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Will Vincent Loar Parrone KyahWill
A generalist with a knack for learning new things.


id-2 id-2


Bismark Agyare bismark66
Software Engineer Typescript, Javascript, React, Vue, Nodejs, ReactNative, Express, AI, Langchain, css, Html, sass, responsive web design, testing, docker, SEO

@Relu-Interactives Ghana

Biwas Bhandari biwasbhandari
Generative AI developer | Building solutions with AI
Fabian Gubler fabian-gubler
Freelance DevOps and Software Engineer • Driven by curiosity • Always eager to learn & grow

Steckborn, Switzerland

Jimmy Briggs jimbrig
Striving to be a Modern Age Polymath

@noclocks Atlanta, GA, USA

Minilik Zeru Minilik94
Full stack web developer specializing in mostly JS, but also write Python and some other stuff.

Futino Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Nazif Barassounon nazifbara
👋🏽 Hi! I'm a frontend web developer specializing in Svelte.

@startino Benin, Abomey-Calavi

Jonas Lindberg eksno
CTO @startino

@startino Thailand, Chiang Mai

Jorge Lewis antopiahk
CEO @startino | Building the software ideas of entrepreneurs into life.

@startino Hong Kong