diff --git a/packages/web-app-draw-io/l10n/translations.json b/packages/web-app-draw-io/l10n/translations.json index 114a0687138..53853d7ad0d 100644 --- a/packages/web-app-draw-io/l10n/translations.json +++ b/packages/web-app-draw-io/l10n/translations.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"cs":{},"de":{"Diagram imported":"Diagramm importiert","Draw.io editor":"Draw.io Editor","File saved!":"Datei gespeichert!","Loading media":"Lade Daten","New draw.io document…":"Neues draw.io Dokument...","The diagram could not be loaded…":"Das Diagramm konnte nicht geladen werden..."},"es":{"Diagram imported":"Diagrama importado","Draw.io editor":"Editor Draw.io","Loading media":"Cargando medios","New draw.io document…":"Nuevo documento Draw.io ...","The diagram could not be loaded…":"El diagrama no puede cargarse ..."},"fr":{"Diagram imported":"Diagramme importé","Draw.io editor":"Éditeur Draw.io","Loading media":"Chargement du media","New draw.io document…":"Nouveau document draw.io …","The diagram could not be loaded…":"Le diagramme ne peut pas être chargé..."},"gl":{},"it":{}} \ No newline at end of file +{"cs":{},"de":{"Diagram imported":"Diagramm importiert","Draw.io editor":"Draw.io Editor","File saved!":"Datei gespeichert!","Loading media":"Lade Daten","New draw.io document…":"Neues draw.io Dokument...","Saving error. You're not authorized to save this file":"Speicherfehler. Keine ausreichenden Berechtigungen, um die Datei zu speichern","The diagram could not be loaded…":"Das Diagramm konnte nicht geladen werden...","This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page. All changes will be lost, so download a copy first.":"Die Datei wurde außerhalb dieses Fensters aktualisiert. Bitte lade die Seite neu. Alle Änderungen gehen dabei verloren, bitte lade erst eine Kopie herunter."},"es":{"Diagram imported":"Diagrama importado","Draw.io editor":"Editor Draw.io","Loading media":"Cargando medios","New draw.io document…":"Nuevo documento Draw.io ...","The diagram could not be loaded…":"El diagrama no puede cargarse ..."},"fr":{"Diagram imported":"Diagramme importé","Draw.io editor":"Éditeur Draw.io","Loading media":"Chargement du media","New draw.io document…":"Nouveau document draw.io …","The diagram could not be loaded…":"Le diagramme ne peut pas être chargé..."},"gl":{},"it":{}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/web-app-files/l10n/translations.json b/packages/web-app-files/l10n/translations.json index 906fe8aeae7..ac15c4ff3c7 100644 --- a/packages/web-app-files/l10n/translations.json +++ b/packages/web-app-files/l10n/translations.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"cs":{"%{name} already exists":"%{name} již existuje","Accept":"Přijmout","Actions":"Akce","Add people":"Přidat lidi","All files":"Všechny soubory","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Při načítání veřejného odkazu došlo k chybě","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Při načítání odkazu nastala chyba","Cancel":"Zrušit","Confirm":"Potvrdit","Continue":"Pokračovat","Contributor":"Přispěvatel","Copy":{"Action in the files list row to initiate copying resources":"Kopírovat"},"Create":"Vytvořit","Decline":"Odmítnout","Delete":"Odstranit","Delete public link":"Smazat veřejný odkaz","Do you want to overwrite it?":"Opravdu si přejete přepsat tento soubor?","Download":"Stáhnout","Drag and drop to upload content into current folder":"Přetáhněte soubor, abyste ho nahráli do aktuální složky","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Sem přetáhněte soubory, které chcete nahrát, nebo kliknutím vyberte soubor","Edit public link":"Upravit veřejný odkaz","Editor":"Editor","Error while sharing.":"Sdílení selhalo.","Expiration date":"Datum vypršení","Favorites":"Oblíbené","File name":"Název souboru","File name cannot be empty":"Jméno souboru nemůže být prázdné","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Název souboru nemůže být \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Název souboru nemůže být \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Název souboru nemůže obsahovat \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Název souboru nemůže končit mezerou","Files":"Soubory","Folder name":"Jméno složky","Folder name cannot be empty":"Jméno složky nemůže být prázdný","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Název složky nemůže být \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Název složky nemůže být \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Název složky nemůže obsahovat \"/\"","Folder name cannot end with whitespace":"Název složky nemůže končit mezerou","Folders":"Složky","Group":"Skupina","Links":"Odkazy","Loading public link…":"Načítání veřejného odkazu...","Mail recipients":"Příjemci pošty","Move":{"Action in the files list row to initiate moving resources":"Přesunout"},"Move here":{"Confirm action in the location picker for move":"Přesunout sem"},"Name":"Název","New":"Nový","New file":"Nový soubor","New folder":"Nová složka","No Versions available for this file":"Pro tento soubor nejsou dostupné žádné verze","Overwrite":"Přepsat","Password":"Heslo","Personal note":"Soukromá poznámka","Public link":"Veřejný odkaz","Public Links":"Veřejné odkazy","Remove password":"Odstranit heslo","Rename":"Přejmenovat","Rename file %{name}":"Přejmenovat soubor %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Přejmenovat složku %{name}","Resolving private link…":"Načítání soukromého odkazu...","Restore":"Obnovit","Role":"Role","Save":"Uložit","Send a copy to myself":"Pošlete mi kopii","Share":"Sdílet","Shared by:":"Sdílel:","Shared with me":"Sdíleno se mnou","Show Details":"Zobrazit detaily","Size":"Velikost","Status":"Stav","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Jméno \"%{name}\" je již obsazeno","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Název nemůže být \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Název nemůže být \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Název nemůže obsahovat \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Název nemůže končit mezerou","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Soukromý odkaz byl úspěšně zkopírován","This resource is password-protected.":"Tento zdroj je chráněný heslem.","title":"název","Upload complete":"Nahrávání dokončeno","Upload File":"Nahrát soubor","Upload Folder":"Nahrát složku","Upload of a folder is not supported in Internet Explorer.":"Nahrávání složky není v aplikaci Internet Explorer podporováno.","Uploader":"Nahrál","User":"Uživatel","Versions":"Verze","Viewer":"Divák","You have no permission to upload!":"Nemáte oprávnění nahrávat soubory.","You have not enough space left to upload!":"Nemáte dostatek místa pro nahrátí."},"de":{"(me)":"(ich)","(Opens in new window)":"(Öffnet in neuem Fenster)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } Element ausgewählt. Aktionen sind oberhalb der Tabelle verfügbar.","%{ amount } Elemente ausgewählt. Aktionen sind oberhalb der Tabelle verfügbar."],"%{ amount } selected item":["%{ amount } ausgewähltes Element","%{ amount } ausgewählte Elemente"],"%{ amount } selected item - %{ size }":["%{ amount } ausgewähltes Element - %{ size }","%{ amount } ausgewählte Elemente - %{ size }"],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} existiert bereits","%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} hat diesen Ordner zum Upload geteilt.","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} erfolgreich wiederhergestellt","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} Dateien erfolgreich wiederhergestellt","Accept":"Annehmen","Accepted shares":"Angenommene Freigaben","Actions":"Aktionen","Add files or folders":"Dateien oder Ordner hinzufügen","Add new person by name, email or federation IDs":"Neue Person per Name, Email oder Federation-ID hinzufügen","Add people":"Personen hinzufügen","Add to favorites":"Zu Favoriten hinzufügen","All":"Alle","All Actions":"Alle Interaktionen","All deleted files were removed":"Alle gelöschten Dateien wurden entfernt","All files":"Alle Dateien","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Beim Laden des öffentlichen Links ist ein Fehler aufgetreten","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Beim Auflösen des privaten Links ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.","Any external person with the respective link can access this resource. No sign-in\n required. Assign a password to avoid unintended document exposure.":"Externe Personen mit einem Link können auf diese Datei oder diesen Ordner zugreifen. Ein Login ist nicht erforderlich. Um unbeabsichtigte Zugriffe zu verhindern, sollte ein Passwort vergeben werden.","Apply":"Anwenden","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources?":"Sollen die gewählten Dateien wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Sollen die gewählten Dateien wirklich gelöscht werden? Der gesamte Inhalt wird endgültig gelöscht. Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.","Are you sure you want to delete this file?":"Soll diese Datei wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this file? All it’s content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Soll diese Datei wirklich gelöscht werden? Der gesamte Inhalt wird endgültig gelöscht. Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder?":"Soll dieser Ordner wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All it’s content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Soll dieser Ordner wirklich gelöscht werden? Der gesamte Inhalt wird endgültig gelöscht. Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Soll der ausgewählte Link wirklich gelöscht werden? Derselbe Link kann danach nicht wieder erzeugt werden.","Back to %{panel} panel":"Zurück zum %{panel} Panel","Cancel":"Abbrechen","Clear selection":"Auswahl aufheben","Click row to toggle upload progress details":"Zeile anklicken für Uploaddetails","Close file sidebar":"Seitenleiste schließen","Close sidebar to hide details":"Seitenleiste schließen um Details zu verbergen","Collapse list of invited people":"Liste eingeladener Personen einklappen","Confirm":"Bestätigen","Context menu of the share":"Kontextmenü der Freigabe","Continue":"Weiter","Contributor":"Mitarbeiter","Copy":{"Action in the files list row to initiate copying resources":"Kopieren"},"Copy into »%{ target }«":"Nach »%{ target }« kopieren","Copy link to clipboard":"Link in die Zwischenablage kopieren","Copy private link to clipboard":"Privaten Link in die Zwischenablage kopieren","Create":"Erstellen","Create & copy public link":"Öffentlichen Link erzeugen & kopieren","Create a new file":"Neue Datei erstellen","Create a new folder":"Neuen Ordner erstellen","Create and copy public link":"Öffentlichen Link erstellen und kopieren","Create new public link":"Neuen öffentlichen Link erstellen","Creating":"Erstelle","Creating Public Link":"Erstelle den öffentlichen Link","Creating share":"Freigabe wird erzeugt","Decline":"Ablehnen","Declined shares":"Abgelehnte Freigaben","Delete":"Löschen","Delete file %{name}":"Datei %{name} löschen","Delete folder %{name}":"Ordner %{name} löschen","Delete public link":"Lösche den öffentlichen Link","Delete selected resource?":["Ausgewählte Ressource löschen?","%{amount} ausgewählte Dateien löschen?"],"Deleted":"Gelöscht","deleted %{timeRelative}":{"inline info about deletion date":"gelöscht %{timeRelative}"},"deleted %{timeRelative} (%{time})":{"aria label for inline info about deletion date":"gelöscht %{timeRelative} (%{time})"},"Deleted files":"Gelöschte Dateien","Deselect %{name}":"Auswahl für %{name} aufheben","Details":"Details","Display customization options of the files list":"Anpassungsoptionen für die Dateienliste anzeigen","Do you want to create a new version?":"Soll eine neue Version erstellt werden?","Do you want to overwrite it?":"Soll es überschrieben werden?","Download":"Herunterladen","Download older version":"Ältere Version herunterladen","Drag and drop to upload content into current folder":"Ziehen Sie Inhalte per Drag & Drop in den aktuellen Ordner","Drag files and folders here or use the \"+ New\" button to upload":"Dateien und Ordner hierher ziehen oder den \"+Neu\"-Button zum Hochladen nutzen","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Dateien hier fallenlassen oder anklicken zum Selektieren","Edit expiration date":"Ablaufdatum bearbeiten","Edit public link":"Bearbeite öffentlichen Link","Editor":"Editor","Empty trash bin":"Papierkorb leeren","Enter password for public link":"Passworteingabe für öffentlichen Link","Error while sharing.":"Fehler beim Teilen.","Expiration date":"Ablaufdatum","Expiration date (required)":"Verfallsdatum (erforderlich)","Expires %{ expiryDateRelative }":"Läuft ab %{ expiryDateRelative }","Expires %{expires}":"Läuft ab: %{expires}","Failed to apply expiration date":"Fehler beim Anwenden des Ablaufdatums","Failed to apply new permissions":"Fehler beim Anwenden der neuen Rechte","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"Fehler beim Wiederherstellen von %{resourceCount} Dateien","Favorites":"Favoriten","file":"Datei","File name":"Dateiname","File name cannot be empty":"Der Dateiname darf nicht leer sein.","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Der Dateiname darf nicht \"..\" sein.","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Der Dateiname darf nicht \".\" sein.","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Der Dateiname darf kein \"/\" enthalten.","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Der Dateiname darf nicht mit einem Leerzeichen enden.","Files":"Dateien","folder":"Ordner","Folder name":"Ordnername","Folder name cannot be empty":"Der Ordnername darf nicht leer sein.","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Der Ordnername darf nicht \"..\" sein.","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Der Ordnername darf nicht \".\" sein.","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Der Ordnername darf kein \"/\" enthalten.","Folder name cannot end with whitespace":"Der Ordnername darf nicht mit einem Leerzeichen enden.","Folders":"Ordner","Go to »All files«":"Gehe zu \"Alle Dateien\"","Group":"Gruppe","Guest user":"Gastnutzer","Hide Details":"Details verstecken","Incorrect password":"Falsches Kennwort","Invite":"Einladen","Invite with custom permissions":"Mit benutzerdefinierten Rechten einladen","Items per page":"Dateien pro Seite","Last modified:":"Zuletzt bearbeitet:","Links":"Links","Loading list of file links":"Lade Dateilinks","Loading people list":"Lade Personen","Loading public link…":"Lade öffentlichen Link…","Mail recipients":"E-Mail Empfänger","Modified":"Bearbeitet","modified %{timeRelative}":{"inline info about last modification date":"bearbeitet %{timeRelative}"},"modified %{timeRelative} (%{time})":{"aria label for inline info about last modification date":"bearbeitet %{timeRelative} (%{time})"},"Move":{"Action in the files list row to initiate moving resources":"Verschieben"},"Move here":{"Confirm action in the location picker for move":"Hierher verschieben"},"Move into »%{ target }«":"Nach »%{ target }« verschieben","msg":"Nachricht","Name":"Name","Navigate into the desired folder and copy selected resources into it.\n You can navigate into a folder by clicking on its name.\n To navigate back, you can click on the breadcrumbs.\n Resources will be copied into the folder where you are currently located.":"Navigieren Sie in den gewünschten Ordner und kopieren Sie die ausgewählten Datei dorthin.\nSie können in einen Ordner navigieren, indem Sie auf seinen Namen klicken.\nUm zurück zu navigieren, können Sie auf die Brotkrümelnavigation klicken.\nDie Dateien werden in den Ordner kopiert, in dem Sie sich gerade befinden.","Navigate into the desired folder and move selected resources into it.\n You can navigate into a folder by clicking on its name.\n To navigate back, you can click on the breadcrumbs.\n Resources will be moved into the folder where you are currently located.":"Navigieren Sie in den gewünschten Ordner und kopieren Sie die ausgewählten Datei dorthin.\nSie können in einen Ordner navigieren, indem Sie auf seinen Namen klicken.\nUm zurück zu navigieren, können Sie auf die Brotkrümelnavigation klicken.