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Marcio Cunha MarcioAFCunha
Prosecutor in Ministério Público do Rio Grande do Sul | System Analysis and Development - FIAP | Posgraduate in Digital Law - FMP
Alexandre Ferraz aferraz1
Advogado atuante na área de direito empresarial, tributário, societário, contratos, propriedade intelectual e um entusiasta de tecnologia.

Advogado Brasília/DF

Lucas Ribeiro loribeiro
I really like to work with computer science concepts applied to real world problems. E-mail:

@jusbrasil Salvador/Brasil

Bruno Cabral bratao
A practitioner focusing on Infrastructure, Natural Language Processing and Open Information Extraction. PhD student at @ufba. Proud employee of @Escavador


Bruno Donato Bruno-Donato
Physiotherapist, science/research enthusiast, starting to shifting carrer, from healthcare to the technology/health-tech (hopefully!)
Felipe Alves Siqueira FelSiq
Data Scientist @ Luizalabs, MSc. from ICMC - USP. Interested in machine learning in general.

ICMC, University of São Paulo São Paulo (SP), Brasil