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Vitor Venturin vitorventurin
iOS developer.

Vitor Venturin Amsterdam, Netherlands

nnehdi nnehdi
Experimenting with language models. The possibilities are endless. Excited to share the results here.


Mikhail Larchanka larchanka
Беларус в Амстердаме. Программист на JS. Ютубер. Преподаватель в @netology-code. Сейчас @sytac. Раньше @epam, @ciklum-digital, @Deloitte, @abnamro и другие.

Sytac B.V. Amsterdam, Netherlands

Jader Oliveira jboliveira

ABN AMRO Bank B.V. Utrecht, the Netherlands

ahmetyavuzoruc ahmetyavuzoruc
Software Development Engineer at KLM linkedin/ahmetyavuzoruc

KLM Amsterdam