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Dmitry dimkagithub
Will code for food


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Justin Arenstein JustinArenstein
Building ecosystems. Co-CEO @ ICFJ+. Founder/CEO at @CodeForAfrica + @ANCIR + @HacksHackersAfrica.

Code for Africa Africa

Matheus Assis AssisrMatheus
People say they love code. I say I live code.

@perimetre Montreal/CA

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Joshua Walker jshwlkr
I never kissed a bear. I never kissed a goon. But I can shake a chicken in the middle of the room.

@michiganengineering Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Andrew Jones aljones15
Full Stack Web Developer with a love of test driven development, statistics & functional programming.

Arlington, VA

Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


DaeHee Kim m4292007

Kyungsan, R.O.K.

Mark Anderson markemer
Electrical Engineer, Computer Scientist, and Mobile Developer

@ionic-team at @OutSystems Fairfax, VA

Andrei Neculau andreineculau
Product-minded Software Consultant

@ysoftwareab Stockholm, Sweden, Earth

Andrew Tran tranatm
Working on getting better with data.

Richmond, VA

Backend and Frontend Developer, and BlockChain developer warmice71

AParis AaronParis
Industrial Ecology at CML Leiden University

University of Leiden Leiden, the Netherlands

Samir Gorai samirgorai
Python ,C

jamshepur jharkhand

Jack Walker jackwalkernz
On sabbatical; skiing, reading, traveling, making cool sh*t when I can

@Adaptive-Network Christchurch, New Zealand

Chisom Anumba Chukwudebelu
Data Engineer | Math Tutor | Freelancer

@Upwork Atlanta, GA

Software Engineer - مهندس برمجيات SWxEng

Virtual World العالم الافتراضى Cyber Space الفضاء السيبراني

Shannon shannonmatloob

@Neat-Strategies Los Angeles, CA

Tara Kalmanson tkalmanson

Product @ Vox San Francisco, California

Gio d'Amelio giodamelio
Things and Stuff...

Seattle, WA

liz banach lizbanach
hi y'all 👋 i'm an independent developer based in portland, oregon.

freelance portland, oregon

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Kris FlawlessCasual17
Housing SHOULD be a basic human right.

Alberta, Canada

GitHub isabella232

Dan frytg
Audio Cloud & Innovation Manager for @swrlab / Focused on DevOps, SRE, JS, TS, Rust, Go, Bun, Deno, Kubernetes and more.

@swrlab 🇪🇺 Europe