\nDie Dateien werden in den Ordner kopiert, in dem Sie sich gerade befinden.","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"Zu '%{folder}' navigieren","Navigate to the parent":"Zum übergeordneten Ordner wechseln","New":"Neu","New file":"Neue Datei","New folder":"Neuer Ordner","New folder…":"Neuer Ordner…","No information to display":"Keine Informationen anzeigbar","No items selected.":"Keine Elemente ausgewählt.","No matching role found":"Keine passende Rolle gefunden","No public links":"Keine öffentlichen Links","No resource found":"Keine Dateien gefunden","No search term entered":"Kein Suchbegriff eingegeben","No users or groups found.":"Keine Benutzer oder Gruppen gefunden.","No Versions available for this file":"Für diese Datei sind keine Versionen verfügbar. ","Only invited people can use this link.":"Nur eingeladene Personen können diesen Link öffnen.","Open folder":{"Action in the files list row to open a folder":"Ordner öffnen"},"Open in %{ appName }":"In %{ appName } öffnen","Open in %{app}":"In %{app} öffnen","Open in browser":"Im Browser öffnen","Open sidebar to view details":"Seitenleiste schließen um Details anzuzeigen","Overview of the information about the selected file":"Übersicht der Informationen für die ausgewählte Datei","Overview of the information about the selected files":"Überblick der Informationen zu den ausgewählten Elementen","Overwrite":"Überschreiben","Owner:":"Besitzer:","Password":"Passwort","Password (required)":"Passwort (erforderlich)","Password protected":"Geschützt durch Passwort","Paste here":{"Confirm action in the location picker for copy":"Hier einfügen"},"Pending shares":"Ausstehende Freigaben","People":"Personen","Permanently delete file %{name}":"Datei %{name} endgültig löschen?","Permanently delete folder %{name}":"Ordner %{name} endgültig löschen?","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Ausgewählte Ressource endgültig löschen?","%{amount} ausgewählte Dateien endgültig löschen?"],"permission":"Rechte","Person was added":"Person hinzugefügt","Personal note":"Persönliche Notiz","Please, accept this share first to display available actions":"Um die verfügbaren Aktionen anzuzeigen, muss diese Freigabe zuerst akzeptiert werden.","Private Link":"Privater Link","Private link copied":"Privater Link kopiert","Public link":"Öffentlicher Link","Public link copied":"Öffentlicher Link kopiert","Public link created":"Öffentlicher Link erstellt","Public Links":"Öffentliche Links","Quick action link":"Quick-Action-Link","Reload public link":"Öffentlichen Link neu laden","Remote user":"Remote-Benutzer","Remove expiration date":"Entferne Ablaufdatum","Remove from favorites":"Von Favoriten entfernen","Remove password":"Entferne Passwort","Remove share":"Freigabe entfernen","Removing public link":"Entferne öffentlichen Link","Rename":"Umbenennen","Rename file %{name}":"Datei %{name} umbenennen","Rename folder %{name}":"Ordner %{name} umbenennen","Resolving private link…":"Auflösen des privaten Links…","Resource not found":"Datei nicht gefunden","Resource with name %{name} already exists":"Datei oder Ordner mit dem Namen %{name} ist bereits vorhanden","Restore":"Wiederherstellen","Restore older version":"Ältere Version wiederherstellen","role":"Rolle","Role":"Rolle","Save":"Speichern","Saving":"Speichern","Saving Public Link":"Speichere den öffentlichen Link","See all versions":"Alle Versionen ansehen","Select a file or folder to view details.":"Dateien oder Ordner auswählen um Details zu sehen","Select all resources":"Alle auswählen","Select file":"Datei auswählen","Select folder":"Ordner auswählen","Select role for the invitation":"Rolle für Freigabe-Einladung auswählen","Send a copy to myself":"Eine Kopie an mich schicken","Set expiration date":"Ablaufdatum setzen","Share":"Teilen","Share expires %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })":"Freigabe läuft ab %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })","Share owner":"Besitzer","Share receiver name: %{ displayName }":"Freigabe-Empfänger: %{ displayName }","Share receiver name: %{ displayName } (%{ additionalInfo })":"Freigabe-Empfänger: %{ displayName } (%{ additionalInfo })","Share receivers":"Empfänger der Freigabe","Share type: %{ shareType }":"Freigabeart: %{ shareType }","Shared by:":"Geteilt von:","Shared on":"Geteilt am","Shared via link":"Per Link geteilt","Shared via:":"Geteilt durch:","Shared with":"Geteilt mit","Shared with me":"Mit mir geteilt","Shared with others":"Mit anderen geteilt","Shared:":"Geteilt:","Show accepted shares":"Angenommene Freigaben anzeigen","Show all invited people":"Zeige alle eingeladenen Personen","Show context menu":"Kontextmenü anzeigen","Show declined shares":"Abgelehnte Freigaben anzeigen","Show Details":"Details ansehen","Show hidden files":"Versteckte Dateien anzeigen","Show invited people":"Zeige eingeladene Personen","Show less":"Weniger anzeigen","Show links":"Zeige Links","Show more":"Mehr anzeigen","Size":"Größe","Size:":"Größe:","Status":"Status","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Der Name \"%{name}\" ist bereits vergeben","The name cannot be empty":"Der Name darf nicht leer sein","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Der Name darf nicht \"..\" sein.","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Der Name darf nicht \".\" sein.","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Der Name darf kein \"/\" enthalten.","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Der Name darf nicht mit einem Leerzeichen enden","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Der private Link wurde in die Zwichenablage kopiert.","The public link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"Der öffentliche Link \"%{linkName}\" wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert.","There are no resources in this folder":"Dieser Ordner hat keinen Inhalt","There are no resources in this folder.":"Dieser Ordner hat keinen Inhalt.","There are no resources marked as favorite":"Nichts zum favorisieren ausgewählt","There are no resources with a public link at the moment":"Aktuell gibt es keine Dateien mit öffentlichen Links","this":"dies","This %{ resourceType } is owned by %{ ownerName }":"Diese(r) %{ resourceType } gehört %{ ownerName }","This file has been shared.":"Diese Datei wurde geteilt.","This folder contains %{ itemCount } item.":["Dieser Ordner enthält %{ itemCount } Element.","Dieser Ordner enthält %{ itemCount } Elemente."],"This folder has been shared.":"Dieser Ordner wurde geteilt.","This folder has no content.":"Dieser Ordner ist leer.","This item is directly shared via links.":"Dieses Element wurde direkt über Links geteilt.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Dieses Element wurde direkt mit anderen Personen geteilt.","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Dieses Element wurde durch einen übergeordneten Ordner über Links geteilt.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Dieses Element wurde durch einen übergeordneten Ordner mit anderen Personen geteilt.","This resource is password-protected.":"Diese Datei ist passwortgeschützt.","title":"Titel","Upload complete":"Hochladen abgeschlossen","Upload File":"Datei hochladen","Upload Folder":"Ordner hochladen","Upload of a folder is not supported in Internet Explorer.":"Das Hochladen eines Ordners wird im Internet Explorer nicht unterstützt.","Uploader":"Nur hochladen","Uploading \"%{ fileName }\"":"Hochladen \"%{ fileName }\"","Uploading %{ count } item":["Hochladen von %{ count } Element","Hochladen von %{ count } Elementen"],"Uploading file \"%{fileName}\"":"Lade Datei \"%{ fileName }\" hoch","User":"Benutzer","Versions":"Versionen","Versions:":"Versionen:","Via %{folderName}":"Durch %{folderName}","Viewer":"Betrachter","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Wir haben überall gesucht, konnten die ausgewählte Datei aber nicht finden.","You are currently not collaborating on any of your resources with other people":"Es sind keine Inhalte mit anderen Personen zur Zusammenarbeit geteilt","You are not collaborating on other people's resources.":"Sie arbeiten aktuell nicht an Dateien anderer Personen.","You don't have any previously declined shares.":"Sie haben bisher keine abgelehnten Freigaben.","You don't have permission to share this file.":"Keine Berechtigung diese Datei zu teilen.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"Keine Berechtigung diesen Ordner zu teilen.","You have no deleted files":"Keine gelöschte Dateien","You have no permission to upload!":"Sie haben keine Berechtigung zum Hochladen!","You have not enough space left to upload!":"Sie haben zum Hochladen nicht genügend Speicherplatz zur Verfügung."},"es":{"(me)":"(yo)","%{ amount } selected item":["%{ amount } elemento seleccionado","%{ amount } elementos seleccionados"],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} ya existe","%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} compartió esta carpeta con usted para subir archivos.","Accept":"Aceptar","Actions":"Acciones","All files":"Todos los archivos","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Se ha producido un error al cargar el enlace público","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Un error ocurrió resolviendo el enlace privado ","Cancel":"Cancelar","Continue":"Continuar","Contributor":"Colaborador","Create":"Crear","Creating":"Creando","Creating Public Link":"Creando Enlace Público","Decline":"Rechazar","Delete":"Eliminar","Delete public link":"Eliminar enlace público","Deleted files":"Archivos borrados","Do you want to create a new version?":"¿Quieres crear una nueva versión?","Do you want to overwrite it?":"¿Quieres sobreescribirlo?","Download":"Descargar","Drag and drop to upload content into current folder":"Arrastre y suelte para subir contenido a la carpeta actual","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Arrastra archivos aquí o haz clic para seleccionar un archivo","Edit public link":"Editar enlace público","Editor":"Editor","Empty trash bin":"Vaciar papelera","Error while sharing.":"Error al compartir","Expiration date":"Fecha de expiración","Expires %{expires}":"Expira %{expires}","Favorites":"Favoritos","File name":"Nombre de archivo","File name cannot be empty":"El nombre de archivo no puede ser vacío","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"El nombre de archivo no puede ser igual a \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"El nombre de archivo no puede ser igual a \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"El nombre del archivo no puede contener \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"El nombre del archivo no puede terminar con un espacio en blanco","Files":"Archivos","Folder name":"Nombre de carpeta","Folder name cannot be empty":"El nombre de carpeta no puede ser vacío","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"El nombre de carpeta no puede ser igual a \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"El nombre de carpeta no puede ser igual a \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"El nombre de la carpeta no puede contener \"/\"","Folder name cannot end with whitespace":"El nombre de la carpeta no puede terminar con un espacio en blanco","Folders":"Carpetas","Group":"Grupo","Hide Details":"Ocultar Detalles","Links":"Enlaces","Loading public link…":"Cargando enlace público...","Mail recipients":"Destinatarios de correo","msg":"msg","Name":"Nombre","New file":"Nuevo archivo","New folder":"Nueva carpeta","New folder…":"Nueva carpeta...","No public links":"Ningún enlace público","No Versions available for this file":"No hay versiones disponibles para este archivo","Password":"Contraseña","Password protected":"Protegido con contraseña","Personal note":"Nota personal","Private Link":"Enlace Privado","Public link":"Enlace público","Public Links":"Enlaces Públicos","Remove expiration date":"Eliminar fecha de vencimiento","Remove password":"Eliminar contraseña","Rename":"Renombrar","Rename file %{name}":"Renombrar archivo %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Renombrar carpeta %{name}","Resolving private link…":"Resolviendo enlace privado...","Restore":"Restaurar","Role":"Rol","Save":"Guardar","Saving":"Guardando","Saving Public Link":"Guardar Enlace Público","Send a copy to myself":"Enviar una copia a mí mismo","Shared by:":"Compartido por:","Shared with":"Compartido con","Shared with me":"Compartido conmigo","Shared with others":"Compartido con otros","Show Details":"Mostrar Detalles","Size":"Tamaño","Status":"Estado","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"El nombre \"%{name}\" ya está tomado","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"El nombre no puede ser igual a \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"El nombre no puede ser igual a \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"El nombre no puede contener \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"El nombre no puede terminar con un espacio en blanco","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"El enlace privado ha sido copiado al portapapeles","There are no resources in this folder.":"No hay recursos en esta carpeta.","this":"esto","This resource is password-protected.":"Este recurso está protegido por contraseña.","title":"titulo","Upload complete":"Subida completa","Upload File":"Subir archivo","Upload Folder":"Subir carpeta","Upload of a folder is not supported in Internet Explorer.":"Subir carpetas no esta soportado en Internet Explorer","Uploader":"Cargador","Uploading \"%{ fileName }\"":"Subiendo \"%{ fileName }\"","Uploading %{ count } item":["Subiendo %{ count } ítems","Subiendo %{ count } ítems"],"Uploading file \"%{fileName}\"":"Subiendo archivo \"%{fileName}\"","User":"Usuario","Versions":"Versiones","Via %{folderName}":"A través de %{folderName}","Viewer":"Visor","You have no permission to upload!":"No tienes permisos para subir.","You have not enough space left to upload!":"No tiene suficiente espacio para subir."},"fr":{"(me)":"(moi)","(Opens in new window)":"(ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)","%{ amount } selected item":["%{ amount } élément sélectionné","%{ amount } éléments sélectionnés"],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} est déjà existant","%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} a partagé ce dossier avec vous pour uploader.","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} a été restauré avec succès","Accept":"Accepter","Accepted shares":"Partages acceptés","Actions":"Actions","Add files or folders":"Ajouter des fichiers ou des dossiers","Add new person by name, email or federation IDs":"Ajouter une nouvelle personne avec son nom, adresse email ou son ID fédéré.","Add people":"Ajouter des personnes ","Add to favorites":"Ajouter aux favoris","All":"Tout","All Actions":"Toutes les actions","All deleted files were removed":"Tous les fichiers supprimés ont été retirés","All files":"Tous les fichiers","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Une erreur est apparue lors du chargement du lien public","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Une erreur est apparue lors de la résolution du lien privé","Any external person with the respective link can access this resource. No sign-in\n required. Assign a password to avoid unintended document exposure.":"Toute personne exterieure avec le lien respectif peut acceder à cette ressource. Aucune authentification n'est requise. Attribuez un mot de passe pour éviter toute exposition involontaire de document","Apply":"Appliquer","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources?":"Êtes vous sûr de vouloir supprimer les ressources selectionnées?","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer toutes les ressources sélectionnées ? Tout leur contenu sera définitivement supprimé. Cette action ne peut pas être annulée. ","Are you sure you want to delete this file?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer \"%{file}\"?","Are you sure you want to delete this file? All it’s content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce fichier ? Tout son contenu sera supprimé de manière permanente. Cette action ne peut pas être annulée.