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66 lines (53 loc) · 2.27 KB

File metadata and controls

66 lines (53 loc) · 2.27 KB

Advanced Usage

First, we recommended to read the official documentation.

Available docker-compose configs

  • php71_nginx_pgsql_full_ee.yml - PHP (7.1), Nginx, PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch (2.x) as Search engine, RabbitMQ as message queue engine

    Compatible only with enterprise edition of application

  • php71_nginx_mysql_full_ee.yml - PHP (7.1), Nginx, MySQL, ElasticSearch (2.x) as search engine, RabbitMQ as message queue engine

    Compatible only with enterprise edition of application

  • php71_nginx_mysql_full_ce.yml - PHP (7.1), Nginx, MySQL, ORM as search engine, DBAL as message queue engine

    Compatible with enterprise and community edition of application

  • docker-compose.yml - An alias for php71_nginx_mysql_full_ce.yml to simplify commands to standard docker-compose up in environment folder


Define environment variable with absolute path to the application root directory

export ORO_APP=$(realpath ~/orodev)/application/commerce-crm-ee

This variable is required

Define environment variable with application env mode (prod or dev)

export SYMFONY_ENV=dev

This variable is optional (will be in prod mode if not defined)

Docker compose interaction

Staring containers in detached mode

To start in detached mode your need to add -d option to up command:

docker-compose -p oro -f environment/php71_nginx_pgsql_full_ee.yml up -d

Connect to container cli (command line interface)

Is necessary to interaction with symfony cli commands

docker-compose -p oro -f environment/php71_nginx_pgsql_full_ee.yml exec --user www-data php bash

To disconnect from container just execute exit command

Stop containers (persistent data not be lose)

docker-compose -p oro -f environment/php71_nginx_pgsql_full_ee.yml stop

Stop the hanged containers (persistent data not be lose)

docker-compose -p oro -f environment/php71_nginx_pgsql_full_ee.yml kill

Destroy containers and data (persistent data will be lose)

docker-compose -p oro -f environment/php71_nginx_pgsql_full_ee.yml down -v

Need more docker-compose commands?

docker-compose --help

Clean up unused volumes (necessary to free disk space)

docker volumes prune