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Ayush Kumar a-kumar5
DevOps Engineer in making

@SearsHomeServices Pune

Brian Bezanson bbezanson
Software Architecture, Design & Development, Database Architect, CISSP-CEH. Famous Projects: Adobe Photoshop 1.0, The Oregon Trail, Harley-Davidson Rideplanner.

FIS Milwaukee, WI

Shivam kumar shivam6862
🚀 Full Stack Web Dev & Solidity Wizard for Web3. Kaggle ML/DL Expert. Passionate about tech innovation & pushing boundaries. Let's code the future! 🌐

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

John Phillips ivnext
Architect and developer. Creative, loves Whiskey|whisky. ;)

Silicon Valley, CA

Nitin Kumar Singh nitinsinghh27
Data Engineer @thoughtspot

Thoughtspot Bengaluru

Balaji K balajiCubie
🚀 Founder & CEO of Cubie Group | Full-Stack Dev(MERN, Django, Python) | Passionate about Quantum Physics ⚛️ | Innovating at the intersection of code & science.
tower fjfd


ABDUL HAMEED ahameed27

@thoughtspot Bengaluru

Bill Back billdback-ts
I'm a Principal Customer Success Manager (CSM) at ThoughtSpot. One of my great joys is to create tools that help our customers work easier and faster.

@thoughtspot Cincinnati, OH

Ashish Shubham ashubham
No business like the show business!

Thoughtspot San Francisco, CA

Yash Gupta Yashg5080
I am a Full Stack Web Developer, learning new things each day.

Thoughtspot Kanpur Nagar

Prashanna Rai rai-prashanna
It would be greatly inspiring to work with people who - despite being the best of their specializations - remain humble.

Knightec Sundsvall, Sweden

Chetan Agrawal chetan1507

@thoughtspot Bangalore, India