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Nhan Nguyen nhannguyendevjs
I’m a web developer, and I am really passionate about learning web development | MEAN.

NTGVN Vietnam

Dan Percic danpercic86

@DevPlant @BanatIT @gdsc-upt Timisoara, Romania

Jeevan JeevanMahesha
I’ve always sought out opportunities and challenges that are meaningful to me. Although my professional path has taken many twists and turns.


Hicham el Allouchi WEBhicham

Tambien Tilburg, The Netherlands

Dim dimlaitman
Trying to make...

Vienna, Austria

Elia Pari ailequal

@sparkfabrik Italy

Ahmed AlSaeed AhmedAlSaeed
Computer Science Graduate ~ MSc in Machine Learning And Computational Intelligence Student at University of Bahrain

@TestGorilla-BV @citi Bahrain

Christophe S stophecom
Frontend x Design. Privacy matters.

@creadi @denkmal @paxch Switzerland

Gaëtan Bloch gaetanBloch
Software Architect & AI Engineer

Key Consulting Group France

Toni Škobić toniskobic
Software Developer @green-energy-pal

@green-energy-pal Zagreb, Croatia

Robin Goetz goetzrobin
Full stack developer working with Angular, Spring and AWS. AnalogJs enthusiast. Trying to make the world a better place using technology!


Sammy Mohamed thatsamsonkid
Lead Software Engineer @ Amtrak | Passionate about building usable and accessible UI's in Angular and React.

Amtrak Washington D.C


Robbins Gioia DC

Marc Stammerjohann marcjulian
Freelance Software Developer | Angular, NestJS, Prisma, Tailwind CSS, Capacitor


Benoit PEGAZ BenoitPE
Software engineer passionate about development and new technologies