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce dossier?","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All it’s content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce dossier? Tout son contenu sera supprimé de manière permanente. Cette action ne peut pas être annulée.","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce lien ? Recréer le même lien ne sera pas possibe à l'avenir.","Cancel":"Annuler","Clear selection":"Annuler la sélection","Click row to toggle upload progress details":"Cliquez sur la ligne pour faire apparaître les détails de la progression du téléchargement","Close file sidebar":"Ouvrir le panneau latéral de fichier.","Close sidebar to hide details":"Fermer le panneau latéral pour cacher les détails","Confirm":"Confirmer","Continue":"Continuer","Contributor":"Contributeur","Copy":{"Action in the files list row to initiate copying resources":"Copier"},"Copy into »%{ target }«":"Copier vers »%{ target }«","Copy link to clipboard":"Copier le lien dans le presse papier","Copy private link to clipboard":"Copier le lien privé vers le presse papier","Create":"Créer","Create & copy public link":"Créer et copier le lien public","Create a new file":"Créer un nouveau fichier...","Create a new folder":"Créer un nouveau dossier...","Create and copy public link":"Créer et copier un nouveau lien public","Create new public link":"Créer un nouveau lien public","Creating":"Création en cours","Creating Public Link":"Création lien public","Decline":"Décliner","Delete":"Supprimer","Delete file %{name}":"Supprimer le fichier %{name}","Delete folder %{name}":"Supprimer le dossier %{name}","Delete public link":"Supprimer lien public","Delete selected resource?":[" Supprimer la ressource sélectionnée?"," Supprimer les %{amount} ressources sélectionnées?"],"Deleted files":"Fichiers supprimés","Deselect %{name}":"désélectionner %{name}","Details":"Détails","Display customization options of the files list":"Afficher les options de customisation de la liste de fichier","Do you want to create a new version?":"Voulez-vous creer une nouvelle version ?","Do you want to overwrite it?":"Voulez-vous l'écraser ?","Download":"Télécharger","Download older version":"Télécharger une ancienne version","Drag and drop to upload content into current folder":"Glisser et déplacer pour uploader du contenu dans le dossier courant","Drag files and folders here or use the \"+ New\" button to upload":"Glissez des fichiers ou dossiers ici ou utilisez le bouton \"+ Nouveau\" pour en ajouter.","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Déposer des fichiers ici pour uploader ou cliquer pour sélectionner des fichiers","Edit public link":"Editer lien public","Editor":"Éditeur","Empty trash bin":"Vider la corbeille","Enter password for public link":"Entrer le mot de passe du lien public","Error while sharing.":"Erreur apparue lors du partage.","Expiration date":"Date d'éxpiration","Expiration date (required)":"Date d'expiration (obligatoire)","Expires %{expires}":"Expire le %{expires}","Favorites":"Favoris","File name":"Nom de fichier","File name cannot be empty":"Nom de fichier ne peut pas être vide","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas être \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas être \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas contenir \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas se terminer avec un espace","Files":"Fichiers","Folder name":"Nom de dossier","Folder name cannot be empty":"Nom de dossier ne peut pas être vide","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Le nom du dossier ne peut pas être \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Le nom du dossier ne peut pas être \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Le nom du dossier ne peut pas contenir \"/\"","Folder name cannot end with whitespace":"Le nom du dossier ne peut pas se terminer avec un espace","Folders":"Dossiers","Go to »All files«":"Aller à »All files« ","Group":"Groupe","Guest user":"Utilisateur invité","Hide Details":"Masquer les détails","Incorrect password":"Mot de passe incorrect","Invite":"Inviter","Items per page":"Éléments par page","Last modified:":"Dernière modification le :","Links":"Liens","Loading list of file links":"Chargement de la liste des liens des fichiers","Loading people list":"Chargement de la liste des personnes","Loading public link…":"Chargement du lien public...","Mail recipients":"Destinataires","Move":{"Action in the files list row to initiate moving resources":"Déplacer"},"Move here":{"Confirm action in the location picker for move":"Déplacer ici"},"Move into »%{ target }«":"Aller vers »%{ target }«","msg":"msg","Name":"Nom","Navigate into the desired folder and copy selected resources into it.\n You can navigate into a folder by clicking on its name.\n To navigate back, you can click on the breadcrumbs.\n Resources will be copied into the folder where you are currently located.":"Déplacez-vous vers le dossier désiré et copiez les éléments séléctionnés à l'interieur.\n Vous pouvez vous déplacer dans un dossier en cliquant sur son nom.\n Pour revenir en arrière, vous pouvez utiliser le fil d'ariane.\n Les éléments seront copiés dans le dossier où vous vous trouvez.","Navigate into the desired folder and move selected resources into it.\n You can navigate into a folder by clicking on its name.\n To navigate back, you can click on the breadcrumbs.\n Resources will be moved into the folder where you are currently located.":"Déplacez-vous vers le dossier désiré et déplacez les éléments séléctionnés à l'interieur.\n Vous pouvez vous déplacer dans un dossier en cliquant sur son nom.\n Pour revenir en arrière, vous pouvez utiliser le fil d'ariane.\n Les éléments seront déplacés dans le dossier où vous vous trouvez.","Navigate to the parent":"Aller au dossier parent","New":"Nouveau","New file":"Nouveau fichier","New folder":"Nouveau dossier","New folder…":"Nouveau dossier...","No information to display":"Aucune information à afficher","No items selected.":"Aucun élément séléctionné","No matching role found":"Aucun rôle correspondant séléctionné","No public links":"Aucun lien public","No resource found":"Aucune ressource trouvée","No search term entered":"Aucun terme de recherche n'a été saisi","No users or groups found.":"Aucun utilisateur ou groupe n'a été trouvé","No Versions available for this file":"Aucune version n'existe pour ce fichier","Only invited people can use this link.":"Seuls les personnes invités peuvent utiliser ce lien.","Open folder":{"Action in the files list row to open a folder":"Ouvrir le dossie"},"Open in %{app}":"Ouvrir avec %{app}","Open in browser":"Ouvrir dans le navigateur","Open sidebar to view details":"Ouvrir le panneau latéral pour voir les détails","Overview of the information about the selected file":"Aperçu des informations sur le fichier sélectionné","Overview of the information about the selected files":"Aperçu des informations sur les fichiers sélectionnés","Overwrite":"Écraser","Owner:":"Propriétaire :","Password":"Mot de passe","Password (required)":"Mot de passe (obligatoire)","Password protected":"Protégé par mot de passe","Paste here":{"Confirm action in the location picker for copy":"Coller ici"},"People":"Personne","Permanently delete file %{name}":"Supprimer définitivement le fichier %{name}","Permanently delete folder %{name}":" Supprimer définitivement le dossier %{name}","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Supprimer définitivement la ressource sélectionnée ?"," Supprimer définitivement les %{amount} ressources sélectionnées?"],"Person was added":"Une personne a été ajoutée","Personal note":"Note personnelle","Please, accept this share first to display available actions":"S’il vous plaît, acceptez ce partage pour afficher les actions disponibles ","Private Link":"Lien privé","Private link copied":"Lien privé copié","Public link":"Lien public","Public link copied":"Lien public copié","Public link created":"Lien public créé","Public Links":"Liens publics","Quick action link":"Lien vers les actions rapides","Reload public link":"Recharger le lien public","Remote user":"Utilisateur distant","Remove expiration date":"Supprimer date d'expiration","Remove from favorites":"Retirer des favoris","Remove password":"Supprimer mot de passe","Removing public link":"Supprimer le lien public","Rename":"Renommer","Rename file %{name}":"Renommer fichier %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Renommer dossier %{name}","Resolving private link…":"Résolution du lien privé...","Resource not found":" Ressource introuvable ","Resource with name %{name} already exists":"L'élément avec le nom %{name} existe déjà","Restore":"Restaurer","Restore older version":"Restaurer une ancienne version","Role":"Role","Save":"Sauvegarder","Saving":"Sauvegarde en cours","Saving Public Link":"Enregistrement lien public","See all versions":"Voir toutes les versions","Select a file or folder to view details.":"Séléctionnez un fichier ou un dossier pour voir les détails","Send a copy to myself":"M'envoyer une copie","Share":"Partager","Shared by:":"Partagé par:","Shared via link":"Partagé par lien","Shared with":"Partagé avec","Shared with me":"Partagé avec moi","Shared with others":"Partagé avec autres","Shared:":"Partagé:","Show Details":"Afficher les détails","Show hidden files":"Afficher les fichiers masqués","Show invited people":"Voir les personnes invitées","Show links":"Afficher les liens","Size":"Taille","Size:":"Taille :","Status":"État","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Le nom \"%{name}\" existe déjà","The name cannot be empty":"Le nom ne peut pas être vide","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Le nom ne peut pas être \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Le nom ne peut pas être \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Le nom ne peut pas contenir \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Le nom ne peut pas finir avec un espace","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Le lien privé a été copié dans le presse-papier.","The public link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"Le lien privé \"%{linkName}\" a été copié dans le presse-papier.","There are no resources in this folder":"Il n'y a aucun élément dans ce dossier","There are no resources in this folder.":"Il n'y a aucune ressource dans ce dossier","There are no resources marked as favorite":"Il n'y a aucun élément marqué comme favoris","There are no resources with a public link at the moment":"Il n'y a pas d'élément avec un lien public pour le moment.","this":"ceci","This file has been shared.":"Ce fichier a été partagé","This folder contains %{ itemCount } item.":["Ce dossier contient %{ itemCount } élément.","Ce dossier contient %{ itemCount } éléments."],"This folder has been shared.":"Ce dossier est partagé.","This folder has no content.":"Ce dossier est vide.","This item is directly shared via links.":"Cet élément est diretement partagé par lien.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Cet élément est directement partagé avec d'autres.","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Cet élément est partagé par lien au travers de l'un des dossiers parents","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Cet élément est partagé avec d'autres par lien au travers de l'un des dossiers parents","This resource is password-protected.":"Cette resource est protégée par mot de passe.","title":"titre","Upload complete":"Upload terminé","Upload File":"Uploader un Fichier","Upload Folder":"Uploader un Dossier","Upload of a folder is not supported in Internet Explorer.":"Upload de dossier n'est pas supporté sur Internet Explorer.","Uploader":"Uploadeur","Uploading \"%{ fileName }\"":"Téléchargement de \"%{ fileName }\"","Uploading %{ count } item":["Upload fichier \"%{fileName}\"","Upload %{ count } entrées"],"Uploading file \"%{fileName}\"":"Upload fichier \"%{fileName}\"","User":"Utilisateur","Versions":"Versions","Versions:":"Versions :","Via %{folderName}":"Via %{folderName}","Viewer":"Visionneur","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Nous avons cherché partout, mais nous n’avons pas pu trouver la ressource sélectionnée.","You are currently not collaborating on any of your resources with other people":"Vous ne collaborez actuellement sur aucun des éléments avec d'autres personnes.","You don't have permission to share this file.":"Vous n'avez pas la permission de partager ce fichier.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"Vous n'avez pas la permission de partager ce dossier.","You have no deleted files":"Vous n'avez aucun fichier supprimé","You have no permission to upload!":"Vous n'avez pas la permission d'uploader !","You have not enough space left to upload!":"Vous n'avec pas assez d'espace disponible pour uploader !"},"gl":{"(me)":"(eu)","%{ amount } selected item":["%{ amount } elemento seleccionado","%{ amount } elementos seleccionados"],"%{ amount } selected item - %{ size }":["%{ amount } elemento seleccionado - %{ size }","%{ amount } elementos seleccionados - %{ size }"],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} xa existe","%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} compartiu este cartafol con vostede para envialo","Accept":"Aceptar","Actions":"Accións","Add people":"Engadir xente","All deleted files were removed":"Retiráronse todos os ficheiros eliminados","All files":"Todos os ficheiros","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Produciuse un erro ao cargar a ligazón pública","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Produciuse un erro ao resolver a ligazón privada","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources?":"Confirma que quere eliminar todos os recursos seleccionados?","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":" \nConfirma que quere eliminar todos os recursos seleccionados? Todo o seu contido eliminarase definitivamente. Esta acción non se pode desfacer.","Are you sure you want to delete this file?":"Confirma que quere eliminar este ficheiro?","Are you sure you want to delete this file? All it’s content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Confirma que quere eliminar este ficheiro? Todo o seu contido eliminarase definitivamente. Esta acción non se pode desfacer.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder?":"Confirma que quere eliminar este cartafol?","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All it’s content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Confirma que quere eliminar este cartafol? Todo o seu contido eliminarase definitivamente. Esta acción non se pode desfacer.","Cancel":"Cancelar","Clear selection":"Limpar a selección","Confirm":"Confirmar","Continue":"Continuar","Contributor":"Colaborador","Copy":{"Action in the files list row to initiate copying resources":"Copiar"},"Create":"Crear","Create a new file":"Crear un novo ficheiro","Create a new folder":"Crear un novo cartafol","Create and copy public link":"Crear e copiar unha ligazón pública","Create new public link":"Crear unha nova ligazón pública","Creating":"Creando","Creating Public Link":"Creando a ligazón pública","Decline":"Declinar","Delete":"Eliminar","Delete file %{name}":"Eliminar o ficheiro %{name}","Delete folder %{name}":"Eliminar o cartafol %{name}","Delete public link":"Eliminar ligazón pública","Delete selected resource?":["Eliminar o recurso seleccionado?","Eliminar os %{amount} recursos seleccionados?"],"Deleted files":"Ficheiros eliminados","Do you want to create a new version?":"Quere crear unha nova versión?","Do you want to overwrite it?":"Quere sobrescribilo?","Download":"Descargar","Drag and drop to upload content into current folder":"Arrastre e solte para enviar contido ao cartafol actual","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Solte os ficheiros aquí para envialos ou prema para seleccionar ficheiro","Edit public link":"Editar ligazón pública","Editor":"Editor","Empty trash bin":"Cesto do lixo baleiro","Enter password for public link":"Introduza o contrasinal para a ligazón pública","Error while sharing.":"Produciuse un erro durante a compartición.","Expiration date":"Data de caducidade","Expires %{expires}":"Caduca %{expires}","Favorites":"Favoritos","File name":"Nome de ficheiro","File name cannot be empty":"O nome do ficheiro non pode estar baleiro","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"O nome do ficheiro non pode ser igual a «..»","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"O nome do ficheiro non pode ser igual a «.»","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"O nome do ficheiro non pode conter unha «/»","File name cannot end with whitespace":"O nome do ficheiro non pode rematar cun espazo en branco","Files":"Ficheiros","Folder name":"Nome do cartafol","Folder name cannot be empty":"O nome do cartafol non pode estar baleiro","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"O nome do cartafol non pode ser igual a «..»","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"O nome do cartafol non pode ser igual a «.»","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"O nome do cartafol non pode conter unha «/»","Folder name cannot end with whitespace":"O nome do cartafol non pode rematar cun espazo en branco","Folders":"Cartafoles","Go to »All files«":"Ir a «Todos os ficheiros»","Group":"Grupo","Hide Details":"Agochar os detalles","Incorrect password":"Contrasinal incorrecta","Links":"Ligazóns","Loading public link…":"Cargando a ligazón pública…","Mail recipients":"Destinatarios de correo","Move":{"Action in the files list row to initiate moving resources":"Mover"},"Move here":{"Confirm action in the location picker for move":"Mover