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Ivan Kharitonov kharitonov-ivan
Research Engineer specializing in Autonomous Driving. Expert in sensor fusion, machine learning, and robotics.

Autonomous Driving

Frankie Dong Li DoongLi
I have found many questions but I have not found the answers yet.

University of Macau Taipa, Macau

Gyumin Hwang gyuuminn

Dongguk University

Hyeonji Shin shhy01

MPIL(Machine Perception and Intelligence Lab) Korea

Yongxin Ma lian-yue0515

Shandong University China

Junseok Lee jundduck

CEE @ Yonsei Univ Seoul, Republic of Korea

Chanhyuk Lee RooibosT

Urban Robotics Lab, KAIST Daejoen, South Korea

Wang yuxiang hahayuxiang
Master in NJUPT, interested in computer architecture.

Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications 中国江苏省南京栖霞区文苑路9号

Hayden Jenkins hjenkins04
Currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science with a specialization in software design at Queen's University. Experienced in software development t
DeBinW wangdebin00223
lauf nicht weg


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Juno Seon its-seon
SW Engineer at SL Corporation

SL Corporation Anyang City, South Korea

Hochul Hwang hchlhwang
Ph.D Student @ UMass Amherst DARoS Lab

University of Massachusetts Amherst Amherst

James K J james92kj Hyderabad

somuSan soumya997
Broke Engineer

Broke Company Kolkata, West Bengal, INDIA

MARSUDTSEAL gogog01-29-2021
QuantreseachAutomation React Js 20240518 Functinal Programming Graphql Assetmanagement Java system 2024 C++ Numeric analysis202407 Rust.Haskell.Solidit


saehan Lee/SLAM in the hazardous environments himhan34
Interested in robot exploration and SLAM

FuroLAB(Field and Underwater robotics Lab) Kyungpook National University (KNU)

Guo.Fengyu FengyuGuo

Changchun, Jilin, China

Hyunggi Chang changh95
Spatial AI, SLAM, Autonomous Driving



ECUST ShangHai

Ji Ma Astrorix

The University of Hong Kong

zhongyifeng yifengzhong-cat
Graduated from Hainan Ocean University of China. Algorithm Engineer.

Xin Suan Yi Ti (Shenzhen) Co.Ltd shenzhen,China

Guo Hekui guohekui
Studying for a master's degree at CUMT

Dimension-X-Robotics Shanghai, China

Mahmoud Ali mahmoud-a-ali
PhD student at Intelligent Systems Engineering Dept., Indiana University

@iu-vail Bloomington, IN - USA

Bjarne Johannsen bjajoh
Building huge Robots.

@sensmore @GlobalFormulaRacing Berlin

killer9 ljwwwiop
go go go rush B!!! Autonomous driving, 3D Vision and GAN