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Ben Miner benminer

@scope3data, @getampt Nashville, TN.

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Gabe Mersy gmersy
CS PhD student @ UChicago


Ryan Sholin ryansholin
Full-Stack Web Sustainability. Formerly Automattic/WPVIP/Gannett, now consulting at Overt Impact.

Overt Impact Ashburn, VA

Deji Adepetun dejstheman

London, United Kingdom

François Saint-Jacques fsaintjacques
Jack of all trades, master of none. Unhealthy addiction to write prototypes only within the shell.

Montréal, Québec

James Robertson james-a-rob
bpetit bpetit
Ops and dev, full-time learner. Working to lower damages of tech on the environment and get the best of it. Co-founder of @hubblo-org & @Boavizta

@hubblo-org France

Kelsey Leftwich kelseyleftwich

@scope3data Kansas City, MO

Mikko Kotila mikkokotila
you like computers, I like computers

gate gate that's it

Guillaume Lochon Judor

Université de Bordeaux

Samuel Rincé samuelrince
Lead AI Architect @Alygne. Co-Founder of @genai-impact. Open source contributor @Boavizta. Working on sustainable AI. 🤖🌱

Alygne Paris

Andrew Sweeney asweeney86
CTO & Co-Founder at Scope3

Scope3 New York