RxSwift/RxCocoa: Simplify the async tasks and provide several extension to make responsive UIs
RxDataSources: With this library we can conform UITableView and UICollectionView delegates and datasources protocols less tedious. There is a large number of delegate methods that need to be implemented for the simplest case possible.
Moya o Moya/RxSwift: Networking layer abstraction and great companion for combine Rx and Alamofire (which is a dependency of Moya)
Gloss: Simple to use provide simple API to decode and encode models.
Localize-Swift: Good library to manage localizable strings and great support for i18n convention
TextAttributes: Swifty way to compose attributed strings
SnapKit: Swifty way to make UIConstraints in code
CellRegistrable: Useful extension to register UITableViewCell or UICollectionCell when we are not using Storyboards
MRProgress: One of many Loading HUB around the iOS community
SwiftyUserDefaults: Swifty way to manage,store,retreive data from NSDefaults
Hidden features
Change Language: The app supports Spanish and English.
Zoomable ImageView: Every UIImageView had a pinch gesture to zoom in and zoom out like Instagram does