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Understanding AVIRIS-NG data in ENVI format with rotated grid

Date: August 21, 2020
Contact for ORNL DAAC:
Keywords: Python, GDAL, ENVI, GeoTIFF, Raster, Rotated Grid


AVIRIS-NG imagery like those collected for the NASA ABoVE Mission (cited below) are distributed in ENVI binary image format. ENVI image analysis software (Harris Geospatial) representation of a raster grid allows for a rotated grid such that the pixels are not "north-up". This feature allows the imagery to be analyzed in the pixel space without transforming to the geodetic space, as would be required in a traditional GIS, and preserves the radiance values as measured by the instrument. The ENVI format rotated grid can cause unfamiliar behavior when the a file is loaded into a GIS (eg. ArcGIS 10.x (as of February 2020)), such as misrepresented X and Y resolutions.

This tutorial explains the concept of the rotated grid from the perspective of a GIS user, the X/Y resolutions in two different (i.e. pixel and geodetic) spaces, and demonstrates how to transform a rotated grid (the pixel space) to north-up (the geodetic space) while minimizing distortion of the underlying data using GDAL binary utilities.

Rotated ENVI files are supported in GDAL version 2.2.0 or greater.

This image shows a single band of AVIRIS-NG imagery properly displayed within ESRI ArcMap software.


ABoVE: Hyperspectral Imagery from AVIRIS-NG, Alaskan and Canadian Arctic, 2017-2018

Miller, C.E., R.O. Green, D.R. Thompson, A.K. Thorpe, M. Eastwood, I.B. Mccubbin, W. Olson-duvall, M. Bernas, C.M. Sarture, S. Nolte, L.M. Rios, M.A. Hernandez, B.D. Bue, and S.R. Lundeen. 2019. ABoVE: Hyperspectral Imagery from AVIRIS-NG, Alaskan and Canadian Arctic, 2017-2018. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

See the User Guide for a comprehensive description of this dataset:


Command line utilities: GDAL

Download the example granule (L2 reflectance) from the ORNL DAAC data pool at this link:

Access to this data is free but requires a NASA Earthdata login


#Understanding AVIRIS-NG data in ENVI format with rotated grid

The following steps will walk you through the procedure to transform a rotated grid (the pixel space) to north-up (the geodetic space) while minimizing distortion of the underlying data using GDAL binary utilities.

Dataset Example

ABoVE: Hyperspectral Imagery from AVIRIS-NG, Alaskan and Canadian Arctic, 2017-2018

Miller, C.E., R.O. Green, D.R. Thompson, A.K. Thorpe, M. Eastwood, I.B. Mccubbin, W. Olson-duvall, M. Bernas, C.M. Sarture, S. Nolte, L.M. Rios, M.A. Hernandez, B.D. Bue, and S.R. Lundeen. 2019. ABoVE: Hyperspectral Imagery from AVIRIS-NG, Alaskan and Canadian Arctic, 2017-2018. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

Please see the User Guide for a comprehensive description of this dataset:

Download the example granule (L2 reflectance) from the ORNL DAAC data pool at this link (a free Earthdata login is required):

Extract the .tar.gz.



GDAL is a translation library for raster and vector geospatial data formats.

GDAL Conda Install

Demonstrating the ENVI format of the AVIRIS-NG Data

1. Extract the 1st band of data

The AVIRIS-NG data contains 400+ bands. Warping the entire 400+ band image can take quite a long time, so use gdal_translate to extract just one band:

gdal_translate \
  -b 1 \
  -of ENVI \
  ang20170714t213741_rfl_v2p9/ang20170714t213741_corr_v2p9_img \

The gdal_translate arguments that we used:

  • -b 1 extracts only band 1,
  • -of ENVI outputs to another ENVI binary image, and
  • the trailing positional arguments are the input and output file, in that order.

2. Print the gdalinfo for the extracted band:

gdalinfo ang20170714t213741_rfl_v2p9/ang20170714t213741_corr_v2p9_img_band1


Driver: ENVI/ENVI .hdr Labelled
Files: ang20170714t213741_rfl_v2p9/ang20170714t213741_corr_v2p9_img_band1
Size is 648, 3609
Coordinate System is:
GeoTransform =
  581226.666764, 3.86435309248245, 3.479479153066063
  7916192.56364, 3.479479153066063, -3.86435309248245

3. Examine the GeoTransform Output

The raster's GeoTransform is of particular interest here:

GeoTransform =
  581226.666764, 3.86435309248245, 3.479479153066063
  7916192.56364, 3.479479153066063, -3.86435309248245

Below is an explanation of the meaning of each element:

GeoTransform =
  581226.666764,        #  GT(0): X origin
  3.86435309248245,     #  GT(1): X resolution in the pixel space
  3.479479153066063,    #  GT(2). Represent the rotation of the pixel space from the geodetic space
  7916192.56364,        #  GT(3). Y origin
  3.479479153066063,    #  GT(4). Represent the rotation of the pixel space from the geodetic space
  -3.86435309248245     #  GT(5): -1 * Y resolution in the pixel space

In a common raster without rotated grid, north in the pixel space aligns with its north in the geodetic space. For example, GT(2)/GT(4) will be zero and GT(1)/GT(5) will be exactly the X/Y resolutions we are looking for in a geodetic space.

