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Fery Wardiyanto feryardiant
Doing my best at @creasico

@creasico Batang, Indonesia

tannerchiang tannerchiang
I am passionate about technology, particularly the .NET framework. As a Backend Developer and student at the esteemed National Taipei University of Business, I


ㄣㄥ乇乂 4leX-42
Alex Andreu


Abron Studio AbronStudio
🚀 Abron Studio | Creative Tech & Design Agency 🎨 UI/UX | 💻 Web & Mobile Dev | 🎬 2D/3D Animation 🌍 | 📩

Abron Studio Tallinn, Estonia

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Tim Moses tjmoses
Engineer that loves writing custom code & interfacing hardware. I encourage open source and helping nonprofit communities.

United States

Abid Hasan Muin abidmuin
SWE | 0x311731194

@DevGenius-Lab @Bekrafter

Pavel Pikta pavelpikta
DevOps Engineer at @epam

@epam @lean-delivery Grodno, Belarus

Masroor Ehsan masroore

Apex Biotech Ltd. /dev/null

Mustapha Mushi mustaphamushi
Webflow Pro & Full-Stack Developer

Ansot Guangzhou, China

Danial Manavi DManavi
Senior Full-stack Software Engineer


Pavel roghpav
Electronics engineer
Trần Phúc Hậu hautph
Làm việc và yêu thích mã nguồn mở, thích nguyên cứu tìm hiểu ứng dụng, công nghệ mới

Vinahost Ho Chi Minh city

luchd luchd
Code, Bugs, and Everything
Ren Ventura renventura
Senior Software Engineer @liquidweb | WordPress Expert @codeablehq


reza khadem eth77re

datis turkye

kurtobando kurtobando
A developer who enjoy the experience writing web solution using Laravel and Vue, then travel during spare time.

Cebu City, Philippines

Douglas Faria douglasfaria10

For People Belo Horizonte

Rodrigo Alves Vilela imrodrigoalves
Improve 1% every day


Vinh Cao skaarlcooper
Sophomore Economics dropout to pursue a career in DevSecOps.
Mike Alberts dawebmastaa

Rule The Web LLC Portland, ME USA

Salahuddin Hairai od3n
Full Stack Developer #php #laravel #go #nodejs #reactjs #vuejs #aws #gcp #devops #serverless

@aplikasikreatif Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Arne Hendriksen arnehendriksen
Designer, developer, solopreneur. Owner of @mediaboutique.

Media Boutique The Netherlands

MRX ayoubaitouhmad
👋 Show me your code ,And I will tell you who you are


Michael Salaverry barakplasma
Senior Fullstack Web Developer.

QurisAI Tel Aviv, Israel

M Haidar Hanif mhaidarhanif
✨ Helping people in software, web, design, career, life. 🐻@bearmentor 🐱@catamyst 🐶@dogokit 🏯@bandungdevcom

@bearmentor @bearmentor-community Jakarta-Bandung-Bali, Indonesia

Cody Fitzpatrick CodyFitzpatrick
Computer (Software) Engineer via UF Honors. Operator of a boutique web firm since high school. Entrepreneur with a few imperfect B2B & B2C companies.

OrbitalOne,, & more.. Fort Lauderdale, FL

Kyle Kurtz kjkurtz

@FlourishHealth Minnesota, USA

Mohamad Fadhil sdil
You are my sunshine

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

🏔️ Peak peaklabs-dev
👨‍💻 Full-Time Entrepreneur & 👨‍🍳 Core Developer at @coollabsio on

@coollabsio 🏔️ Peak One

Jay Rogers jaydrogers
I’m a DevOps engineer who accidentally ended up in application & user-experience design. 🤖🎨

@serversideup Milwaukee, WI