aquí"},"msg":"msx","Name":"Nome","Navigate to the parent":"Navegar ata o pai","New":"Novo","New file":"Novo ficheiro","New folder":"Novo cartafol","New folder…":"Novo cartafol…","No public links":"Non hai ligazóns públicas","No Versions available for this file":"Non hai versións dispoñíbeis para este ficheiro","Only invited people can use this link.":"Só as persoas convidadas poden usar esta ligazón.","Open folder":{"Action in the files list row to open a folder":"Abrir cartafol"},"Open in browser":"Abrir no navegador","Overwrite":"Sobreescribir","Password":"Contrasinal","Password protected":"Protexido por contrasinal","Paste here":{"Confirm action in the location picker for copy":"Pegar aquí"},"People":"Xente","Permanently delete file %{name}":"Eliminar de xeito permanente o ficheiro %{name}","Permanently delete folder %{name}":"Eliminar de xeito permanente o cartafol %{name}","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Eliminar de xeito permanente o recurso seleccionado?","Eliminar de xeito permanente os %{amount} recursos seleccionados?"],"Person was added":"Engadiuse a persoa","Personal note":"Nota persoal","Please, accept this share first to display available actions":"Acepte primeiro esta compartición para amosar as accións dispoñíbeis","Private Link":"Ligazón privada","Public link":"Ligazón pública","Public link created":"Creouse unha ligazón pública","Public Links":"Ligazóns públicas","Reload public link":"Volvendo cargar a ligazón pública","Remote user":"Usuario remoto","Remove expiration date":"Retirar a data de caducidade","Remove password":"Retirar o contrasinal","Rename":"Renomear","Rename file %{name}":"Renomear o ficheiro %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Renomear o cartafol %{name}","Resolving private link…":"Resolvendo a ligazón privada…","Resource not found":"Non se atopou o recurso","Resource with name %{name} already exists":"Xa existe o frecurso nome %{name}","Restore":"Restaurar","Role":"Rol","Save":"Gardar","Saving":"Gardando","Saving Public Link":"Gardando ligazón pública","Send a copy to myself":"Envíame unha copia","Share":"Compartir","Shared by:":"Compartido por:","Shared with":"Compartido con","Shared with me":"Compartido comigo","Shared with others":"Compartido con outros","Show Details":"Amosar os detalles","Size":"Tamaño","Status":"Estado","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"O nome «%{name}» xa está ocupado","The name cannot be empty":"O nome non pode estar baleiro","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"O nome non pode ser igual a «..»","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"O nome non pode ser igual a «.»","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"O nome non pode conter unha «/»","The name cannot end with whitespace":"O nome non pode rematar cun espazo en branco","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"A ligazón privada foi copiada no portapapeis.","There are no resources in this folder.":"Non hai recursos neste cartafol.","this":"este","This resource is password-protected.":"Este recurso está protexido por contrasinal.","title":"título","Upload complete":"Envío completado","Upload File":"Enviar ficheiro","Upload Folder":"Enviar cartafol","Upload of a folder is not supported in Internet Explorer.":"O envío dun cartafol non é compatíbel co Internet Explorer.","Uploader":"Xestor de envíos","Uploading \"%{ fileName }\"":"Enviando «%{ fileName }»","Uploading %{ count } item":["Enviando %{ count } elemento","Enviando %{ count } elementos"],"Uploading file \"%{fileName}\"":"Enviando o ficheiro «%{fileName}»","User":"Usuario","Versions":"Versións","Via %{folderName}":"Mediante %{folderName}","Viewer":"Visor","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Buscamos por todas partes, mais non puidemos atopar o recurso seleccionado.","You don't have permission to share this file.":"Non ten permiso para compartir este ficheiro.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"Non ten permiso para compartir este cartafol.","You have no permission to upload!":"Non ten permiso para facer envíos!","You have not enough space left to upload!":"Non dispón de espazo abondo para facer un envío!"},"it":{"Public link":"Link pubblico"}} \ No newline at end of file +{"cs":{"%{name} already exists":"%{name} již existuje","Accept":"Přijmout","Actions":"Akce","Add people":"Přidat lidi","All files":"Všechny soubory","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Při načítání veřejného odkazu došlo k chybě","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Při načítání odkazu nastala chyba","Cancel":"Zrušit","Confirm":"Potvrdit","Continue":"Pokračovat","Contributor":"Přispěvatel","Copy":{"Action in the files list row to initiate copying resources":"Kopírovat"},"Create":"Vytvořit","Decline":"Odmítnout","Delete":"Odstranit","Delete public link":"Smazat veřejný odkaz","Do you want to overwrite it?":"Opravdu si přejete přepsat tento soubor?","Download":"Stáhnout","Drag and drop to upload content into current folder":"Přetáhněte soubor, abyste ho nahráli do aktuální složky","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Sem přetáhněte soubory, které chcete nahrát, nebo kliknutím vyberte soubor","Edit public link":"Upravit veřejný odkaz","Editor":"Editor","Error while sharing.":"Sdílení selhalo.","Expiration date":"Datum vypršení","Favorites":"Oblíbené","File name":"Název souboru","File name cannot be empty":"Jméno souboru nemůže být prázdné","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Název souboru nemůže být \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Název souboru nemůže být \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Název souboru nemůže obsahovat \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Název souboru nemůže končit mezerou","Files":"Soubory","Folder name":"Jméno složky","Folder name cannot be empty":"Jméno složky nemůže být prázdný","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Název složky nemůže být \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Název složky nemůže být \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Název složky nemůže obsahovat \"/\"","Folder name cannot end with whitespace":"Název složky nemůže končit mezerou","Folders":"Složky","Group":"Skupina","Links":"Odkazy","Loading public link…":"Načítání veřejného odkazu...","Mail recipients":"Příjemci pošty","Move":{"Action in the files list row to initiate moving resources":"Přesunout"},"Move here":{"Confirm action in the location picker for move":"Přesunout sem"},"Name":"Název","New":"Nový","New file":"Nový soubor","New folder":"Nová složka","No Versions available for this file":"Pro tento soubor nejsou dostupné žádné verze","Overwrite":"Přepsat","Password":"Heslo","Personal note":"Soukromá poznámka","Public link":"Veřejný odkaz","Public Links":"Veřejné odkazy","Remove password":"Odstranit heslo","Rename":"Přejmenovat","Rename file %{name}":"Přejmenovat soubor %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Přejmenovat složku %{name}","Resolving private link…":"Načítání soukromého odkazu...","Restore":"Obnovit","Role":"Role","Save":"Uložit","Send a copy to myself":"Pošlete mi kopii","Share":"Sdílet","Shared by:":"Sdílel:","Shared with me":"Sdíleno se mnou","Show Details":"Zobrazit detaily","Size":"Velikost","Status":"Stav","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Jméno \"%{name}\" je již obsazeno","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Název nemůže být \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Název nemůže být \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Název nemůže obsahovat \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Název nemůže končit mezerou","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Soukromý odkaz byl úspěšně zkopírován","This resource is password-protected.":"Tento zdroj je chráněný heslem.","title":"název","Upload complete":"Nahrávání dokončeno","Upload File":"Nahrát soubor","Upload Folder":"Nahrát složku","Upload of a folder is not supported in Internet Explorer.":"Nahrávání složky není v aplikaci Internet Explorer podporováno.","Uploader":"Nahrál","User":"Uživatel","Versions":"Verze","Viewer":"Divák","You have no permission to upload!":"Nemáte oprávnění nahrávat soubory.","You have not enough space left to upload!":"Nemáte dostatek místa pro nahrátí."},"de":{"\"%{file}\" was deleted successfully":"\"%{file}\" wurde erfolgreich gelöscht","\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" wurde erfolgreich erstellt","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" wurde erfolgreich erstellt","(me)":"(ich)","(Opens in new window)":"(Öffnet in neuem Fenster)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } Element ausgewählt. Aktionen sind oberhalb der Tabelle verfügbar.","%{ amount } Elemente ausgewählt. Aktionen sind oberhalb der Tabelle verfügbar."],"%{ amount } selected item":["%{ amount } ausgewähltes Element","%{ amount } ausgewählte Elemente"],"%{ amount } selected item - %{ size }":["%{ amount } ausgewähltes Element - %{ size }","%{ amount } ausgewählte Elemente - %{ size }"],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} existiert bereits","%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} hat diesen Ordner zum Upload geteilt.","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} erfolgreich wiederhergestellt","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} Dateien erfolgreich wiederhergestellt","Accept":"Annehmen","Accepted shares":"Angenommene Freigaben","Access all project related files in one place.":"Zugriff auf alle projektbezogenen Dateien an einem Ort.","Actions":"Aktionen","Add files or folders":"Dateien oder Ordner hinzufügen","Add new person by name, email or federation IDs":"Neue Person per Name, Email oder Federation-ID hinzufügen","Add people":"Personen hinzufügen","Add to favorites":"Zu Favoriten hinzufügen","All":"Alle","All Actions":"Alle Interaktionen","All deleted files were removed":"Alle gelöschten Dateien wurden entfernt","All files":"Alle Dateien","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Beim Laden des öffentlichen Links ist ein Fehler aufgetreten","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Beim Auflösen des privaten Links ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.","Any external person with the respective link can access this resource. No sign-in\n required. Assign a password to avoid unintended document exposure.":"Externe Personen mit einem Link können auf diese Datei oder diesen Ordner zugreifen. Ein Login ist nicht erforderlich. Um unbeabsichtigte Zugriffe zu verhindern, sollte ein Passwort vergeben werden.","Apply":"Anwenden","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources?":"Sollen die gewählten Dateien wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Sollen die gewählten Dateien wirklich gelöscht werden? Der gesamte Inhalt wird endgültig gelöscht. Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.","Are you sure you want to delete this file?":"Soll diese Datei wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this file? All it’s content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Soll diese Datei wirklich gelöscht werden? Der gesamte Inhalt wird endgültig gelöscht. Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder?":"Soll dieser Ordner wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All it’s content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Soll dieser Ordner wirklich gelöscht werden? Der gesamte Inhalt wird endgültig gelöscht. Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Soll der ausgewählte Link wirklich gelöscht werden? Derselbe Link kann danach nicht wieder erzeugt werden.","Are you sure you want to delete this space?":"Sicher, dass du diesen Space löschen möchtest?","Back to %{panel} panel":"Zurück zum %{panel} Panel","Cancel":"Abbrechen","Clear selection":"Auswahl aufheben","Click row to toggle upload progress details":"Zeile anklicken für Uploaddetails","Close file sidebar":"Seitenleiste schließen","Close sidebar to hide details":"Seitenleiste schließen um Details zu verbergen","Collapse list of invited people":"Liste eingeladener Personen einklappen","Confirm":"Bestätigen","Context menu of the share":"Kontextmenü der Freigabe","Continue":"Weiter","Contributor":"Mitarbeiter","Copy":{"Action in the files list row to initiate copying resources":"Kopieren"},"Copy into »%{ target }«":"Nach »%{ target }« kopieren","Copy link to clipboard":"Link in die Zwischenablage kopieren","Copy private link to clipboard":"Privaten Link in die Zwischenablage kopieren","Create":"Erstellen","Create & copy public link":"Öffentlichen Link erzeugen & kopieren","Create a new file":"Neue Datei erstellen","Create a new folder":"Neuen Ordner erstellen","Create a new space":"Neuen Space erzeugen","Create and copy public link":"Öffentlichen Link erstellen und kopieren","Create new public link":"Neuen öffentlichen Link erstellen","Create Space":"Space erzeugen","Creating":"Erstelle","Creating Public Link":"Erstelle den öffentlichen Link","Creating share":"Freigabe wird erzeugt","Creating space failed…":"Anlegen des Space fehlgeschlagen...","Decline":"Ablehnen","Declined shares":"Abgelehnte Freigaben","Delete":"Löschen","Delete file %{name}":"Datei %{name} löschen","Delete folder %{name}":"Ordner %{name} löschen","Delete public link":"Lösche den öffentlichen Link","Delete selected resource?":["Ausgewählte Ressource löschen?","%{amount} ausgewählte Dateien löschen?"],"Delete space":"Space löschen","Deleted":"Gelöscht","deleted %{timeRelative}":{"inline info about deletion date":"gelöscht %{timeRelative}"},"deleted %{timeRelative} (%{time})":{"aria label for inline info about deletion date":"gelöscht %{timeRelative} (%{time})"},"Deleted files":"Gelöschte Dateien","Deleting space failed…":"Löschen des Space fehlgeschlagen...","Deselect %{name}":"Auswahl für %{name} aufheben","Details":"Details","Display customization options of the files list":"Anpassungsoptionen für die Dateienliste anzeigen","Do you want to create a new version?":"Soll eine neue Version erstellt werden?","Do you want to overwrite it?":"Soll es überschrieben werden?","Download":"Herunterladen","Download older version":"Ältere Version herunterladen","Drag and drop to upload content into current folder":"Ziehen Sie Inhalte per Drag & Drop in den aktuellen Ordner","Drag files and folders here or use the \"+ New\" button to upload":"Dateien und Ordner hierher ziehen oder den \"+Neu\"-Button zum Hochladen nutzen","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Dateien hier fallenlassen oder anklicken zum Selektieren","Edit expiration date":"Ablaufdatum bearbeiten","Edit public link":"Bearbeite öffentlichen Link","Editor":"Editor","Empty trash bin":"Papierkorb leeren","Enter password for public link":"Passworteingabe für öffentlichen Link","Error while sharing.":"Fehler beim Teilen.","Expiration date":"Ablaufdatum","Expiration date (required)":"Verfallsdatum (erforderlich)","Expires %{ expiryDateRelative }":"Läuft ab %{ expiryDateRelative }","Expires %{expires}":"Läuft ab: %{expires}","Failed to apply expiration date":"Fehler beim Anwenden des Ablaufdatums","Failed to apply new permissions":"Fehler beim Anwenden der neuen Rechte","Failed to change favorite state of \"%{file}\"":"Fehler beim Ändern des Favoriten-Status von \"%{file}\"","Failed to copy \"%{resourceName}\"":"Fehler beim Kopieren von \"%{resourceName}\"","Failed to copy %{count} resources":"Fehler beim Kopieren von %{count} Dateien","Failed to create file":"Fehler beim Erzeugen der Datei","Failed to create folder":"Fehler beim Erzeugen des Ordners","Failed to delete \"%{file}\"":"Löschen von \"%{file}\" fehlgeschlagen","Failed to delete \"%{file}\" - the file is locked":"Löschen von \"%{file}\" fehlgeschlagen - die Datei ist gesperrt","Failed to delete all files permanently":{"Error message in case clearing the trash bin fails":"Fehler beim endgültigen Löschen aller Dateien"},"Failed to move \"%{resourceName}\"":"Fehler beim Verschieben von \"%{resourceName}\"","Failed to move %{count} resources":"Fehler beim Verschieben von %{count} Dateien","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"Fehler beim Umbenennen von \"%{file}\" zu \"%{newName}\"","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"Fehler beim Umbenennen von \"%{file}\" zu \"%{newName}\" - die Datei ist gesperrt","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"Fehler beim Wiederherstellen von \"%{resource}\"","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"Fehler beim Wiederherstellen von %{resourceCount} Dateien","Failed to upload":"Fehler beim Hochladen","Favorites":"Favoriten","file":"Datei","File \"%{file}\" already exists":"Die Datei \"%{folder}\" existiert bereits.","File name":"Dateiname","File name cannot be empty":"Der Dateiname darf nicht leer sein.","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Der Dateiname darf nicht \"..