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Nelis Drost NelisDrost

Center for eResearch, University of Auckland Auckland, NZ

Yi Yu yuyi13
Postdoc at USYD & CSIRO | Hydrology and Remote Sensing

The University of Sydney Australia

Sebastian Lopez-M slopezmarcano
Principal Data Scientist for QCIF's Sustainable Futures portfolio #marine #ag-tech #environment #urban #climate

Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation Australia

JuancarlosMH jcmontesherrera
Exploring the convergence of Marine Biology, Remote Sensing, and Ethnobotany

Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

Bex Dunn BexDunn
Developing products to improve the characterisation of wetlands and water in the landscape

@GeoscienceAustralia Canberra

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Deepak Gautam GautamDeepak
Remote sensing scientist

RMIT University Melbourne, Australia

St33v F3RR3T
Writing bad code since 1980.

Calamia Enterprises Pty Ltd Australia

Ze Jiang zejiang-unsw
Research Associate in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering's Water Research Centre (WRC) at University of NSW

UNSW Sydney, Australia