scwev is an interactive tool for displaying events issued by USGS (United States Geological Survey) through RSS (Rich Site Summary) feeds.
Main tab of the application, it displays events from RSS data in an interactive folding list, amalgamates those events with events from the local database and plots both on the map.
Displays events from the local database.
Those events can be sorted to match user's preferences. A filtering menu is available by clicking on the tick down left.
Event type filters available in application configuration dialog. Those specific events will be highlighted in the list.
Event type filters are pre-configurable in the application configuration file.
# Display events which type is set to 'Fake'
wev.eventList.showNotExistingOrigins = false
# Display events which type is set to 'Not locatable'
wev.eventList.showNotLocatableOrigin = false
# Display events without type
wev.eventList.showOriginsWithNoType = false
# Display events which type is set to 'Outside of network interests'
wev.eventList.showOutOfNetworkInterestsOrigins = true
scwev reads and supports ATOM feeds.
<feed xmlns="" xmlns:georss="">
<title>USGS M 2.5+ Earthquakes</title>
Real-time, worldwide earthquake list for the past day
<link rel="self" href=""/>
<link href=""/>
<name>U.S. Geological Survey</name>
<title>Data Feed Deprecated</title>
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/>
Although this application has been tested with feeds from USGS, feeds from other agencies should work aswell, as long as they are ATOM feeds.
# USGS live feed
wev.rss.feed.USGS = ""
Feeds wich URL contains 'usgs' only need the root address, the rest of the link will be auto-generated.
If the feed's URL doesn't contain 'usgs', the link should be full.
The map and the events lists are connected all together, the user may highlight on the map an event from any of the lists by double click, and vice-versa, a click on the event from the map selects the corresponding entry in the appropriate list.
Events from the local database are dynamically displayable by using the associated check box.
When displaying USGS's ATOM feed, the user can interactively change its properties.
scwev can recycle and refresh events periodically.
# Enable auto-refresh
wev.refresh.enable = true
# Refresh delay (in seconds)
wev.refresh.delay = 1800
Those parameters can be modified in the application configuration menu, but they will only be valid throughout this instance.
It is possible to import events from USGS's feed in local inventory. This option is configurable in application configuration menu. The user may choose to create the event by using its original ID, otherwise, a new local ID will be used.
scwev can be configured to display information according to user's preferences.
# If true, show distances in km. Use degree otherwise.
scheme.unit.distanceInKM = true
The same goes for the number of decimals:
# Default precision
scheme.precision.general = 2
# Precision of depth values.
scheme.precision.depth = 0
# Precision of lat/lon values.
scheme.precision.location = 2
# Distances
scheme.precision.distance = 2
# R.M.S
scheme.precision.rms = 1
# Azimuth
scheme.precision.azimuth = 0
# Precision of pick times (fractions of seconds).
scheme.precision.pickTime = 1
The displayed map(s) are based upon normalized tiles (256x256 pixels). The user may choose to use simultaniously several tile designs, therfore it is possible to specify more than one tile design.
# Tile design names
map.names = "ESRI - Ocean Basemap", "Google - Hybrid Sat/Terrain",\
"OpenStreetMap - Terrain"
# Tile design paths (ordered)
map.paths = @DATADIR@/maps/esri/Ocean_Basemap/,\
Tiles are organized in different zoom levels, columns and lines, the user should specify the way they are stored.
# OpenStreetMap's default tile pattern is "%1/%2/%3", the tile
# engine is configured to use less sub-folders...
# map.tilePattern = "%1/osm_%1_%2_%3"
# - %1 = zoom level (0-*)
# - %2 = column (0- 2^zoom-1)
# - %3 = line (0- 2^zoom-1 in Mercator projection)
# Each parameter can be used more than once.
# @note It is not mandatory to specify the extension of the file, the
# algorithm will try and fetch PNG and JPG files
map.tilePattern = "%1/%2/%3"
More information about tiles OpenStreetMap slippy map
Objects are organized by canvas in wich several layers and decorators are registered. Tiles are part of the background canvas whereas objects like epicenters, stations, etc, are called drawables and painted by the foreground canvas. Decorators may overpaint the foreground canvas.
The following table describes available shortcuts and their actions.
Shortcuts | Description |
F1 | Displays the online help index |
Shift+F1 | Displays this application online help |
F2 | Displays the connection configuration dialog connections (bdd / master) |
Ctrl+I | Displays the inventory (stations) |
Ctrl+M | Focuses on map tab |
Ctrl+E | Focuses on events tab |
F3 | Displays the application configuration dialog |
F9 | Displays the application log |
F11 | Toggles the application in fullscreen |
Ctrl+Q | Exits the application |
scwev can be launched by using the standard command.
seiscomp exec scwev