- BT1: NPC behaviour - chase logic 6h @lyall
- SIDE QUEST: make perception fade with distance @outfrost
- SIDE QUEST: employee walking animation? @lyall
- possibly add proximity detection? @outfrost
- BT2: factory details @lyall
- filler junk 6h
- NPC placement and paths 1h
- SIDE QUEST: one of the following 1h
- medium-size heavy factory machine
- additional model (1 or 2) of shelf filler junk, like a bucket of small parts
- hand trolley
- [~] BT3: transitions, settings menu, menu polish 4h @outfrost
- [~] BT4: attach and test audio events and parameters 2h @outfrost
- [~] BT5: set up each playable prop and place it in the factory 2h @lyall
- prop scenes
- [~] placement
- BT6: PLAYTEST 8h+8h @everyone
- BT7: attempt to make a factory building that isn't just kenney greybox textures 3h @outfrost
- update menu background @outfrost
- camera clipping
- movement, camera control @outfrost
- outer loop - spawning, finishing a level, progressing @outfrost
- overall building layout @outfrost
- refined map design @lyall
- [~] NPC navigation @lyall
- Navmesh Gen
- actual gravity on it
- change model to raycast boys
- rotate boys in velocity direction
- create scene patrol points manager
- add looping version to manager
- NPC behaviour
- State machine
- chase
- patrol
- [~] NPC perception @outfrost
- see motion
- see environment mismatch
- see better when closer
- test a build
- linux build works
- attempt to unfuck mac build
- crawl up a wall
- it's still fucked
- crawl back down
- cry
- yep, still fucked
- get help
- thank linux gods for strace
- fuck apple fuck apple fuck apple fuck apple fuck apple fuck apple fuck apple fuck apple fu
- windows build???
- props
- fluid tank @lyall
- cardboard box @lyall
- forklift @lyall
- shelving unit X2 @lyall
- manager's coffee mug
- tools
- bucket
- Hammer
- pipe wrench
- wrench
- screwdriver
- something being fabricated
- toolbox @lyall
- re:placement props @outfrost
- environment
- fire exit @lyall
- conveyor?
- large shelf rescale @lyall
- clean table @lyall
- clean small table @lyall
- box: both sizes @lyall
- another big machine @lyall
- some more shit to put on shelves and tables
- buckets of small parts (literally could be small cylinders in an open box)
- hand trolley
- [~] work devices™
- employee walking animation
- [~] transitions (game start, level failed, next level (next prop), game finished)
- domestic pineapple juice @outfrost
- [~] menu style and background @outfrost
- settings menu @outfrost
- keyboard menu navigation @outfrost
- gamepad controls?
- audio @grimma
- Godot: integrate FMOD
- [~] Godot: set up PARAMETER_SCENE @outfrost
- Godot: set up PARAMETER_DETECTION @outfrost
- Godot: set up parameter LEVELCOMPLETE @outfrost
- [~] Godot: attach events @outfrost
- [~]
- [~] NPC
- make sure the UI click sfx isn't gonna fall over
- [~] FMOD: EVENT_MUSIC: MUSIC_menus/MUSIC_sneaky/MUSIC_noticed/MUSIC_spotted/ONESHOT_MGS-style-chase-alert
- [~] FMOD: PARAMETER_SCENE in EVENT_1: MUSIC_menus vs MUSIC_sneaky
- [~] FMOD: PARAMETER_DETECTION in EVENT_1: MUSIC_sneaky vs MUSIC_noticed vs MUSIC_spotted
- FMOD: set up sidechain between MUSIC_noticed and MUSIC_spotted, and AMBIENCE_warehouse
- [~] FMOD: EVENT_AMBIENCE_warehouse: AMBIENCE_warehouse
- FMOD: EVENT_AMBIENCE_voiceover: AMBIENCE_voiceover (note to self: scatterer?)
- [~] MUSIC_menus
- [~] MUSIC_sneaky
- [~] MUSIC_noticed
- [~] MUSIC_spotted
- AMBIENCE_warehouse
- AMBIENCE_voiceover
- [~] ONESHOT_jump
- ONESHOT_UI hover
- [~] ONESHOT_UI accept
- [~] ONESHOT_mission-complete
- ONESHOT_mission-failed