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File metadata and controls

665 lines (437 loc) · 19.5 KB

scaemv is an interactive tool harboring several widgets:

Events list

The events list displayed by scaemv is customizable. Columns can be dynamically shown or hidden, events and origins filtered.


Header context menu.


Miscellaneous filters.

When retrieving large timewindows of events, requests can be heavy on the database, therefore it is better practice to use a secondary thread (other than the one used by the gui), and also, use the cache engine can help speed up this process.

# Should the GUI be using a separate thread to fetch objects ?
# @note the interface will be responsive but this will input some delay on the
#       entire operation
aemv.eventList.useSeparateThread = true

# Should the GUI be using a cache to store objects
# @note using a cache engine will reduce the time required to fetch objects
#       but in the mean time, you should clear/refresh this cache periodically
#       to ensure that objects are up to date
aemv.eventList.useCacheEngine = true

It is possible to filter events by locators.

# Locators name
aemv.locators = LOCSAT, Hypo71,Earthworm, NonLinLoc

# Locator LOCSAT
aemv.locator.LOCSAT.profiles = iasp91, tab

# Locator Hypo71
aemv.locator.Hypo71.profiles = "OVSM Dorel Volcanic", "OVSM Dorel Tectonic", "OVSM Landslide"

# Locator Earthworm
aemv.locator.Earthworm.profiles = "EW Dorel profile"

# Locator NonLinLoc
aemv.locator.NonLinLoc.profiles = ak135_global, iasp91_global

It is possible to filter events by type from scratch.

# Default origin type filters.
# @note Those options set the application default event list composition.
#       They are also configurable dynamically by using tool button but won't
#       by saved when exiting.

# Show/Hide events flagged with 'not existing' type
aemv.showNotExistingOrigins = false

# Show/Hide events flagged with 'not locatable' type
aemv.showNotLocatableOrigin = false

# Show/Hide events without type
aemv.showOriginsWithNoType = false

# Show/Hide events flagged with 'outside of network interests' type
aemv.showOutOfNetworkInterestsOrigins = true

# Authorize events deletion
aemv.eventList.allowAdvancedOptions = true

# Highlight events row whenever an interaction occurs
# @e.g. Objects selected in cross section will be highlighted with a
#       distinctive color
aemv.eventList.decorateItems = true

# Draw pins when an event is selected
aemv.eventList.paintPinBox = true;

# Draw shadow around selected event's pin
aemv.eventList.paintPinsShadow = false

# Fetch orphan origins
aemv.eventList.fetchUnassociatedOrigins = false

# Fetch preferred origins comments
aemv.eventList.fetchPreferredOriginComment = false

# Fetch secondary origins comments
aemv.eventList.fetchSiblingOriginComment = false # 'sibling' a.k.a. 'not preferred'

# Fetch orphan origins comments
aemv.eventList.fetchUnassociatedOriginComment = false


Those options are editable within the configuration menu at runtime.


Events types filters.







Particle Motion

scaemv ships with a particle motion viewer accessible through the menu File, Graphics, Origin then Particle Motion. It is also possible to display this widget by using the XYZ button in the summary toolbox.


Particle motion window.

Data loading

Based upon the same API as scolv, scrttv and others, traces are displayed by using Seedlink and Arclink requests. It is possible to apply basic and customized stream filters.

# Seedlink/Arclink URI service
recordstream.uri = combined://localhost:18000;localhost:18001??rtMax=86400

# Stream filters
picker.filters = "BP 1 - 15 Hz 3rd order;BW(3,1,15)",\
                  "HP 1.5 3rd order;BW_HP(3,1.5)",\
                  "HP 3 n3;BW_HP(3,3)",\
                  "Landslide - BP 1 - 4 Hz n4;BW(4,1,4)",\
                  "BP 0.7 - 2 Hz;BW(3,0.7,2)",\
                  "4 pole HP @2s;BW_HP(4,0.5)",\
                  "4 pole LP @2s;BW_LP(4,0.5)"


Only valid arrivals are loaded.