\" sein.","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Der Dateiname darf nicht \".\" sein.","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Der Dateiname darf kein \"/\" enthalten.","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Der Dateiname darf nicht mit einem Leerzeichen enden.","Files":"Dateien","folder":"Ordner","Folder \"%{folder}\" already exists.":"Der Ordner \"%{folder}\" existiert bereits.","Folder name":"Ordnername","Folder name cannot be empty":"Der Ordnername darf nicht leer sein.","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Der Ordnername darf nicht \"..\" sein.","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Der Ordnername darf nicht \".\" sein.","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Der Ordnername darf kein \"/\" enthalten.","Folder name cannot end with whitespace":"Der Ordnername darf nicht mit einem Leerzeichen enden.","Folders":"Ordner","Go to »All files«":"Gehe zu \"Alle Dateien\"","Group":"Gruppe","Guest user":"Gastnutzer","Hide Details":"Details verstecken","Incorrect password":"Falsches Kennwort","Invite":"Einladen","Invite with custom permissions":"Mit benutzerdefinierten Rechten einladen","Items per page":"Dateien pro Seite","Last modified:":"Zuletzt bearbeitet:","Learn more about spaces.":"Mehr über Spaces erfahren.","Links":"Links","Loading list of file links":"Lade Dateilinks","Loading people list":"Lade Personen","Loading public link…":"Lade öffentlichen Link…","Mail recipients":"E-Mail Empfänger","Modified":"Bearbeitet","modified %{timeRelative}":{"inline info about last modification date":"bearbeitet %{timeRelative}"},"modified %{timeRelative} (%{time})":{"aria label for inline info about last modification date":"bearbeitet %{timeRelative} (%{time})"},"Move":{"Action in the files list row to initiate moving resources":"Verschieben"},"Move here":{"Confirm action in the location picker for move":"Hierher verschieben"},"Move into »%{ target }«":"Nach »%{ target }« verschieben","msg":"Nachricht","Multiple files already exist":"Mehrere Dateien existieren bereits","Name":"Name","Navigate into the desired folder and copy selected resources into it.\n You can navigate into a folder by clicking on its name.\n To navigate back, you can click on the breadcrumbs.\n Resources will be copied into the folder where you are currently located.":"Navigieren Sie in den gewünschten Ordner und kopieren Sie die ausgewählten Datei dorthin.\nSie können in einen Ordner navigieren, indem Sie auf seinen Namen klicken.\nUm zurück zu navigieren, können Sie auf die Brotkrümelnavigation klicken.\nDie Dateien werden in den Ordner kopiert, in dem Sie sich gerade befinden.","Navigate into the desired folder and move selected resources into it.\n You can navigate into a folder by clicking on its name.\n To navigate back, you can click on the breadcrumbs.\n Resources will be moved into the folder where you are currently located.":"Navigieren Sie in den gewünschten Ordner und kopieren Sie die ausgewählten Datei dorthin.\nSie können in einen Ordner navigieren, indem Sie auf seinen Namen klicken.\nUm zurück zu navigieren, können Sie auf die Brotkrümelnavigation klicken.\nDie Dateien werden in den Ordner kopiert, in dem Sie sich gerade befinden.","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"Zu '%{folder}' navigieren","Navigate to the parent":"Zum übergeordneten Ordner wechseln","New":"Neu","New %{name}":"Neue(r) %{name}","New file":"Neue Datei","New folder":"Neuer Ordner","New folder…":"Neuer Ordner…","New space":"Neuer Space","No information to display":"Keine Informationen anzeigbar","No items selected.":"Keine Elemente ausgewählt.","No matching role found":"Keine passende Rolle gefunden","No public links":"Keine öffentlichen Links","No resource found":"Keine Dateien gefunden","No search term entered":"Kein Suchbegriff eingegeben","No users or groups found.":"Keine Benutzer oder Gruppen gefunden.","No Versions available for this file":"Für diese Datei sind keine Versionen verfügbar. ","Only invited people can use this link.":"Nur eingeladene Personen können diesen Link öffnen.","Open folder":{"Action in the files list row to open a folder":"Ordner öffnen"},"Open in %{ appName }":"In %{ appName } öffnen","Open in %{app}":"In %{app} öffnen","Open in browser":"Im Browser öffnen","Open sidebar to view details":"Seitenleiste schließen um Details anzuzeigen","Overview of the information about the selected file":"Übersicht der Informationen für die ausgewählte Datei","Overview of the information about the selected files":"Überblick der Informationen zu den ausgewählten Elementen","Overwrite":"Überschreiben","Owner:":"Besitzer:","Password":"Passwort","Password (required)":"Passwort (erforderlich)","Password protected":"Geschützt durch Passwort","Paste here":{"Confirm action in the location picker for copy":"Hier einfügen"},"Pending shares":"Ausstehende Freigaben","People":"Personen","Permanently delete file %{name}":"Datei %{name} endgültig löschen?","Permanently delete folder %{name}":"Ordner %{name} endgültig löschen?","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Ausgewählte Ressource endgültig löschen?","%{amount} ausgewählte Dateien endgültig löschen?"],"permission":"Rechte","Person was added":"Person hinzugefügt","Personal note":"Persönliche Notiz","Please, accept this share first to display available actions":"Um die verfügbaren Aktionen anzuzeigen, muss diese Freigabe zuerst akzeptiert werden.","Private Link":"Privater Link","Private link copied":"Privater Link kopiert","Public link":"Öffentlicher Link","Public link copied":"Öffentlicher Link kopiert","Public link created":"Öffentlicher Link erstellt","Public link was created successfully and copied into your clipboard.":"Der öffentliche Link wurde erfolgreich erstellt und in die Zwischenablage kopiert.","Public link was deleted successfully":"Der öffentliche Link wurde erfolgreich gelöscht","Public Links":"Öffentliche Links","Quick action link":"Quick-Action-Link","Reload public link":"Öffentlichen Link neu laden","Remote user":"Remote-Benutzer","Remove expiration date":"Entferne Ablaufdatum","Remove from favorites":"Von Favoriten entfernen","Remove password":"Entferne Passwort","Remove share":"Freigabe entfernen","Removing public link":"Entferne öffentlichen Link","Rename":"Umbenennen","Rename file %{name}":"Datei %{name} umbenennen","Rename folder %{name}":"Ordner %{name} umbenennen","Rename space":"Space umbenennen","Renaming space failed…":"Umbenennen des Space ist fehlgeschlagen...","Resolving private link…":"Auflösen des privaten Links…","Resource not found":"Datei nicht gefunden","Resource with name %{name} already exists":"Datei oder Ordner mit dem Namen %{name} ist bereits vorhanden","Restore":"Wiederherstellen","Restore older version":"Ältere Version wiederherstellen","role":"Rolle","Role":"Rolle","Save":"Speichern","Saving":"Speichern","Saving Public Link":"Speichere den öffentlichen Link","See all versions":"Alle Versionen ansehen","Select a file or folder to view details.":"Dateien oder Ordner auswählen um Details zu sehen","Select all resources":"Alle auswählen","Select file":"Datei auswählen","Select folder":"Ordner auswählen","Select role for the invitation":"Rolle für Freigabe-Einladung auswählen","Send a copy to myself":"Eine Kopie an mich schicken","Set expiration date":"Ablaufdatum setzen","Share":"Teilen","Share expires %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })":"Freigabe läuft ab %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })","Share owner":"Besitzer","Share receiver name: %{ displayName }":"Freigabe-Empfänger: %{ displayName }","Share receiver name: %{ displayName } (%{ additionalInfo })":"Freigabe-Empfänger: %{ displayName } (%{ additionalInfo })","Share receivers":"Empfänger der Freigabe","Share type: %{ shareType }":"Freigabeart: %{ shareType }","Shared by:":"Geteilt von:","Shared on":"Geteilt am","Shared via link":"Per Link geteilt","Shared via:":"Geteilt durch:","Shared with":"Geteilt mit","Shared with me":"Mit mir geteilt","Shared with others":"Mit anderen geteilt","Shared:":"Geteilt:","Show accepted shares":"Angenommene Freigaben anzeigen","Show all invited people":"Zeige alle eingeladenen Personen","Show context menu":"Kontextmenü anzeigen","Show declined shares":"Abgelehnte Freigaben anzeigen","Show Details":"Details ansehen","Show hidden files":"Versteckte Dateien anzeigen","Show invited people":"Zeige eingeladene Personen","Show less":"Weniger anzeigen","Show links":"Zeige Links","Show more":"Mehr anzeigen","Size":"Größe","Size:":"Größe:","Space name":"Name des Space","Space name cannot be empty":"Name des Space darf nicht leer sein","Spaces":"Spaces","Status":"Status","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Der Name \"%{name}\" ist bereits vergeben","The name cannot be empty":"Der Name darf nicht leer sein","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Der Name darf nicht \"..\" sein.","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Der Name darf nicht \".\" sein.","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Der Name darf kein \"/\" enthalten.","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Der Name darf nicht mit einem Leerzeichen enden","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Der private Link wurde in die Zwichenablage kopiert.","The public link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"Der öffentliche Link \"%{linkName}\" wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert.","There are no resources in this folder":"Dieser Ordner hat keinen Inhalt","There are no resources in this folder.":"Dieser Ordner hat keinen Inhalt.","There are no resources marked as favorite":"Nichts zum favorisieren ausgewählt","There are no resources with a public link at the moment":"Aktuell gibt es keine Dateien mit öffentlichen Links","this":"dies","This %{ resourceType } is owned by %{ ownerName }":"Diese(r) %{ resourceType } gehört %{ ownerName }","This file has been shared.":"Diese Datei wurde geteilt.","This folder contains %{ itemCount } item.":["Dieser Ordner enthält %{ itemCount } Element.","Dieser Ordner enthält %{ itemCount } Elemente."],"This folder has been shared.":"Dieser Ordner wurde geteilt.","This folder has no content.":"Dieser Ordner ist leer.","This item is directly shared via links.":"Dieses Element wurde direkt über Links geteilt.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Dieses Element wurde direkt mit anderen Personen geteilt.","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Dieses Element wurde durch einen übergeordneten Ordner über Links geteilt.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Dieses Element wurde durch einen übergeordneten Ordner mit anderen Personen geteilt.","This resource is password-protected.":"Diese Datei ist passwortgeschützt.","title":"Titel","Upload complete":"Hochladen abgeschlossen","Upload File":"Datei hochladen","Upload Folder":"Ordner hochladen","Upload of a folder is not supported in Internet Explorer.":"Das Hochladen eines Ordners wird im Internet Explorer nicht unterstützt.","Uploader":"Nur hochladen","Uploading \"%{ fileName }\"":"Hochladen \"%{ fileName }\"","Uploading %{ count } item":["Hochladen von %{ count } Element","Hochladen von %{ count } Elementen"],"Uploading file \"%{fileName}\"":"Lade Datei \"%{ fileName }\" hoch","User":"Benutzer","Versions":"Versionen","Versions:":"Versionen:","Via %{folderName}":"Durch %{folderName}","Viewer":"Betrachter","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Wir haben überall gesucht, konnten die ausgewählte Datei aber nicht finden.","You are currently not collaborating on any of your resources with other people":"Es sind keine Inhalte mit anderen Personen zur Zusammenarbeit geteilt","You are not collaborating on other people's resources.":"Sie arbeiten aktuell nicht an Dateien anderer Personen.","You don't have access to any spaces":"Du hast aktuell keinen Zugriff auf einen Space","You don't have any previously declined shares.":"Sie haben bisher keine abgelehnten Freigaben.","You don't have permission to share this file.":"Keine Berechtigung diese Datei zu teilen.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"Keine Berechtigung diesen Ordner zu teilen.","You have no deleted files":"Keine gelöschte Dateien","You have no permission to upload!":"Sie haben keine Berechtigung zum Hochladen!","You have not enough space left to upload!":"Sie haben zum Hochladen nicht genügend Speicherplatz zur Verfügung."},"es":{"(me)":"(yo)","%{ amount } selected item":["%{ amount } elemento seleccionado","%{ amount } elementos seleccionados"],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} ya existe","%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} compartió esta carpeta con usted para subir archivos.","Accept":"Aceptar","Actions":"Acciones","All files":"Todos los archivos","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Se ha producido un error al cargar el enlace público","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Un error ocurrió resolviendo el enlace privado ","Cancel":"Cancelar","Continue":"Continuar","Contributor":"Colaborador","Create":"Crear","Creating":"Creando","Creating Public Link":"Creando Enlace Público","Decline":"Rechazar","Delete":"Eliminar","Delete public link":"Eliminar enlace público","Deleted files":"Archivos borrados","Do you want to create a new version?":"¿Quieres crear una nueva versión?","Do you want to overwrite it?":"¿Quieres sobreescribirlo?","Download":"Descargar","Drag and drop to upload content into current folder":"Arrastre y suelte para subir contenido a la carpeta actual","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Arrastra archivos aquí o haz clic para seleccionar un archivo","Edit public link":"Editar enlace público","Editor":"Editor","Empty trash bin":"Vaciar papelera","Error while sharing.":"Error al compartir","Expiration date":"Fecha de expiración","Expires %{expires}":"Expira %{expires}","Favorites":"Favoritos","File name":"Nombre de archivo","File name cannot be empty":"El nombre de archivo no puede ser vacío","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"El nombre de archivo no puede ser igual a \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"El nombre de archivo no puede ser igual a \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"El nombre del archivo no puede contener \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"El nombre del archivo no puede terminar con un espacio en blanco","Files":"Archivos","Folder name":"Nombre de carpeta","Folder name cannot be empty":"El nombre de carpeta no puede ser vacío","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"El nombre de carpeta no puede ser igual a \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"El nombre de carpeta no puede ser igual a \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"El nombre de la carpeta no puede contener \"/\"","Folder name cannot end with whitespace":"El nombre de la carpeta no puede terminar con un espacio en blanco","Folders":"Carpetas","Group":"Grupo","Hide Details":"Ocultar Detalles","Links":"Enlaces","Loading public link…":"Cargando enlace público...","Mail recipients":"Destinatarios de correo","msg":"msg","Name":"Nombre","New file":"Nuevo archivo","New folder":"Nueva carpeta","New folder…":"Nueva carpeta...","No public links":"Ningún enlace público","No Versions available for this file":"No hay versiones disponibles para este archivo","Password":"Contraseña","Password protected":"Protegido con contraseña","Personal note":"Nota personal","Private Link":"Enlace Privado","Public link":"Enlace público","Public Links":"Enlaces Públicos","Remove expiration date":"Eliminar fecha de vencimiento","Remove password":"Eliminar contraseña","Rename":"Renombrar","Rename file %{name}":"Renombrar archivo %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Renombrar carpeta %{name}","Resolving private link…":"Resolviendo enlace privado...","Restore":"Restaurar","Role":"Rol","Save":"Guardar","Saving":"Guardando","Saving Public Link":"Guardar Enlace Público","Send a copy to myself":"Enviar una copia a mí mismo","Shared by:":"Compartido por:","Shared with":"Compartido con","Shared with me":"Compartido conmigo","Shared with others":"Compartido con otros","Show Details":"Mostrar Detalles","Size":"Tamaño","Status":"Estado","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"El nombre \"%{name}\" ya está tomado","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"El nombre no puede ser igual a \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"El nombre no puede ser igual a \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"El nombre no puede contener \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"El nombre no puede terminar con un espacio en blanco","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"El enlace privado ha sido copiado al portapapeles","There are no resources in this folder.":"No hay recursos en esta carpeta.","this":"esto","This resource is password-protected.":"Este recurso está protegido por contraseña.","title":"titulo","Upload complete":"Subida completa","Upload File":"Subir archivo","Upload Folder":"Subir carpeta","Upload of a folder is not supported in Internet Explorer.":"Subir carpetas no esta soportado en Internet Explorer","Uploader":"Cargador","Uploading \"%{ fileName }\"":"Subiendo \"%{ fileName }\"","Uploading %{ count } item":["Subiendo %{ count } ítems","Subiendo %{ count } ítems"],"Uploading file \"%{fileName}\"":"Subiendo archivo \"%{fileName}\"","User":"Usuario","Versions":"Versiones","Via %{folderName}":"A través de %{folderName}","Viewer":"Visor","You have no permission to upload!":"No tienes permisos para subir.","You have not enough space left to upload!":"No tiene suficiente espacio para subir."