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Pragyan Bhattarai Pragyan455
Aspiring Software Engineering Student.
gabrielacazares gab-caz
UTA Student (2023-2026)
Prakash Sapkota Pracasap
Frontend Developer | I aspire to become a full stack developer

Dallas, TX

Bhuwan Upadhyaya Bhuwan-Upadhyaya
Passionate to learn code |"AI & Machine Learning Aspirant | CS Student at UTA |"

Irving, Texas

Lam Galadieon
An undergraduate student from the University of Texas at Arlington.
thanh LifeLiveOn
Never stop thinking.
Richard Olu Jordan RMO1749
Tech enthusiast by day, explorer of nature by heart. I thrive on challenges, the hum of new technology, and the harmony of good music that fuels my creativity.

Dallas TX

Liam C. ForsythsGambit
Urbanist, Christian, retro technology enthusiast, cosmere fan, urban cyclist and connoisseur of useless interesting historical tidbits.
Ajay Kanumala aj-kanumala
Full-time data sleuth, part-time problem solver.