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Krnlsoft Italy

holmofy holmofy
Learning rust...


Jay Amorin jayamorin
Paid to clean.

Dumaguete City, Philippines

Speed Traders Speedtraders48
Bitcoin city it gives life sustainable and to develop a good stander of life living.

Speedtradersgoldmine.Com El-salvador

John Owen Nixon johnowennixon
Avocados, Boxes, Colours, Dilbert, Escher, Fusion, Genomics, Hedgehogs, Illumination, Jesus, Knots, Linux, Mackintosh, Nutrition, Oxford, Pencils, Quotes, ...

DevOps Engineer @candide-com Bristol, UK

Tourmaline StroiliX1
Our work focuses on creating an environment to explore innovative solutions
Peter Hildenbrand dropdevcoding
DDD, System Design & Architecture enthusiast, Senior Backend Engineer @ Ivy

@getivy Mannheim

Dustin Metcalf dustinm

DoMore Media Las Vegas, NV

David Nguyen hoangsvit
A passionate full-stack developer from @ePlus-DEV

Founder at @ePlus-DEV Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

|| Prof. - Xadk3!#0000 || c4p-n1ck
Alternate Github Account to @naryal2580 👈 whoose [2FA] got simply lost. =) #peace.

One GEO-int and you know almost everything LOL.

✠Crux_Sacra_Sit_Mihi_Lux✠ ✠Non_Draco_Sit_Mihi_Dux✠ ✠V.R.S.N.S.M.V.S.M.Q.L.I.V.B.✠ ✠Non nobis Domine nobis, sed nom ini tuo ad gloriam.✠

Artes do Sul Brasil

brian brianfinkelstein
Software Engineer

@digitalpharmacist Metaverse

Simon Bronner simonbronner
A polyglot developer with a knack for Ops and a foot (maybe two) in Architecture.
Martin Amm IntranetFactory

adenin TECHNOLOGIES Boston, MA