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Dylan Gyesbreghs dgyesbreghs
Freelance Software Engineer, working for @ArxusCloud

Tiny Hold Belgium

Gangli Liu mike-liuliu
Machine learning, mathematical optimization, deep learning, graph theory, clustering.
Daniel Borek danieltomasz
Data Analysis Psychology PhD Researcher @ UGent working on electrophysiological brain activity in relation to cognitive flexibility.

Ghent University Brussel

Fabienne Thüer fabienne088
📊 Data Analyst | 🐍 Python , SQL, Data Visualization, Machine Learning | AI Enthusiast | 📈 Passionate about turning data into actionable insights


Wellington Marenga Junior wmarenga
PCEP Python certified, Data Analyst and Production engineer. Passionate about technology and the universe of data science.


Andres Algaba AndresAlgaba
Postdoctoral researcher in AI at the Data Analytics Laboratory and Integrated Intelligence Lab, VUB.

Vrije Universiteit Brussel Brussels

Tim Leers tleers
generative AI lead @datarootsio, previously research & study in psychology & computational neuroscience @ KULeuven


I strongly believe that AI will bring huge benefits to our lives and my biggest goal is to help make it happen.