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Vladyslav Shevchenko astrochemx
Science & Technology

Hobbyist Universe

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


emilia christy minekelleci0
working with TypeScript
Bathazare Paige BathazarePaige
Back-End Developer | Freelancer | Consultant | WordPress + WooCommerce +Elementor | 😎🇨🇲, Technical skills to digitize Africa ! Tech Love


kalProject-old kalproject-old

kalProject-old Carmen 1937, Santiago Chile

Harsh Gaur harshgaurcode
I’m a .NET and Angular developer with a passion for backend development, technology, books, and chess. Always learning and exploring new ideas.

Studybase sri ganganagar , Rajasthan India

Javier Jesus Martínez Fariñas jlcarrascof
Full Stack Developer. Experience developing web applications using PHP, Laravel, NodeJS, React and NextJS. Open to job opportunities.

Soluciones Administrativas, C.A. Venezuela.

Lee Peterson leepeterson
Full-Stack Human

Summerville, SC

@mosipamo mosipamo
CE student at University of Tehran.

University of Tehran Iran

Prajwal Bhattarai<Dev> bhattaraiprajwal
你好呀! 这就是我 巴特拉伊i!


Dmitry DmitrijSergeev
Frontend Developer

Russia, Ulyanovsk

Silas Matabane Silas-Matabane

Intern at Konecta Tembisa, South Africa

Willis Opiyo Willisopiyo95
This is my coding world, where lines of logic weave the fabric of innovation. My frontend heaven

infinitech circle Nairobi

Sheila Leon sheilaleon
Handywoman 🛠

Open Insurance Sydney, Australia

Andrea eandreaja
FrontendDeveloper.js ⊇ Coding is a creative language, and I am a multipotential creative.

Medellín, Colombia

Subhasri Singaraboopathy SubhasriSB
Information Tech Software Dev
Jullias 241web
Coding since 2023, I strive to create remarkable solutions. Explore my projects to discover my journey and skills.
Heliberto Arias HelibertoArias
Senior Software Engineer


Anino Zaridze an1no

Tbilisi, Georgia

Silviu Eduard SilwiuEduard
Coding <<Electrician <<Travel agent


Gustavo Hurtado Cristia gcristia
💻 Full-Stack Software Engineer

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States

MarkTangCd MarkTangCd
A Full-Stack engineer. I'm learning techniques about web3.


Carl Fokstuen CFokstuen
Emerging technologist. Master of Information Technology student. Front-end Developer.


Nguyễn Việt Hoàn viethoan261
No more

University of Engineering and Technology Ninh Binh

MagdielPaulo MagdielPaulo

Maceió, AL - Brazil