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Lala2398 Lala2398
PhD c. | Certified TensorFlow Developer | Google WTM Ambassador

Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences - MBBI / CSB Lab Baku, Azerbaijan

Kiefer anchovy-alders0w

Washington, D.C.

Christopher Tillotson christillotson
Student at the College of William & Mary
Ronxk Ronak83x

Ahmedabad, India

Majd Al-Shihabi majdal
Let's talk about the public interest.


Minhazul Islam minhazulislam
PhD Candidate | Environmental Engineer | Water Resources Engineer | Environmental Data Scientist | GIS Analyst

Arizona State University Tempe, AZ

Fritz J. Pichardo Marcano fpichardom
I'm a botanist interested in plant evolution and systematics and I'm also enthusiastic about database development and Python focused on Biology

Tallahassee, Florida

Anatolii Kurotych kurotych
Nemo me impune lacessit 🇺🇦


Ema Fazillah Abu Bakar emafazillah
I am a slow learner, it's true. But I learn.


Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Pravin Sharma pravins02
PhD Student in Ultrafast Spectroscopic Studies

William & Mary Williamsburg, VA

Debbie Paul debpaul
@tdwg biodiversity data standards geek, fostering digitization and empowering #taxonomists. Please try #yesAnd instead of yesBut.

@SpeciesFileGroup UI Champaign, Illinois

señoritami ami4411

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Atikur Rahman arahmandc

MapBD Dhaka, Bangladesh

Gabriel Stefanini Vicente g4brielvs
The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing


Peter buke2016
MSc. Student in Computer Science | Civil Engineer | Program Manager | Geospatial | Data Science.
Liyana Jayasinghe nteej
Language independent programmer who based on Europe with keen eye on bug fixings & hot fixes on live production code.keep practise on aviation domain @skyplan

@skyplan Finland

Yvan Nollet nollety
Research engineer

Planet Earth

Sunil Janki sajanki
I am currently studying Applied Physics and Computer Science. I have moved all of my personal projects to Gitlab.

Delft University of Technology The Hague, Netherlands

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Joe O'Brien josephdobrien
PhD Student at UCSD

La Jolla, CA

Michael Roth MichaelR-geoLab
Government Major at William and Mary, doing some computer science and geospatial stuff on the side.
Hans Elliott hans-elliott99
Documenting my bad ideas

University of Washington

Sean Seandebasti

MapBites Boston

Dan Runfola DanRunfola
Always on the lookout for good Ph.D. students!

William & Mary Williamsburg, VA