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Masoud Banimahd dev3mike
I am a full-stack engineer with expertise in Javascript/Typescript, Go, and C#. Always eager to expand my skillset and stay up-to-date with the latest tech

Agreena Gothenburg, Sweden

Prince Owusu prince272
I am a Software Engineer focused on creating seamless user experiences and developing end-to-end applications that surpass expectations.

Online Everywhere

RustyTake-Off RustyTake-Off
I'll have what I'm having 🍩

Here and there

0xRef0rm 0xRef0rm
Just research about

South East

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


צעד אחד בכל פעם valentinobianco
Designer Developer Human

אהבה Here and now

Larson T. Lrs121
Migrating back to selfhosted git.


rolodexter rolodexter
Convergence of thought and circuit, of flesh and frequency. Exploring the boundaries between creator and creation, between consciousness and code.

DataHive Atherton, CA 94027

Bo Zhang BoZhangCS
An on-going learner.

Northwestern Polytechnical University

Abolfazl Zohoorian zohooriandotcom
Dear friends, Please,visit my personal website for more information!

@AbolfazlZohoorian Tehran,Iran

Ramtin Hosseini Ramtinhoss
Ph.D. in Machine Learning & Trustworthy AI

California, USA

Luca Brivio lucabrivio
Achraf Ait Ibba achrafaitibba
01001000 01101000 one-x-shield
Anand M aoracle
Data Architect by profession .......

I'm a full stack freelance developer with extensive experience using Node.js and Python for backend as well as HTML, JavaScript, CSS, React, and Flutter

@upwork Remote.

Khalil Heyrani Khalilheyrani6367
AWAB ML awab-ml
Coding, coffee and a little philosophy is my life.


S. M. Shamir Imtiaz Ivanshamir
Another Software Engineer.


Drew McArthur DrewMcArthur

Mathematica Policy Research CO

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Synt4x404 js-surya

Tamil Nadu, India