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Griffffiin grifffiin
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The interwebs

MostlyTurquoise MostlyTurquoise
part time gay, full time wavedasher

the closet

Cloof Siu cloofsiu
EdUHK Robotics Team / Founder of Makerholic / STEM Educator

Makerholic Hong Kong

Muhie Muhie
Harry Upton harry-upton
4th Year Electronics Engineer @ University of Warwick

@Warwick-Racing England

Jammy RealJammy
boulevard of broken code
Matthew Grove mgrove36
Cyber Security & Software Engineer and Computer Science student

Southampton, UK

Skyler Grey Minion3665
Comments/discussions I write are under the license of the repository they were written on, or CC-BY-SA if there's no license. This includes private repositories

@CollaboraOnline In the world, on the internet

Aaron casheww
Electronic engineering student


Ali Khorshidi Benam alikhorshidi
* University Lecturer - Aerospace Ph.D. - Flight Dynamics and Control * RoboCup Technical Committee * Head of Advanced Technologies in PishRobot