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Barnone Barnonewdm

Siemens Healthineers Shanghai, CH

Abdhilahi R. Wabwire AbdhilahiRWabwire
Software Developer

Hyaena Technologies

Dasu Koda 22MH1A04H3
I am an aspiring Design and Verification Engineer with a strong passion for the VLSI and semiconductor domain. Currently pursuing my engineering in Electronics
fetch150zy fetch150zy

Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, ICT China Beijing

Q.X. Chen 0rd1narY1
School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University. Integrated Circuit. RISC-V

Nanjing University Nanjing, China

橘生淮北 Atopos17
20岁,大学生,Gitee同名,喜欢MacOS,Communist,Atopos_17,独一无二的17,和灵魂,有事情可以邮件联系,@yahoo.com与Gmail.com同名,在学习C/C++或者一些Operating System的一些东西,TCP/IP的一些东西也可以,在准备考研,但考不上。很爱@Crane19

@ california

M K Fahim Shahariar mkfahim
Undergrad Researcher at KUET

@Khulna-University-of-Eng-and-Tech Dhaka, Bangladesh

Boxin Zheng bbooxxx
Major: Integrated Circuit Design I'm a grade 2022 undergraduate from Peking university, and I want to learn about coding eagerly.

peking university Yiheyuan Road 5, Haidian District, Beijing

Israel Zúñiga de la Mora israelzuniga
I build distributed and highly scalable solutions for Companies, Startups and Scientific Organizations

Isle of Wight, UK

Zhao Tao Chris-zt
A student at the University of Science and Technology of China

中国科学技术大学 中国 安徽

Mehanathan MehanathanS

Intel Corporation Bangalore, India

Sn snnbyyds
NJU Undergrad (2024) | LineageOS Enthusiast | C/C++ Developer

Nanjing University China

Risky Akbar rhysqi
Have interest in software research. Also worked in System Software Engineer field

Medan, Indonesia

Tharun TharunPR
Passionate Electronics Engineerr

Chennai, India

Yusheng (Ethan) Su yushengsu-thu
#ML #NLP #LLM Goal: Building a model toward AGI.

Tsinghua University (Graduated) California, USA

Avani P Gajallewar avanig1834

Dr. SPM IIIT Naya Raipur Raipur, Chhattisgarsh

扫地升 ai408
Yifu Xu xyfgemini

Nankai University Shanghai, China

A2B TheFermionGuy
Electronics and Communication Engineering Student @ RV College of Engineering

RVCE Bangalore,Karnataka,India

sxfhaifeng sxfhaifeng
fabric framework and test