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Postdoc Associate

University of Minnesota Minneapolis

Mitra mghotbi
Ph.D. in Microbial Ecology and Molecular Biology of the Rhizosphere. Currently Postdoc scholar at the Dept of Biology, MTSU

MTSU Tennessee

Mike Braus michaeljbraus
Scientist / Inventor


Austin Marshall microbemarsh
Postdoc focused on microbial genomics. Bridging the gap between biologists and computer scientists.

Houston Methodist Research Institute Houston, TX, USA

Alma Hernández de Rojas AHdeRojas

NC Spanish Institute of Oceanography - Oceanographic Center of Gijon Gijón - Spain

DaniilidisK daniilidisK
Computer Science with Biomedical Informatics

University of Thessaly

Kenneth Acosta kenscripts

Rutgers University New Jersey, USA