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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Benji gbenjii

Budapesti Műszaki SZC Than Károly Technikum és Szakképző Iskola Wesselényi Miklós Telephelye

Cubebanyasz misike12
Welcome here!

Hungary Budapest

Simson is my life

BMSZC Wesselényi miklós műszaki technikum Hungary

Merényi Miklós merenyimiklos
Software Developer at @offsite-solutions. Mainly working with @android, @flutter

@offsite-solutions Budapest

Patrik The1WaterBottle
I'm an 18 year old IT student from Hungary learning C++ and python


Ákos Zahoránszky akoos1204
Developing a discord bot, creating small projects.


vamtic vamtic

vamtic HUN

Giczy Gergő Ákos aggiczy
I have a Discord bot - RangerBot. For more check out my profile readme.

RangerBot Hungary

Solti Csongor Péter CsPS0
High School Student

Hungary, Pest County

gnutard gnutard
C >>>>>

- earth

Patrik Szabó PatrikSzaboHU
Software Dev Student from 🇭🇺 Hungary! Discord: cablesalty

Hungary, Budapest

Blaxyy blaxyy
17 y/o who loves to code and to try out new things in technology.


Csontos Kincső doomhyena
Software Developer- and Tester

Schola Europa Academy Hungary, Budapest

bea benniecode
autistic and awesome dc: benniecode


Junghausz Benedek Sz0msz3dvagy0k
Mother says I was a dancer before I could walk. She says I began to sing long before I could talk. And I've often wondered, how did it all start?


Polesznyák Márk László pml68
Software engineering student in high school

@Olah-Barbershop HU

Szabó István istipisti113
programmer, maker I user arch btw neovim btw
