Planet for the MySQL Community is a project initiated by Jean-François Gagné. It aims at making a blog aggregator for the MySQL Community/Ecosystem. The state of the previous aggregator, Planet MySQL, is considered unhealthy for the Ecosystem, hence the need for a new one.
This project is the result of many discussions with different people, including in the mysqlcommunity_org channel in the MySQL Community Slack. It would not be possible to acknowledge all contributors to these but I will mention a few.
Thanks to Shlomi Noach for having initiated the revolution that led to the creation of Planet for the MySQL Community by publishing the blog post Pulling this blog out of Planet MySQL aggregator, over community concerns.
The list of contributors to this repository can be found at the usual place on GitHub.
Maintaining a blog aggregator is not a lot of work, but it should not be on a single person. In addition to Jean-François Gagné, the following people have commit access to the repository and are able to make change to the website:
In addition to Shlomi Noach blog post Pulling this blog out of Planet MySQL aggregator, over community concerns that boot-strapped the work on Planet for the MySQL Community, below is a list of related complains / reactions to the censorship of Planet MySQL.
- About Planet MySQL (on Webarchive)
- Community vs Ecosystem
- Planet MariaDB underwent liberal facelift
- Valerii Kravchuk tweeted about being filtered
- Mark Callaghan tweeted about pulling his blog from Planet MySQL
- Planet MySQL Community: Requirements RFC
- Planet[for the] MySQL Community: Pluto Beta
- Update on Planet for the MySQL Community (June 7, 2020)
- Planet for the MySQL Community Graduating from Beta
(Feel free to submit other relevant links via pull requests.)