A Splunk event handler for log/slog
. Features:
- Configurable URL, token, source and hostname.
- Batching support.
- Non-blocking flush call support.
- Blocking close call support with a timeout.
- Memory pool for event byte buffers.
- Utilizes JSON handler from the standard library.
- Built for performance (no JSON stdlib encoding). * Statistics for better observability.
package main
import (
func main() {
srv := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
defer srv.Close()
url, ok := os.LookupEnv("SPLUNK_URL")
if !ok {
url = srv.URL
token, ok := os.LookupEnv("SPLUNK_TOKEN")
h := splunk.NewSplunkHandler(context.Background(), slog.LevelDebug, url, token, "source", "hostname")
log := slog.New(h)
log.Debug("message", "k1", "v1")
defer func() {
// block until all logs are sent but not more than 2 seconds
s := h.Statistics()
fmt.Printf("sent %d events in %d batches\n", s.EventCount, s.BatchCount)
Run the example against mock Splunk with the following command:
go run github.com/osbuild/logging/internal/example_splunk/
Run the example against real Splunk with the following command:
export SPLUNK_URL=https://xxx.splunkcloud.com/services/collector/event
export SPLUNK_TOKEN=x7d04bb1-7eae-4bde-9d92-89837206239x
go run github.com/osbuild/logging/internal/example_splunk/