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Upload your first object inside Openstack Swift |
Object-Storage |
en |
VincentCasse |
You have got a new Runabove account and you want to use object storage but you don't know how! Take five minutes to learn it!
Before all, you need to have a RunAbove account with valid credentials, a web browser, python and pip (python packager) installed on your computer... Yes, that's all!
To communicate with OpenStack APIs proposed by RunAbove, you need to install official OpenStack clients:
pip install python-swiftclient python-keystoneclient
Now you can begin to store your data!
To be authenticated inside your Object Storage, you need to define some environment variables with your account credentials.
The simpliest way is to download a script to do it. You can find it in your control panel, in OpenStack Horizon. Then go into Access & Security panel, then into API Access tab. Finally, click on Download OpenStack RC File.
Launch this script and enter your RunAbove password:
Select the region you want to work in:
To verify if you are authenticated, you can launch the next request and you will get some account metadata.
swift stat
To upload the_object.txt file into your Object Storage, you can use this command:
swift upload container_name path_to_the_object.txt
You can verify that your file is in container_name with:
swift list container
You can download content of your object with:
swift download container_name path_to_the_object.txt
When you need to delete your object, you can use this request:
swift delete container_name path_to_the_object.txt
To begin, you can continue to discover features of your Object Storage with documentation of the client:
swift help
Now you can think about direct integration of Object Storage in your applications and use officials SDKs or directly with HTTP requests to OpenStack APIs.