},"fr":{"(me)":"(moi)","(Opens in new window)":"(ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)","%{ amount } selected item":["%{ amount } élément sélectionné","%{ amount } éléments sélectionnés"],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} est déjà existant","%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} a partagé ce dossier avec vous pour uploader.","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} a été restauré avec succès","Accept":"Accepter","Accepted shares":"Partages acceptés","Actions":"Actions","Add files or folders":"Ajouter des fichiers ou des dossiers","Add new person by name, email or federation IDs":"Ajouter une nouvelle personne avec son nom, adresse email ou son ID fédéré.","Add people":"Ajouter des personnes ","Add to favorites":"Ajouter aux favoris","All":"Tout","All Actions":"Toutes les actions","All deleted files were removed":"Tous les fichiers supprimés ont été retirés","All files":"Tous les fichiers","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Une erreur est apparue lors du chargement du lien public","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Une erreur est apparue lors de la résolution du lien privé","Any external person with the respective link can access this resource. No sign-in\n required. Assign a password to avoid unintended document exposure.":"Toute personne exterieure avec le lien respectif peut acceder à cette ressource. Aucune authentification n'est requise. Attribuez un mot de passe pour éviter toute exposition involontaire de document","Apply":"Appliquer","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources?":"Êtes vous sûr de vouloir supprimer les ressources selectionnées?","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer toutes les ressources sélectionnées ? Tout leur contenu sera définitivement supprimé. Cette action ne peut pas être annulée. ","Are you sure you want to delete this file?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer \"%{file}\"?","Are you sure you want to delete this file? All it’s content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce fichier ? Tout son contenu sera supprimé de manière permanente. Cette action ne peut pas être annulée.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce dossier?","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All it’s content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce dossier? Tout son contenu sera supprimé de manière permanente. Cette action ne peut pas être annulée.","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce lien ? Recréer le même lien ne sera pas possibe à l'avenir.","Cancel":"Annuler","Clear selection":"Annuler la sélection","Click row to toggle upload progress details":"Cliquez sur la ligne pour faire apparaître les détails de la progression du téléchargement","Close file sidebar":"Ouvrir le panneau latéral de fichier.","Close sidebar to hide details":"Fermer le panneau latéral pour cacher les détails","Confirm":"Confirmer","Continue":"Continuer","Contributor":"Contributeur","Copy":{"Action in the files list row to initiate copying resources":"Copier"},"Copy into »%{ target }«":"Copier vers »%{ target }«","Copy link to clipboard":"Copier le lien dans le presse papier","Copy private link to clipboard":"Copier le lien privé vers le presse papier","Create":"Créer","Create & copy public link":"Créer et copier le lien public","Create a new file":"Créer un nouveau fichier...","Create a new folder":"Créer un nouveau dossier...","Create and copy public link":"Créer et copier un nouveau lien public","Create new public link":"Créer un nouveau lien public","Creating":"Création en cours","Creating Public Link":"Création lien public","Decline":"Décliner","Delete":"Supprimer","Delete file %{name}":"Supprimer le fichier %{name}","Delete folder %{name}":"Supprimer le dossier %{name}","Delete public link":"Supprimer lien public","Delete selected resource?":[" Supprimer la ressource sélectionnée?"," Supprimer les %{amount} ressources sélectionnées?"],"Deleted files":"Fichiers supprimés","Deselect %{name}":"désélectionner %{name}","Details":"Détails","Display customization options of the files list":"Afficher les options de customisation de la liste de fichier","Do you want to create a new version?":"Voulez-vous creer une nouvelle version ?","Do you want to overwrite it?":"Voulez-vous l'écraser ?","Download":"Télécharger","Download older version":"Télécharger une ancienne version","Drag and drop to upload content into current folder":"Glisser et déplacer pour uploader du contenu dans le dossier courant","Drag files and folders here or use the \"+ New\" button to upload":"Glissez des fichiers ou dossiers ici ou utilisez le bouton \"+ Nouveau\" pour en ajouter.","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Déposer des fichiers ici pour uploader ou cliquer pour sélectionner des fichiers","Edit public link":"Editer lien public","Editor":"Éditeur","Empty trash bin":"Vider la corbeille","Enter password for public link":"Entrer le mot de passe du lien public","Error while sharing.":"Erreur apparue lors du partage.","Expiration date":"Date d'éxpiration","Expiration date (required)":"Date d'expiration (obligatoire)","Expires %{expires}":"Expire le %{expires}","Favorites":"Favoris","File name":"Nom de fichier","File name cannot be empty":"Nom de fichier ne peut pas être vide","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas être \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas être \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas contenir \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas se terminer avec un espace","Files":"Fichiers","Folder name":"Nom de dossier","Folder name cannot be empty":"Nom de dossier ne peut pas être vide","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Le nom du dossier ne peut pas être \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Le nom du dossier ne peut pas être \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Le nom du dossier ne peut pas contenir \"/\"","Folder name cannot end with whitespace":"Le nom du dossier ne peut pas se terminer avec un espace","Folders":"Dossiers","Go to »All files«":"Aller à »All files« ","Group":"Groupe","Guest user":"Utilisateur invité","Hide Details":"Masquer les détails","Incorrect password":"Mot de passe incorrect","Invite":"Inviter","Items per page":"Éléments par page","Last modified:":"Dernière modification le :","Links":"Liens","Loading list of file links":"Chargement de la liste des liens des fichiers","Loading people list":"Chargement de la liste des personnes","Loading public link…":"Chargement du lien public...","Mail recipients":"Destinataires","Move":{"Action in the files list row to initiate moving resources":"Déplacer"},"Move here":{"Confirm action in the location picker for move":"Déplacer ici"},"Move into »%{ target }«":"Aller vers »%{ target }«","msg":"msg","Name":"Nom","Navigate into the desired folder and copy selected resources into it.\n You can navigate into a folder by clicking on its name.\n To navigate back, you can click on the breadcrumbs.\n Resources will be copied into the folder where you are currently located.":"Déplacez-vous vers le dossier désiré et copiez les éléments séléctionnés à l'interieur.\n Vous pouvez vous déplacer dans un dossier en cliquant sur son nom.\n Pour revenir en arrière, vous pouvez utiliser le fil d'ariane.\n Les éléments seront copiés dans le dossier où vous vous trouvez.","Navigate into the desired folder and move selected resources into it.\n You can navigate into a folder by clicking on its name.\n To navigate back, you can click on the breadcrumbs.\n Resources will be moved into the folder where you are currently located.":"Déplacez-vous vers le dossier désiré et déplacez les éléments séléctionnés à l'interieur.\n Vous pouvez vous déplacer dans un dossier en cliquant sur son nom.\n Pour revenir en arrière, vous pouvez utiliser le fil d'ariane.\n Les éléments seront déplacés dans le dossier où vous vous trouvez.","Navigate to the parent":"Aller au dossier parent","New":"Nouveau","New file":"Nouveau fichier","New folder":"Nouveau dossier","New folder…":"Nouveau dossier...","No information to display":"Aucune information à afficher","No items selected.":"Aucun élément séléctionné","No matching role found":"Aucun rôle correspondant séléctionné","No public links":"Aucun lien public","No resource found":"Aucune ressource trouvée","No search term entered":"Aucun terme de recherche n'a été saisi","No users or groups found.":"Aucun utilisateur ou groupe n'a été trouvé","No Versions available for this file":"Aucune version n'existe pour ce fichier","Only invited people can use this link.":"Seuls les personnes invités peuvent utiliser ce lien.","Open folder":{"Action in the files list row to open a folder":"Ouvrir le dossie"},"Open in %{app}":"Ouvrir avec %{app}","Open in browser":"Ouvrir dans le navigateur","Open sidebar to view details":"Ouvrir le panneau latéral pour voir les détails","Overview of the information about the selected file":"Aperçu des informations sur le fichier sélectionné","Overview of the information about the selected files":"Aperçu des informations sur les fichiers sélectionnés","Overwrite":"Écraser","Owner:":"Propriétaire :","Password":"Mot de passe","Password (required)":"Mot de passe (obligatoire)","Password protected":"Protégé par mot de passe","Paste here":{"Confirm action in the location picker for copy":"Coller ici"},"People":"Personne","Permanently delete file %{name}":"Supprimer définitivement le fichier %{name}","Permanently delete folder %{name}":" Supprimer définitivement le dossier %{name}","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Supprimer définitivement la ressource sélectionnée ?"," Supprimer définitivement les %{amount} ressources sélectionnées?"],"Person was added":"Une personne a été ajoutée","Personal note":"Note personnelle","Please, accept this share first to display available actions":"S’il vous plaît, acceptez ce partage pour afficher les actions disponibles ","Private Link":"Lien privé","Private link copied":"Lien privé copié","Public link":"Lien public","Public link copied":"Lien public copié","Public link created":"Lien public créé","Public Links":"Liens publics","Quick action link":"Lien vers les actions rapides","Reload public link":"Recharger le lien public","Remote user":"Utilisateur distant","Remove expiration date":"Supprimer date d'expiration","Remove from favorites":"Retirer des favoris","Remove password":"Supprimer mot de passe","Removing public link":"Supprimer le lien public","Rename":"Renommer","Rename file %{name}":"Renommer fichier %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Renommer dossier %{name}","Resolving private link…":"Résolution du lien privé...","Resource not found":" Ressource introuvable ","Resource with name %{name} already exists":"L'élément avec le nom %{name} existe déjà","Restore":"Restaurer","Restore older version":"Restaurer une ancienne version","Role":"Role","Save":"Sauvegarder","Saving":"Sauvegarde en cours","Saving Public Link":"Enregistrement lien public","See all versions":"Voir toutes les versions","Select a file or folder to view details.":"Séléctionnez un fichier ou un dossier pour voir les détails","Send a copy to myself":"M'envoyer une copie","Share":"Partager","Shared by:":"Partagé par:","Shared via link":"Partagé par lien","Shared with":"Partagé avec","Shared with me":"Partagé avec moi","Shared with others":"Partagé avec autres","Shared:":"Partagé:","Show Details":"Afficher les détails","Show hidden files":"Afficher les fichiers masqués","Show invited people":"Voir les personnes invitées","Show links":"Afficher les liens","Size":"Taille","Size:":"Taille :","Status":"État","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Le nom \"%{name}\" existe déjà","The name cannot be empty":"Le nom ne peut pas être vide","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Le nom ne peut pas être \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Le nom ne peut pas être \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Le nom ne peut pas contenir \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Le nom ne peut pas finir avec un espace","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Le lien privé a été copié dans le presse-papier.","The public link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"Le lien privé \"%{linkName}\" a été copié dans le presse-papier.","There are no resources in this folder":"Il n'y a aucun élément dans ce dossier","There are no resources in this folder.":"Il n'y a aucune ressource dans ce dossier","There are no resources marked as favorite":"Il n'y a aucun élément marqué comme favoris","There are no resources with a public link at the moment":"Il n'y a pas d'élément avec un lien public pour le moment.","this":"ceci","This file has been shared.":"Ce fichier a été partagé","This folder contains %{ itemCount } item.":["Ce dossier contient %{ itemCount } élément.","Ce dossier contient %{ itemCount } éléments."],"This folder has been shared.":"Ce dossier est partagé.","This folder has no content.":"Ce dossier est vide.","This item is directly shared via links.":"Cet élément est diretement partagé par lien.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Cet élément est directement partagé avec d'autres.","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Cet élément est partagé par lien au travers de l'un des dossiers parents","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Cet élément est partagé avec d'autres par lien au travers de l'un des dossiers parents","This resource is password-protected.":"Cette resource est protégée par mot de passe.","title":"titre","Upload complete":"Upload terminé","Upload File":"Uploader un Fichier","Upload Folder":"Uploader un Dossier","Upload of a folder is not supported in Internet Explorer.":"Upload de dossier n'est pas supporté sur Internet Explorer.","Uploader":"Uploadeur","Uploading \"%{ fileName }\"":"Téléchargement de \"%{ fileName }\"","Uploading %{ count } item":["Upload fichier \"%{fileName}\"","Upload %{ count } entrées"],"Uploading file \"%{fileName}\"":"Upload fichier \"%{fileName}\"","User":"Utilisateur","Versions":"Versions","Versions:":"Versions :","Via %{folderName}":"Via %{folderName}","Viewer":"Visionneur","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Nous avons cherché partout, mais nous n’avons pas pu trouver la ressource sélectionnée.","You are currently not collaborating on any of your resources with other people":"Vous ne collaborez actuellement sur aucun des éléments avec d'autres personnes.","You don't have permission to share this file.":"Vous n'avez pas la permission de partager ce fichier.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"Vous n'avez pas la permission de partager ce dossier.","You have no deleted files":"Vous n'avez aucun fichier supprimé","You have no permission to upload!":"Vous n'avez pas la permission d'uploader !","You have not enough space left to upload!":"Vous n'avec pas assez d'espace disponible pour uploader !"