The first phase of this process is the connection to the waveform server. The default waiting delay is 30 seconds, otherwise, the application stops the request and closes the connection.

# Maximum delay before calling it quit (connection + data receive timeout)
recordstream.timeout = 30

Miniseed packets are received station by station. Therefore the data quality control is executed at the end, when all stations have been accounted for.


Waiting for data quality control.

Once the entire pool of data has been verified, the user is informed of their state. Graphics generated from a region containing gaps couldn't be properly generated.


Quality control completed.

Region selection

It is possible to select a region to be analyzed by double clicking through the traces.

If the selected station streams contains picks P and S, the default selected region of the analysis will be the interval defined by those picks.


Default region between P and S picks.

Green (start) and red (end) flags from the toolbar make it possible to redefine the selected region of region of interest to be analyzed.

Filter selection

Filters can be applied to streams


Filter application.

Change active sensor

The default behavior of this widget is to display data from the station seismometer. If the station dispose of more than one sensor, it is possible to display them aswell.

Use the Stream combo box


Sensor selection.

Exporting data

Data (time / counts) from the selected region can be exported.


Data export.


CSV format export.

Magnitude density

This widget displays the repartition of seismics events by latitudes, longitudes and depths.


Magnitude density widget.

Drift to hypocenters

This widget displays the temporal distribution of seismic hypocenters throughout time by latitudes, longitudes and depths.


Hypocenters drift widget.

Gutenberg Richter

This widget displays the expression of the Gutenberg and Richter law applied to a seismic catalog.


Gutenberg-Richter widget.

Wadati diagram

This widget displays the expression of the Wadati law applied to a seismic catalog.


Wadati diagram widget.

Cross section

Associated with the Events map, this widget displays latitudes and longitudes cross section of events inside a zone of interest.


Events Map and Cross section widgets.

The user may define as much cross section profiles as wanted.

# Cross section's profiles
crossSection.profiles = Earthquake, Volcano
crossSection.profile.Earthquake.latitude.a = 14.2
crossSection.profile.Earthquake.longitude.a = -62.27
crossSection.profile.Earthquake.latitude.b = 15.4
crossSection.profile.Earthquake.longitude.b = -59.12
crossSection.profile.Earthquake.width = 80
crossSection.profile.Earthquake.depthMin = 3
crossSection.profile.Earthquake.depthMax = 200
crossSection.profile.Volcano.latitude.a = 14.807
crossSection.profile.Volcano.longitude.a = -61.18
crossSection.profile.Volcano.latitude.b = 14.815
crossSection.profile.Volcano.longitude.b = -61.156
crossSection.profile.Volcano.width = 1
crossSection.profile.Volcano.depthMin = -1
crossSection.profile.Volcano.depthMax = 3

Event energy

This widget displays the accumulated seismic energy of the events timewindow.


Events energy widget.

Events type variation

This widget displays the evolution of the number of events categorized in types throughout time.


Events type variation widget.

Events phase duration

This widget displays the evolution of the S-P duration for each station over time.


Events phase duration widget.

Magnitude variation

This widget displays variations of magnitudes over time.


Stacked cummulated magnitudes.


Cummulated magnitudes curves.


Magnitudes curves.


This widget displays latitudes, longitudes, depths, RMSs, phases and magnitudes uncertainties for the events timewindow.


Uncertainties widget.

Events map

This widget displays a geographic map on which events from the catalog are plotted. This widget is interactive. Symbols can be clicked on and vice-versa, the user can pin point origins by selection from the events list.

