Visual ANalysis of timE SerieS dAta - Drosophila Activity Monitors (VANESSA-DAM) is a collection of useful tools to visualize and analyze Time series data obtained from Drosophila Activity Monitors ( The first in the series of tools is a shiny app for sleep analysis and visualization - VANESSA-DAM for sleep analysis (VANESSA-DAM-SA). For any suggestions, questions, troubleshooting or customization, please contact
VANESSA-DAM-SA is dependent on Quentin Geissmann's rethomics family of packages - behavr, damr, ggetho, sleepr, for some analysis and visualization options. It offers several advantages over existing tools for sleep analysis from DAM systems, some mentionable ones are -
Analysis and visualization of multiple monitor files, genotypes, replicates together in a high-throughput manner.
Creating metadata files for information about experiment and better reproducibility.
Producing high-resolution publication-quality figures with a plethora of customization.
Data curation - automatic user-defined parameter based deletion of dead and arrhythmic individuals.
Sleep profile analysis, various sleep parameter estimation and quantification, bout analysis, latency analysis.
Visual comparison among genotypes, replicates.
Dynamic plot resizing and recoloring.
Reproducible code report so that you can generate the figures and analysis without the shiny app from RStudio directly.
Minimizing human errors – no need to tinker with raw data to accommodate analysis tools.
A short tutorial is provided (Easy tutorial to start using VANESSA-DAM-SA.pdf) which is self explanatory and should help beginners start using the app right away.