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Vevek Selvam vevek
Computer Science student at National University of Singapore

National University of Singapore Singapore

Gregor Bosshard gregorbosshard

@CMInformatik Switzerland

Randy Ammar randyammar
I am a Software Engineer and Technical expert with over 10 years of experience in designing and building distributed solutions.
Ralf Kinast rakispace

@Gothaer 52382 Niederzier

Marco Schmidl marcoschmidl
Platform & Kubernetes Engineer

@whiteducksoftware Munich

Esra ARAÇ esraracc
I have been working on web technologies. Languages I am proficient in web technologies: C#, WinForms, ASP.NET CORE.


Praveen Kumar NKumarPraveen
C# Developer


Andreas Weizel Rpinski

itdesign GmbH Germany

Mohamed (Farid) Naga muhfred
Software Developer.


Jitka Hübnerová jitkahubnerova
Art of SW development with value | Full-stack senior developer


Kenny Pflug feO2x
Senior Software Dev at GWVS mbH, author of Light.GuardClauses, loves .NET and C# Regensburg, Germany

Ruslan Akiev aruss
#developer, #consultant, #nerd Full Stack Developer mostly Web and Distributed Systems



Frankfurt, Germany

Daniel Müller dotnetgeek
Passionate about software architecture, domain driven design, Self-contained System and DevOps. Loves programming in .NET and sometimes in JS and Go
Pawel Kasperek pkasperek
Polyglot software architect and developer, most in C#, Golang, F# and SQL databases. Account contains only forks projects.

@kasperek Poznań, Poland

Michele Vinciguerra michele-vinciguerra

freelance software developer Frankfurt am Main

Javi HorusPi
Programmer for a handfull of bits

not saying. Spain

Ahmad ahmb
.NET Core + Framework (C#) ReactJs (Js+Ts) GoLang Flask (Python) Bash +Powershell

Toronto, ON

Shashi Kumar Nagulakonda iamsingularity
AI Solutions Architect. Cloud Architect. Solopreneur. Technology Aficionado. Amateur Photographer. Gadget Geek.

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