At the moment our API is in a beta version. This means that - although the API is already in a very advanced and stable state - there is still the possibility that different elements of the API might change (path, parameters, return objects etc.) as we are learning from the feedback of our early adaptors. We welcome explicitly early adaptors at this point.
The API supports the submission of product data including prices, media assets and packing units in production.
Date | Classification | Description |
2024-06-26 | Documentation | Added material composition and update of error codes. |
2023-11-07 | Documentation | Update of error codes. |
2023-10-02 | Documentation | Update media asset requirements. |
2023-09-14 | Documentation | Update of error codes and levels, added media asset details. Updated yaml documentation. |
2023-07-12 | Documentation | Added example and error documentation |
2023-06-02 | Documentation | Intial Version of documentation |
2023-06-02 | New Version | Initial Version of the api has been released. |
To implement the API you need to go through the following steps:
- Obtain a sandbox client in the OTTO supplier connect
- Implement the API using the sandbox client
- Contact us via the Otto supplier connect helpdesk that you are ready to submit data in production in order to get production clearance
- Obtain the production client in the OTTO supplier connect
- Start submitting your product data
The YAML specification of the products API can be found here.
We offer a sandbox and a production environment for our API. Please request a client for the sandbox environment and implement and test the API in the sandbox environment BEFORE requesting and using the API in the production environment. The client for the production environment will only be provided when you have successfully submitted data in the sandbox environment. More information about the different environments can be found here.
The API as well as the metadata (brands, category groups, ..) that you can retrieve via the API endpoint is identical for both environments, however your submitted product data in the sandbox environments will be deleted after 30 days as this is used only for testing the API.
The information about the authentication can be found here.
If you want to submit your product data, you will need to follow the following generic process:
- Step 1: Retrieve the brand id of your product via the brands endpoint
- Step 2: Retrieve the category group id for your product category group from the list of category groups via the category-groups endpoint.
- Step 3: Retrieve the details (list of category specific attributes) for your category group via the category-groups endpoint
- Step 4: Submit your product data
The following image shows an overview of the process:
You can submit your data via the products endpoint using the brand id (retrieved via step 1), the category group id ( retrieved via step 2) and providing the product data. The product data is composed out of category specific (list obtained via step 3) and category overarching attributes (can be found in the documentation of the products endpoint).
Please take into account that OTTO is using a two-stage model using products and variants.
When submitting your product data, you will retrieve a jobId together with the processing status of your data submission.
You can then get the status ("in process" / "finished") and result of your upload via the job endpoint.
The status of your data submission contains information about:
- The jobId of your data submission
- The number of so far processed products
- The total number of submitted products
Once the number of so far processed products equals the total number of submitted products, your data submission has been finished. Alternatively you can check if there is a product status left in "IN_PROGRESS" (see below).
The result of your data submission as well as the processing details are given either on the product or variant level, depending on its origin.
On the product level you can find the following information for the entire product:
The status of your submitted product:
Status | Description |
IN_PROGRESS | The data submission of the product is still in progress |
ACCEPTED | Your product has been accepted/updated in our system |
PARTIALLY_ACCEPTED | Some of the variants of your product have been accepted/updated but not all due to errors in these variants. Please refer to the result of the individual variants in order to find out which variants were not accepted and for which reasons. |
NOT_ACCEPTED | Your product (and all the related variants) has not been accepted due to errors. Please refer to the details of the product and variants in order to find out the reasons |
The errors and warnings for your submitted product.
- Each element is composed out of
- a title providing the description of the element
- a code to identify the element
- a list of details providing more details of the element (e.g. the affected attribute).
- Please see below for the list and explanation of the possible elements.
- All reported elements in the errors block lead to a rejection of the entire product. The product will not be created/updated at all.
- All reported elements in the warnings block lead to a rejection of the individual attribute or inform you about a not provided individual attribute which will not be set: The product will still be created/updated in general, however the individual attribute will not be set or - in case of an update - it will be reset.
On the variants level you can find the following information for the individual variant:
The status of your submitted product:
Status | Description |
IN_PROGRESS | The data submission of the variant is still in progress |
ACCEPTED | Your variant has been accepted/updated in our system |
NOT_ACCEPTED | Your variant has not been accepted due to errors. Please refer to the details in order to find out the reasons |
The errors and warnings for your submitted variant:
- Each element is composed out of
- a title providing the description of the element
- a code to identify the element
- a list of details providing more details of the element (e.g. the affected attribute).
- Please see below for the list and explanation of the possible elements.
- All elements in the errors block lead to a rejection of the entire variant
- All reported elements in the warnings block lead to a rejection of the individual attribute or inform you about a not provided individual attribute which will not be set: The product will still be created/updated in general, however the individual attribute will not be set or - in case of an update - it will be reset.
In case of errors or warnings, you can resubmit your data after correcting the errors and warnings.
You can update your product data via the products endpoint in the same way as you submit the data on creation of your products/variants.
Please take into account the following guidelines when updating your products:
The API only supports full updates. This means that you always will have to provide the full set of product data for your variant. If you do not specify a product data value in an update, this product data value will be reset for a succesful update. If the update is not succesful, the value will be untouched.
If you want to update data located on a product level, you will always need to submit all variants of the product as the product has to be updated as a unit in this case. Failing to do so will result in an error and a rejection of the data submission. If you only want to update data located on a variant level, you can submit individual variants without problems.
If you want to update data located on a product level, you will always need to submit the entire product (with all variants) in one call. Failing to do so will be interpreted as a partial product update and result in an error and a rejection of the data submission.
You can find a working example of a product submission JSON here.
The list of errors and warnings that are given by the API can be found here.
The constraints of the media assets can be found here.
The material composition is specified in the material composition field "Materialzusammensetzung". All details containing the syntax and the rules can be found here.