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ethoX eth0-02
🌱 Full-stack developer passionate about creating eco-friendly solutions 🌍

Freezy Inc

Luiz Fiuza luizfiuzaa
I am Systems Development Technician and now I'm studying Analysis of System Development. This is my GitHub, feel free to check some of my projects :)


Diego Arthur B. J. de Oliveira DIGOARTHUR
Frontend Developer, 31yo

UFSJ - Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei Portugal

Marciano Matias dos Santos marcianomatias
Desenvolvedor Ruby on Rails | JS | HTML | CSS | REACT | Node| Python|Data Science 🏙 Rio das Ostras -

Rio das Ostras Rio de Janeiro

André andrre-ls
Front-end Developer

Significa Porto, Portugal

Afonso Jorge Ramos afonsojramos
⚡️ Product Software Engineer @yldio | Maintainer of @spicetify | Maintainer of @gitify-app

@yldio Portugal

Wild ObiwanKenobee
Researcher @Guardian-io


Ana Paula Faura Salgado apfaurasalgado
✧ Crafting clear strategies & intentional designs for passionate brands ✺ Sharing my product design journey


The Coder 🧑🏼‍💻 the-coder-o
Hi there, I'm a fullstack javascript who simply loves building things. In addition to coding, I also make YouTube videos, where I focus on tech, creative vloggi

OpenShop Uzbekistan

Omilabu Olusegun 1molehayo
I'm a front-end developer and designer.

Porto, Portugal

Daniel b4u7
a human being.
Adarsh DK adarsh4d
I'm a design engineer helping companies define, design, and build successful products.


Hwang hwangdev97
The Ruthless Star Machine 🤖️

@toeverything Singapore

Fernando Bold yello-genai
A seasoned product lead and AI enthusiast with a degree in Production Engineering and specializations in Innovation, Strategic Management, AI, and Data Science.

Yello Solar Hub Rio de Janeiro

Filipe Oliveira filipeoliveiraa
Software Engineer @GLanDrive, Brand Manager @APBI and CTO at @GivingTuesdayPT

@GLanDrive @APBI @GivingTuesdayPT world.

Harsh patil harshutech
MERN Developer | Software Developer


Guilherme Oliveira guilherme1805

@Significa Portugal, Porto

Alex alexnikiforov
I'm something of a designer myself.


Siddharth Talesara sid-talesara
Full-Stack web developer 👨‍💻 | Tech enthusiast | Like to build in public and collaborate with amazing people | Building @we-markals


Vyacheslav Les les-vyacheslav
Product Designer | UX UI Designer | Ex-Frontend Developer | Focused on crafting B2C clean products.
Leo Dang amazingnerd
Engineer by education ✦ Designer by heart. Indie hacker at 👉
木头981 hehehai
✦ Web Designer & Full-Stack Engineer ✦ Web Sass practitioner, creating value using @figma and @nextjs.
Rychillie Rychillie
Software Engineer and Content Creator based in Brazil, just a dreamer.

@construtores Brazil

Shule Hsiung SuneBear
Into that town.

Shanghai, China

Rafał Kłeczek kleczekr
Shopify, web scraping, data analysis, visualization and engineering specialist. Likes cats. Dogs too.
Harold AO haroldao
| Creative Technologist (Dev + Design) | @Shopify Theme Partner | @awwwards Young Jury | Always Be Creative

@haroldao | @trafik-plus France

Paula Penedo paulinhapenedo
Frontend people person into HTML, CSS, Javascript, a11y, React, & beer.

São Paulo, Brasil

Erick Nathan ericknathan
Front-end Developer | React - NextJS - JavaScript - Typescript - Svelte - SvelteKit

Febrafar São Paulo, Brazil

Simao SimaoDias
Building @decipad Interested in everything science, music & cinema

Decipad Portugal

Thomas G. Lopes TGlide
🍨 Building Melt UI 🧡 Svelte Ambassador 💻 Frontend Human