},"gl":{"(me)":"(eu)","%{ amount } selected item":["%{ amount } elemento seleccionado","%{ amount } elementos seleccionados"],"%{ amount } selected item - %{ size }":["%{ amount } elemento seleccionado - %{ size }","%{ amount } elementos seleccionados - %{ size }"],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} xa existe","%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} compartiu este cartafol con vostede para envialo","Accept":"Aceptar","Actions":"Accións","Add people":"Engadir xente","All deleted files were removed":"Retiráronse todos os ficheiros eliminados","All files":"Todos os ficheiros","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Produciuse un erro ao cargar a ligazón pública","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Produciuse un erro ao resolver a ligazón privada","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources?":"Confirma que quere eliminar todos os recursos seleccionados?","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":" \nConfirma que quere eliminar todos os recursos seleccionados? Todo o seu contido eliminarase definitivamente. Esta acción non se pode desfacer.","Are you sure you want to delete this file?":"Confirma que quere eliminar este ficheiro?","Are you sure you want to delete this file? All it’s content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Confirma que quere eliminar este ficheiro? Todo o seu contido eliminarase definitivamente. Esta acción non se pode desfacer.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder?":"Confirma que quere eliminar este cartafol?","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All it’s content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Confirma que quere eliminar este cartafol? Todo o seu contido eliminarase definitivamente. Esta acción non se pode desfacer.","Cancel":"Cancelar","Clear selection":"Limpar a selección","Confirm":"Confirmar","Continue":"Continuar","Contributor":"Colaborador","Copy":{"Action in the files list row to initiate copying resources":"Copiar"},"Create":"Crear","Create a new file":"Crear un novo ficheiro","Create a new folder":"Crear un novo cartafol","Create and copy public link":"Crear e copiar unha ligazón pública","Create new public link":"Crear unha nova ligazón pública","Creating":"Creando","Creating Public Link":"Creando a ligazón pública","Decline":"Declinar","Delete":"Eliminar","Delete file %{name}":"Eliminar o ficheiro %{name}","Delete folder %{name}":"Eliminar o cartafol %{name}","Delete public link":"Eliminar ligazón pública","Delete selected resource?":["Eliminar o recurso seleccionado?","Eliminar os %{amount} recursos seleccionados?"],"Deleted files":"Ficheiros eliminados","Do you want to create a new version?":"Quere crear unha nova versión?","Do you want to overwrite it?":"Quere sobrescribilo?","Download":"Descargar","Drag and drop to upload content into current folder":"Arrastre e solte para enviar contido ao cartafol actual","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Solte os ficheiros aquí para envialos ou prema para seleccionar ficheiro","Edit public link":"Editar ligazón pública","Editor":"Editor","Empty trash bin":"Cesto do lixo baleiro","Enter password for public link":"Introduza o contrasinal para a ligazón pública","Error while sharing.":"Produciuse un erro durante a compartición.","Expiration date":"Data de caducidade","Expires %{expires}":"Caduca %{expires}","Favorites":"Favoritos","File name":"Nome de ficheiro","File name cannot be empty":"O nome do ficheiro non pode estar baleiro","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"O nome do ficheiro non pode ser igual a «..»","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"O nome do ficheiro non pode ser igual a «.»","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"O nome do ficheiro non pode conter unha «/»","File name cannot end with whitespace":"O nome do ficheiro non pode rematar cun espazo en branco","Files":"Ficheiros","Folder name":"Nome do cartafol","Folder name cannot be empty":"O nome do cartafol non pode estar baleiro","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"O nome do cartafol non pode ser igual a «..»","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"O nome do cartafol non pode ser igual a «.»","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"O nome do cartafol non pode conter unha «/»","Folder name cannot end with whitespace":"O nome do cartafol non pode rematar cun espazo en branco","Folders":"Cartafoles","Go to »All files«":"Ir a «Todos os ficheiros»","Group":"Grupo","Hide Details":"Agochar os detalles","Incorrect password":"Contrasinal incorrecta","Links":"Ligazóns","Loading public link…":"Cargando a ligazón pública…","Mail recipients":"Destinatarios de correo","Move":{"Action in the files list row to initiate moving resources":"Mover"},"Move here":{"Confirm action in the location picker for move":"Mover aquí"},"msg":"msx","Name":"Nome","Navigate to the parent":"Navegar ata o pai","New":"Novo","New file":"Novo ficheiro","New folder":"Novo cartafol","New folder…":"Novo cartafol…","No public links":"Non hai ligazóns públicas","No Versions available for this file":"Non hai versións dispoñíbeis para este ficheiro","Only invited people can use this link.":"Só as persoas convidadas poden usar esta ligazón.","Open folder":{"Action in the files list row to open a folder":"Abrir cartafol"},"Open in browser":"Abrir no navegador","Overwrite":"Sobreescribir","Password":"Contrasinal","Password protected":"Protexido por contrasinal","Paste here":{"Confirm action in the location picker for copy":"Pegar aquí"},"People":"Xente","Permanently delete file %{name}":"Eliminar de xeito permanente o ficheiro %{name}","Permanently delete folder %{name}":"Eliminar de xeito permanente o cartafol %{name}","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Eliminar de xeito permanente o recurso seleccionado?","Eliminar de xeito permanente os %{amount} recursos seleccionados?"],"Person was added":"Engadiuse a persoa","Personal note":"Nota persoal","Please, accept this share first to display available actions":"Acepte primeiro esta compartición para amosar as accións dispoñíbeis","Private Link":"Ligazón privada","Public link":"Ligazón pública","Public link created":"Creouse unha ligazón pública","Public Links":"Ligazóns públicas","Reload public link":"Volvendo cargar a ligazón pública","Remote user":"Usuario remoto","Remove expiration date":"Retirar a data de caducidade","Remove password":"Retirar o contrasinal","Rename":"Renomear","Rename file %{name}":"Renomear o ficheiro %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Renomear o cartafol %{name}","Resolving private link…":"Resolvendo a ligazón privada…","Resource not found":"Non se atopou o recurso","Resource with name %{name} already exists":"Xa existe o frecurso nome %{name}","Restore":"Restaurar","Role":"Rol","Save":"Gardar","Saving":"Gardando","Saving Public Link":"Gardando ligazón pública","Send a copy to myself":"Envíame unha copia","Share":"Compartir","Shared by:":"Compartido por:","Shared with":"Compartido con","Shared with me":"Compartido comigo","Shared with others":"Compartido con outros","Show Details":"Amosar os detalles","Size":"Tamaño","Status":"Estado","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"O nome «%{name}» xa está ocupado","The name cannot be empty":"O nome non pode estar baleiro","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"O nome non pode ser igual a «..»","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"O nome non pode ser igual a «.»","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"O nome non pode conter unha «/»","The name cannot end with whitespace":"O nome non pode rematar cun espazo en branco","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"A ligazón privada foi copiada no portapapeis.","There are no resources in this folder.":"Non hai recursos neste cartafol.","this":"este","This resource is password-protected.":"Este recurso está protexido por contrasinal.","title":"título","Upload complete":"Envío completado","Upload File":"Enviar ficheiro","Upload Folder":"Enviar cartafol","Upload of a folder is not supported in Internet Explorer.":"O envío dun cartafol non é compatíbel co Internet Explorer.","Uploader":"Xestor de envíos","Uploading \"%{ fileName }\"":"Enviando «%{ fileName }»","Uploading %{ count } item":["Enviando %{ count } elemento","Enviando %{ count } elementos"],"Uploading file \"%{fileName}\"":"Enviando o ficheiro «%{fileName}»","User":"Usuario","Versions":"Versións","Via %{folderName}":"Mediante %{folderName}","Viewer":"Visor","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Buscamos por todas partes, mais non puidemos atopar o recurso seleccionado.","You don't have permission to share this file.":"Non ten permiso para compartir este ficheiro.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"Non ten permiso para compartir este cartafol.","You have no permission to upload!":"Non ten permiso para facer envíos!","You have not enough space left to upload!":"Non dispón de espazo abondo para facer un envío!"},"it":{"Public link":"Link pubblico"}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/web-runtime/l10n/translations.json b/packages/web-runtime/l10n/translations.json index 130b6139ebb..b16a4cd0f1a 100644 --- a/packages/web-runtime/l10n/translations.json +++ b/packages/web-runtime/l10n/translations.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"cs":{"Account":"Účet","Account Information":"Informace o účtu","Application Switcher":"Přepínač Aplikací","Authentication failed":"Ověření selhalo","documentation":"dokumentace","Download failed":"Stahování selhalo","Edit":"Upravit","File could not be located":"Soubor se nepodařilo najít","For help visit our":"Pro pomoc navštivte naše","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to exit.":"Pokud se chcete přihlásit jako jiný uživatel, pokračujte prosím odhlášením.","item":"položka","Loading folder failed…":"Načítání složky selhalo...","Log out":"Odhlásit","Login":"Přihlásit","Login Error":"Chyba přihlášení","No email has been set up":"Žádná emailová adresa nebyla nastavena","Notifications":"Oznámení","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Stiskněte prosím tlačítko dole pro udělení oprávnění a zpřístupněte tak svá data.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Pokud tato chyba přetrvává, kontaktujte administrátora.","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Pokud si myslíte, že se tato zpráva zobrazuje omylem, kontaktujte svého administrátora.","Public link":"Veřejný odkaz","Welcome to %{productName}":"Vítejte v %{productName}","You are not part of any group":"Nejste členem žádné skupiny"},"de":{"Attention: this will log you out from all applications you are running in\n this browser with your current user.":"Achtung: Sie werden automatischen aus allen Anwendungen ausgeloggt.","Access denied":"Zugriff verweigert","Account":"Konto","Account Information":"Kontoinformationen","Account menu":"Benutzer-Menü","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Bitte prüfen Sie auch die Browser-Konsole für weitere Informationen.","Application Switcher":"Apps-Menü","Authentication failed":"Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen","chat":"chat","Display name":"Anzeigename","documentation":"Dokumentation","Download failed":"Fehler beim Herunterladen","Edit":"Bearbeiten","Email":"E-Mail","File could not be located":"Datei konnte nicht gefunden werden","For help visit our":"Für Hilfe besuche unsere","Group memberships":"Gruppenzugehörigkeiten","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to exit.":"Wenn Sie sich mit einem anderen Benutzer anmelden möchten, gehen Sie bitte zu exit.","item":"Element","Loading":"Lädt","Loading folder failed…":"Laden des Ordners fehlgeschlagen…","Log out":"Abmelden","Logging you in":"Sie werden eingeloggt","Login":"Login","Login Error":"Fehler beim Login","Main navigation":"Hauptnavigation","Missing or invalid config":"Fehlende oder falsche Konfiguration","msg":"Nachricht","n":"n","Navigate to all files page":"Zur Seite \"Alle Dateien\" navigieren","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"Zur Seite %{ pageTitle } navigiert","No email has been set up":"Es wurde noch keine E-Mail eingerichtet","Notifications":"Benachrichtigungen","Oidc callback":"Oidc Callback","Oidc redirect":"Oidc Weiterleitung","or join our":"oder machen Sie mit bei ","ownCloud feedback survey":"ownCloud Feedbackumfrage","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Bitte prüfen Sie ob die config.json Konfigurationsdatei existiert und valide ist.","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten, um sich zu authentifizieren und auf Ihre Daten zuzugreifen.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Administrator, wenn dieser Fehler weiterhin besteht.","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Falls diese Meldung fehlerhaft erscheint bitte die Systemverwaltung kontaktieren.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Bitte warten, Sie werden weitergeleitet","Private link":"Privater Link","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Gib uns Feedback: Wir würden unser Webdesign gerne verbessern und freuen uns über deine Rückmeldung. Vielen Dank! Dein ownCloud Team.","Public link":"Öffentlicher Link","route":"Verbindung","Skip to main":"Zum Hauptinhalt springen","this":"dies","Top bar":"Kopfleiste","User ID":"Nutzer ID","User Menu":"Benutzermenü","Username":"Nutzername","Welcome to %{productName}":"Willkommen zu %{productName}","You are not part of any group":"Sie gehören keiner Gruppe an.","Your user session is invalid or has expired.":"Ihre Sitzung ist ungültig oder abgelaufen."},"es":{"Attention: this will log you out from all applications you are running in\n this browser with your current user.":"Atención: esto cerrará la sesión de todas las aplicaciones que está ejecutando en este navegador con el usuario actual.","Access denied":"Acceso denegado","Account":"Cuenta","Account Information":"Información de cuenta","Account menu":"Menú de la cuenta","Authentication failed":"Fallo de autenticación","chat":"chat","Display name":"Nombre a mostrar","documentation":"documentación","Download failed":"Descarga fallida","Edit":"Editar","Email":"Correo electrónico","For help visit our":"Para ayuda visite nuestra","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to exit.":"Si deseas entrar con un nombre de usuario distinto por favor procede a salir.","item":"item","Loading":"Cargando","Loading folder failed…":"Falló la subida de la carpeta...","Log out":"Salir","Login":"Iniciar sesión","Login Error":"Error de inicio de sesión","msg":"msg","n":"n","No email has been set up":"No se ha establecido ningún correo electrónico","Notifications":"Notificaciones","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Pulse el botón para autenticarse y ganar acceso a sus datos.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Contacta con el administrador si el error persiste","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Póngase en contacto con su administrador si cree que este mensaje aparece por error.","Private link":"Enlace privado","Public link":"Enlace público","route":"ruta","Skip to main":"Volver al inicio","this":"esto","User ID":"ID del usuario","User Menu":"Menú del usuario","Username":"Usuario","Welcome to %{productName}":"Bienvenido a %{productName} ","You are not part of any group":"No eres parte de ningún grupo"},"fr":{"Attention: this will log you out from all applications you are running in\n this browser with your current user.":"Attention :ceci va vous connecter sur toutes les applications qui sont actuelement ouvertes dans\n votre nagivateur avec l'utilisateur actuel.","Access denied":"Accès refusé","Account":"Compte","Account Information":"Informations de compte","Account menu":"Menu du compte","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Aussi, vérifiez la console de votre navigateur pour plus d'informations.","Application Switcher":" Changeur d'applications","Authentication failed":"Error d'authentification","chat":"chat","Display name":"Afficher le nom","documentation":"documentation","Download failed":"Echec de téléchargement","Edit":"Editer","Email":"Email","File could not be located":"Le fichier n'a pas été trouvé","For help visit our":"Pour de l'aide visiter notre ","Group memberships":"Membres du groupe","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to exit.":"Pour vous connecter avec un utilisateur différent, veuillez procéder à la sortie.","item":"Élément","Loading":"Chargement","Loading folder failed…":"Erreur de chargement du dossier…","Log out":"Se déconnecter","Login":"Se connecter","Login Error":"Erreur de connection","Main navigation":"Navigation principale","Missing or invalid config":"Configuration manqante ou incorrecte","msg":"msg","n":"n","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"Aller vers %{ pageTitle }","No email has been set up":"Pas d'adresse e-mail configurée","Notifications":"Notifications","or join our":"ou rejoigner notre","ownCloud feedback survey":"Enquête d'opinion sur ownCloud","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"S'il vous plait, vérifiez que le fichier config.json existe et qu'il est correcte","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Veuillez cliquer le button ci-dessous pour vous authentifier et obtenir accès à vos données.