See GDAL's explanation of the raster data model for more information:

But, if we mistakenly consider the pixel space and the geodetic space to be the same (for ex. GIS software, like ArcGIS 10.x), the X/Y resolutions in the geodetic space will be detected as 3.86435309248245/3.86435309248245, which is not correct.

4. Wait !! Let's take a look at the metadata in the ENVI header

We can see the true X/Y resolutions by looking into the ENVI image's accompanying header file (ang20170714t213741_corr_v2p9_img_band1.hdr):

description = {
samples = 648
lines   = 3609
bands   = 1
header offset = 0
file type = ENVI Standard
data type = 4
interleave = bsq
byte order = 0
map info = {UTM, 1, 1, 581226.666764, 7916192.56364, 5.2, 5.2, 4, North,WGS-84, rotation=42}
coordinate system string = {PROJCS["WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_4N",GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0],PARAMETER["central_meridian",-159],PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996],PARAMETER["false_easting",500000],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["Meter",1]]}
band names = {
376.86 Nanometers}

5. The ENVI Header File Reference - Closer Look

(The complete ENVI header file reference is accessible here:

Spatial attributes (other than the projection definition, given as OGC standard Well Known Text in the coordinate system string field) are given in the map info field:

map info = {UTM, 1, 1, 581226.666764, 7916192.56364, 5.2, 5.2, 4, North,WGS-84, rotation=42}

The map info field lists the follow info in this order:

Lists geographic information in the following order:

  1. Projection name
  2. Reference (tie point) pixel x location (in file coordinates)
  3. Reference (tie point) pixel y location (in file coordinates)
  4. Pixel easting
  5. Pixel northing
  6. X resolution in geodetic space
  7. y resolution in geodetic space
  8. Projection zone (UTM only)
  9. North or South (UTM only)
  10. Datum
  11. Rotation

We can see that the map info element in the ENVI header provides the true X/Y resolutions (i.e. 5.2/5.2) in geodetic space and the rotation (i.e. 42 degrees) of the pixel space from the geodetic space.

6. Let's Compare

Comparing the values for these fields to the info given in the GeoTransform returned by gdalinfo:

  • Pixel easting: 581226.666764 == 581226.666764
  • Pixel northing: 7916192.56364 == 7916192.56364
  • X resolution: 5.2 != 3.86435309248245
  • Y resolution: 5.2 != -1 * -3.86435309248245

We've confirmed that the values in the GeoTransform do not represent the same thing for a rotated raster as they do for a north-up raster.

Following the affine transform equations given in the GDAL raster data model documentation

X = sqrt(GT(1)*GT(1) + GT(2)*GT(2))
Y = sqrt(GT(4)*GT(4) + GT(5)*GT(5))

We can calculate the correct X/Y resolutions in the geodetic space:

X = sqrt( 3.86435309248245*3.86435309248245 + 3.479479153066063*3.479479153066063 )
Y = sqrt( 3.479479153066063*3.479479153066063 + -3.86435309248245*-3.86435309248245 )

In Python 3:

>>> from math import sqrt
>>> sqrt(3.86435309248245*3.86435309248245+3.479479153066063*3.479479153066063)
>>> sqrt(3.479479153066063*3.479479153066063+-3.86435309248245*-3.86435309248245)

Nice. From this we can conclude that GDAL is interpreting the rotated raster's spatial dimensions correctly.

7. Resampling/Converting to GeoTIFF

gdalwarp will transform and resample the ENVI images files to a north-up grid for you, and (optionally) convert to a new output raster format (GeoTIFF in this case):

gdalwarp \
  -f GTiff \
  ang20170714t213741_corr_v2p9_img_band1 \

You can see that the raster displays in the correct location by loading into ArcMap with a basemap:

8. GDALWARP resampling options

There are numerous resampling methods available in the gdalwarp command. The default (nearest neighbor) is the fastest and (most likely) the safest in this scenario. However, you might consider using other resampling methods depending on your analysis needs:

-r <resampling_method>

Resampling method to use. Available methods are:
    near: nearest neighbour resampling (default, fastest algorithm, worst interpolation quality).
    bilinear: bilinear resampling.
    cubic: cubic resampling.
    cubicspline: cubic spline resampling.
    lanczos: Lanczos windowed sinc resampling.
    average: average resampling, computes the average of all non-NODATA contributing pixels.
    mode: mode resampling, selects the value which appears most often of all the sampled points.
    max: maximum resampling, selects the maximum value from all non-NODATA contributing pixels.
    min: minimum resampling, selects the minimum value from all non-NODATA contributing pixels.
    med: median resampling, selects the median value of all non-NODATA contributing pixels.
    q1: first quartile resampling, selects the first quartile value of all non-NODATA contributing pixels.
    q3: third quartile resampling, selects the third quartile value of all non-NODATA contributing pixels.

(The complete list of arguments for gdalwarp is given here:

9. Transforming the Entire Image Stack

If you are transforming the entire image stack to a single GeoTIFF, you'll probably need to specify the BIGTIFF output driver, depending on the file size, and you can reduce the output file size by using internal compression (here I specify LZW).

Both are creation options available through the GDAL C API which are passed to the gdalwarp command with the -co argument:

gdalwarp \
  -f GTiff \
  -co bigtiff=yes \
  -co compress=lzw \
  ang20170714t213741_corr_v2p9_img_band1 \