 1 │