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Veuillez contacter l'administrateur si cette erreur persiste.","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Veuillez contacter l'administrateur si vous pensez que ce message apparaît par erreur.","Private link":"Lien privé","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Donner votre retour : nous aimerions améliorer le design du site web et nous serions heureux d'avoir votre retour. Merci ! Votre équipe ownCloud.","Public link":"Lien public","route":"route","Skip to main":"Passer le principal","this":"ceci","User ID":"ID utilisateur","User Menu":"Menu utilisateur","Username":"Nom d'utilisateur","Welcome to %{productName}":"Bienvenue sur %{productName}","You are not part of any group":"Vous n'êtes membre d'aucun groupe","Your user session is invalid or has expired.":"Votre session utilisateur est invalide ou a expirée."},"gl":{"Account":"Conta","Account Information":"Información da conta","Application Switcher":"Cambiador de aplicacións","Authentication failed":"Produciuse un fallo de autenticación","documentation":"documentación","Download failed":"Produciuse un fallo na descarga","Edit":"Editar","File could not be located":"Non foi posíbel localizar o ficheiro","For help visit our":"Para obter axuda visite o noso","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to exit.":"Se quere iniciar sesión cun usuario diferente, proceda a saír.","item":"elemento","Loading":"Cargando","Loading folder failed…":"Produciuse un fallo ao cargar o cartafol…","Log out":"Saír","Login":"Acceso","Login Error":"Produciuse un erro de acceso","msg":"msx","No email has been set up":"Non se configurou ningún correo-e","Notifications":"Notificacións","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Prema no botón de embaixo para autenticarse e obter acceso aos seus datos.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Póñase en contacto co seu administrador se persiste o erro.","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Póñase en contacto co seu administrador se cre que esta mensaxe aparece por erro.","Public link":"Ligazón pública","this":"este","Welcome to %{productName}":"Benvido a %{productName}","You are not part of any group":"Vostede non forma parte de ningún grupo"},"it":{"Access denied":"Accesso negato","Account":"Utente","Account Information":"Informazioni utente","Account menu":"Menu utente","Authentication failed":"Autenticazione fallita","Click to switch theme":"Clicca per cambiare tema","Currently used theme":"Tema in uso","Dark mode":"Modalità scura","Display name":"Mostra nome","documentation":"documentazione","Download failed":"Download fallito","Edit":"Modifica","Email":"Email","File could not be located":"File non trovato","For help visit our":"Per aiuto visita","Light mode":"Modalità chiara","Loading":"Caricamento","Loading folder failed…":"Caricamento della cartella fallito...","Log out":"Esci","Missing or invalid config":"Configurazione mancante o invalida","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"Vai a pagina %{ pageName }","Navigate to all files page":"Vai a tutti i file","No email has been set up":"Non è stata impostata nessuna email","Notifications":"Notifiche","or join our":"o unisciti a","ownCloud feedback survey":"Sondaggio ownCloud","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Controlla se il file config.json esiste ed è corretto","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Clicca il pulsante sotto per autenticarti e accedere ai tuoi dati","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Contatta l'amministratore se l'errore persiste","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Contatta l'amministratore se pensi che questo messaggio compaia per errore","Private link":"Link privato","Public link":"Link pubblico","Username":"Nome utente","You are not part of any group":"Non sei parte di alcun gruppo","Your user session is invalid or has expired.":"La tua sessione è invalida o scaduta"}} \ No newline at end of file +{"cs":{"Account":"Účet","Account Information":"Informace o účtu","Application Switcher":"Přepínač Aplikací","Authentication failed":"Ověření selhalo","documentation":"dokumentace","Download failed":"Stahování selhalo","Edit":"Upravit","File could not be located":"Soubor se nepodařilo najít","For help visit our":"Pro pomoc navštivte naše","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to exit.":"Pokud se chcete přihlásit jako jiný uživatel, pokračujte prosím odhlášením.","item":"položka","Loading folder failed…":"Načítání složky selhalo...","Log out":"Odhlásit","Login":"Přihlásit","Login Error":"Chyba přihlášení","No email has been set up":"Žádná emailová adresa nebyla nastavena","Notifications":"Oznámení","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Stiskněte prosím tlačítko dole pro udělení oprávnění a zpřístupněte tak svá data.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Pokud tato chyba přetrvává, kontaktujte administrátora.","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Pokud si myslíte, že se tato zpráva zobrazuje omylem, kontaktujte svého administrátora.","Public link":"Veřejný odkaz","Welcome to %{productName}":"Vítejte v %{productName}","You are not part of any group":"Nejste členem žádné skupiny"},"de":{"Attention: this will log you out from all applications you are running in\n this browser with your current user.":"Achtung: Sie werden automatischen aus allen Anwendungen ausgeloggt.","Access denied":"Zugriff verweigert","Account":"Konto","Account Information":"Kontoinformationen","Account menu":"Benutzer-Menü","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Bitte prüfen Sie auch die Browser-Konsole für weitere Informationen.","Application Switcher":"Apps-Menü","Authentication failed":"Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen","chat":"chat","Click to switch theme":"Klicken, um das Farbschema zu wechseln","Currently used theme":"Aktuell verwendetes Farbschema","Dark mode":"Dunkler Modus","Display name":"Anzeigename","documentation":"Dokumentation","Download failed":"Fehler beim Herunterladen","Edit":"Bearbeiten","Email":"E-Mail","File could not be located":"Datei konnte nicht gefunden werden","For help visit our":"Für Hilfe besuche unsere","Group memberships":"Gruppenzugehörigkeiten","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to exit.":"Wenn Sie sich mit einem anderen Benutzer anmelden möchten, gehen Sie bitte zu exit.","item":"Element","Light mode":"Heller Modus","Loading":"Lädt","Loading folder failed…":"Laden des Ordners fehlgeschlagen…","Log out":"Abmelden","Logging you in":"Sie werden eingeloggt","Login":"Login","Login Error":"Fehler beim Login","Main navigation":"Hauptnavigation","Missing or invalid config":"Fehlende oder falsche Konfiguration","msg":"Nachricht","n":"n","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"Zur %{ pageName } Seite navigieren","Navigate to all files page":"Zur Seite \"Alle Dateien\" navigieren","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"Zur Seite %{ pageTitle } navigiert","No email has been set up":"Es wurde noch keine E-Mail eingerichtet","Notifications":"Benachrichtigungen","Oidc callback":"Oidc Callback","Oidc redirect":"Oidc Weiterleitung","or join our":"oder machen Sie mit bei ","ownCloud feedback survey":"ownCloud Feedbackumfrage","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Bitte prüfen Sie ob die config.json Konfigurationsdatei existiert und valide ist.","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten, um sich zu authentifizieren und auf Ihre Daten zuzugreifen.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Administrator, wenn dieser Fehler weiterhin besteht.","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Falls diese Meldung fehlerhaft erscheint bitte die Systemverwaltung kontaktieren.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Bitte warten, Sie werden weitergeleitet","Private link":"Privater Link","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Gib uns Feedback: Wir würden unser Webdesign gerne verbessern und freuen uns über deine Rückmeldung. Vielen Dank! Dein ownCloud Team.","Public link":"Öffentlicher Link","route":"Verbindung","Sidebar navigation menu":"Navigation in der Seitenleiste","Skip to main":"Zum Hauptinhalt springen","this":"dies","Toggle sidebar":"Seitenleiste ein-/ausklappen","Top bar":"Kopfleiste","User ID":"Nutzer ID","User Menu":"Benutzermenü","Username":"Nutzername","Welcome to %{productName}":"Willkommen zu %{productName}","You are not part of any group":"Sie gehören keiner Gruppe an.","Your user session is invalid or has expired.":"Ihre Sitzung ist ungültig oder abgelaufen."},"es":{"Attention: this will log you out from all applications you are running in\n this browser with your current user.":"Atención: esto cerrará la sesión de todas las aplicaciones que está ejecutando en este navegador con el usuario actual.","Access denied":"Acceso denegado","Account":"Cuenta","Account Information":"Información de cuenta","Account menu":"Menú de la cuenta","Authentication failed":"Fallo de autenticación","chat":"chat","Display name":"Nombre a mostrar","documentation":"documentación","Download failed":"Descarga fallida","Edit":"Editar","Email":"Correo electrónico","For help visit our":"Para ayuda visite nuestra","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to exit.":"Si deseas entrar con un nombre de usuario distinto por favor procede a salir.","item":"item","Loading":"Cargando","Loading folder failed…":"Falló la subida de la carpeta...","Log out":"Salir","Login":"Iniciar sesión","Login Error":"Error de inicio de sesión","msg":"msg","n":"n","No email has been set up":"No se ha establecido ningún correo electrónico","Notifications":"Notificaciones","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Pulse el botón para autenticarse y ganar acceso a sus datos.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Contacta con el administrador si el error persiste","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Póngase en contacto con su administrador si cree que este mensaje aparece por error.","Private link":"Enlace privado","Public link":"Enlace público","route":"ruta","Skip to main":"Volver al inicio","this":"esto","User ID":"ID del usuario","User Menu":"Menú del usuario","Username":"Usuario","Welcome to %{productName}":"Bienvenido a %{productName} ","You are not part of any group":"No eres parte de ningún grupo"},"fr":{"Attention: this will log you out from all applications you are running in\n this browser with your current user.":"Attention :ceci va vous connecter sur toutes les applications qui sont actuelement ouvertes dans\n votre nagivateur avec l'utilisateur actuel.","Access denied":"Accès refusé","Account":"Compte","Account Information":"Informations de compte","Account menu":"Menu du compte","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Aussi, vérifiez la console de votre navigateur pour plus d'informations.","Application Switcher":" Changeur d'applications","Authentication failed":"Error d'authentification","chat":"chat","Display name":"Afficher le nom","documentation":"documentation","Download failed":"Echec de téléchargement","Edit":"Editer","Email":"Email","File could not be located":"Le fichier n'a pas été trouvé","For help visit our":"Pour de l'aide visiter notre ","Group memberships":"Membres du groupe","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to exit.":"Pour vous connecter avec un utilisateur différent, veuillez procéder à la sortie.","item":"Élément","Loading":"Chargement","Loading folder failed…":"Erreur de chargement du dossier…","Log out":"Se déconnecter","Login":"Se connecter","Login Error":"Erreur de connection","Main navigation":"Navigation principale","Missing or invalid config":"Configuration manqante ou incorrecte","msg":"msg","n":"n","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"Aller vers %{ pageTitle }","No email has been set up":"Pas d'adresse e-mail configurée","Notifications":"Notifications","or join our":"ou rejoigner notre","ownCloud feedback survey":"Enquête d'opinion sur ownCloud","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"S'il vous plait, vérifiez que le fichier config.json existe et qu'il est correcte","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Veuillez cliquer le button ci-dessous pour vous authentifier et obtenir accès à vos données.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Veuillez contacter l'administrateur si cette erreur persiste.","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Veuillez contacter l'administrateur si vous pensez que ce message apparaît par erreur.","Private link":"Lien privé","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Donner votre retour : nous aimerions améliorer le design du site web et nous serions heureux d'avoir votre retour. Merci ! Votre équipe ownCloud.","Public link":"Lien public","route":"route","Sidebar navigation menu":"manu de navigation du panneau latéral","Skip to main":"Passer le principal","this":"ceci","User ID":"ID utilisateur","User Menu":"Menu utilisateur","Username":"Nom d'utilisateur","Welcome to %{productName}":"Bienvenue sur %{productName}","You are not part of any group":"Vous n'êtes membre d'aucun groupe","Your user session is invalid or has expired.":"Votre session utilisateur est invalide ou a expirée."},"gl":{"Account":"Conta","Account Information":"Información da conta","Application Switcher":"Cambiador de aplicacións","Authentication failed":"Produciuse un fallo de autenticación","documentation":"documentación","Download failed":"Produciuse un fallo na descarga","Edit":"Editar","File could not be located":"Non foi posíbel localizar o ficheiro","For help visit our":"Para obter axuda visite o noso","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to exit.":"Se quere iniciar sesión cun usuario diferente, proceda a saír.","item":"elemento","Loading":"Cargando","Loading folder failed…":"Produciuse un fallo ao cargar o cartafol…","Log out":"Saír","Login":"Acceso","Login Error":"Produciuse un erro de acceso","msg":"msx","No email has been set up":"Non se configurou ningún correo-e","Notifications":"Notificacións","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Prema no botón de embaixo para autenticarse e obter acceso aos seus datos.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Póñase en contacto co seu administrador se persiste o erro.","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Póñase en contacto co seu administrador se cre que esta mensaxe aparece por erro.","Public link":"Ligazón pública","this":"este","Welcome to %{productName}":"Benvido a %{productName}","You are not part of any group":"Vostede non forma parte de ningún grupo"},"it":{"Access denied":"Accesso negato","Account":"Utente","Account Information":"Informazioni utente","Account menu":"Menu utente","Authentication failed":"Autenticazione fallita","Click to switch theme":"Clicca per cambiare tema","Currently used theme":"Tema in uso","Dark mode":"Modalità scura","Display name":"Mostra nome","documentation":"documentazione","Download failed":"Download fallito","Edit":"Modifica","Email":"Email","File could not be located":"File non trovato","For help visit our":"Per aiuto visita","Light mode":"Modalità chiara","Loading":"Caricamento","Loading folder failed…":"Caricamento della cartella fallito...","Log out":"Esci","Missing or invalid config":"Configurazione mancante o invalida","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"Vai a pagina %{ pageName }","Navigate to all files page":"Vai a tutti i file","No email has been set up":"Non è stata impostata nessuna email","Notifications":"Notifiche","or join our":"o unisciti a","ownCloud feedback survey":"Sondaggio ownCloud","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Controlla se il file config.json esiste ed è corretto","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Clicca il pulsante sotto per autenticarti e accedere ai tuoi dati","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Contatta l'amministratore se l'errore persiste","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Contatta l'amministratore se pensi che questo messaggio compaia per errore","Private link":"Link privato","Public link":"Link pubblico","Username":"Nome utente","You are not part of any group":"Non sei parte di alcun gruppo","Your user session is invalid or has expired.":"La tua sessione è invalida o scaduta"}} \ No newline at end of file