Date: xxx
Not released yet.
- [#89] Reduce font size of blockquotes
- [#90, #93] Open links in posts in a new window.
- [#95] Fix the 'load more' behavior on the profile page
- [#94] Upgrade Ember to the latest version
Date: 30-Jun-13
Bugfix release, the most important bugs from initial feedback.
- [#83] Add support for Github Flavored Markdown in posts.
- [#82] Pagination support, so now only 50 posts are loaded at a time.
- [#80] Support keyboard shortcut ctrl+enter for submitting posts.
- [#75] Set the poll interval to 5 seconds instead of 1, and make it configurable in config.json.
- [#79] Use require.js to manage templates and JS.
- [#71] Provide configuration for listening to different ips/port, listen to localhost only by default.
- [#65] Don't open a new window/tab when clicking images, rather zoom image size.
- [#43] Set Content Security Policy header for future work.
- [#42] Don't save is_my_post back to .json files.
Date: 04-Jun-13
First release, a developer preview.