Display properties:

# Display pin to highlight a POI (Point Of Interest) on the map whenever
# an object receives a click
aemv.eventMap.paintPins = true

# Accompany pins with information boxes
aemv.eventMap.paintPinsWithBox = true

# @note Graphic effect
#       Activate this option to emphasis pins shadow, this option is not
#       to be applied on low budget CPUs...
aemv.eventMap.paintPinsWithShadow = false

# Auto clear pins from map
aemv.eventMap.clearPinsAuto = true

# Pins clearing delay (in seconds)
aemv.eventMap.clearPinsDelay = 5

Station stream

Ce widget permet d'afficher l'ensemble des flux actifs en temps réel des stations de l'inventaire.


Widget station stream.

Widgets interactions

Each widget gets data from the main events list. Therefore, whenever the latter changes, their pool of events, origns, etc also evoluates. Most of them are able to signal events and or origins so that the matching entity could be highlighted on the map, or the events list.

Keyboard shortcuts

The following table describes available shortcuts and their actions.

Shortcut Description
F1 Displays the online help index
Shift+F1 Displays this application online help
F2 Displays the connection configuration dialog connections (db / master)
F3 Displays the application configuration dialog
F8 Shows/hides summary widget
F9 Displays the application log
Ctrl+Shift+D Displays Residual/Distance widget
Ctrl+Shift+A Displays Residual/Azimuth widget
Ctrl+Shift+R Displays Residual/TakeOffs widget
Shift+P Displays Particle Motion widget
Shift+D Displays Magnitude density widget
Ctrl+Shift+H Displays Drift to hypocenters widget
Ctrl+Shift+G Displays Gutenberg-Richter relation widget
Ctrl+Shift+W Displays Wadati relation widget
Ctrl+Shift+Z Displays Cross section widget
Ctrl+Shift+E Displays Event Energy widget
Ctrl+Shift+T Displays Event Type Variation widget
Ctrl+Shift+P Displays Event Phase Duration widget
Ctrl+Shift+V Displays Magnitude variation widget
Ctrl+Shift+U Displays Uncertainties widget
Shift+M Displays Events Map widget
Shift+T Displays Topography Map widget
Ctrl+Shift+L Displays Station stream widget

Units and decimals

scwev can be configured to display information according to user's preferences.

# If true, show distances in km. Use degree otherwise.
scheme.unit.distanceInKM = true

The same goes for the number of decimals:

# Default precision
scheme.precision.general = 2

# Precision of depth values.
scheme.precision.depth = 0

# Precision of lat/lon values.
scheme.precision.location = 2

# Distances
scheme.precision.distance = 2

# R.M.S
scheme.precision.rms = 1

# Azimuth
scheme.precision.azimuth = 0

# Precision of pick times (fractions of seconds).
scheme.precision.pickTime = 1


The displayed map(s) are based upon normalized tiles (256x256 pixels). The user may choose to use simultaniously several tile designs, therfore it is possible to specify more than one tile design.

# Tile design names
map.names = "ESRI - Ocean Basemap", "Google - Hybrid Sat/Terrain",\
            "OpenStreetMap - Terrain"

# Tile design paths (ordered)
map.paths = @DATADIR@/maps/esri/Ocean_Basemap/,\


Tiles are organized in different zoom levels, columns and lines, the user should specify the way they are stored.

# OpenStreetMap's default tile pattern is "%1/%2/%3", the tile
# engine is configured to use less sub-folders...
# map.tilePattern = "%1/osm_%1_%2_%3"
# - %1 = zoom level (0-*)
# - %2 = column (0- 2^zoom-1)
# - %3 = line (0- 2^zoom-1 in Mercator projection)
# Each parameter can be used more than once.
# @note It is not mandatory to specify the extension of the file, the
#       algorithm will try and fetch PNG and JPG files
map.tilePattern = "%1/%2/%3"

More information about tiles OpenStreetMap slippy map


Objects are organized by canvas in wich several layers and decorators are registered. Tiles are part of the background canvas whereas objects like epicenters, stations, etc, are called drawables and painted by the foreground canvas. Decorators may overpaint the foreground canvas.

Application execution

scbev can be launched by using the standard command.

seiscomp exec scaemv